Nerf Ganking Megathread

Yeah well that’s certainly not always the experience. They’ll certainly be looking for indicators that someone is ripe for baiting into an emotional response.

Nope. None. I’m sure that at one point your claim was true because ganking historically wasn’t about “harvesting tears” but now that’s what the majority of ganking is about. Oh there you go, there is a third option, maybe your views are just outdated.

You are certainly welcome to feel that way. From my perspective we only “make progress” if I say things you like to hear. The moment I have a strong opinion you disagree with then we’re back to square one. In all honesty though, I’m not seeking your approval so it really doesn’t matter a whole lot.

It speaks to intent though. If you’re claiming they are ganking for profit then there is no reason to gank ships that cannot possibly be profitable. I get that the loot fairy can be mean but there are plenty of ganks where a 100% drop rate would not cover the costs.

And bear in mind that was in response to you saying “Ganking in hisec is just targeting what you can find, with some isk value in return, and with the calculated cost of losing ships to concord.”

You can assume what you want. I have had direct involvement in ganking, solo, multibox and fleet. I’ve even had a character that used to join in the popping new players, but pulled the rip cord pretty damn quick when I saw it was just being used as an excuse to harass targets. I even signed on with miniluv for a short while and was screamed and then purged when I dared to speak out publicly against griefing.

:rofl: :rofl: So because the alt he used to harass miners was not a good he wasn’t a goon. And the point is that without goon backing he wouldn’t have even have a minor success he did have.

Early on - back in 2012 - there was “Tears of the day”. Guarantee it. Go check.

Only in that he’s humble. Tora, James and Gevlon all had some successes but the amount they blew their own trumpet far exceeded their achievements. James ultimately achieved very little.

Oh I am, I’m just fully capable of seeing through fog of ■■■■■■■■.

That’s a possibility, an interesting one, since we already established a common ground on reverting some of the old changes that addressed “hisec pvp” in a wrong way resulting in today’s look and feel of “ganking in hisec”. Hey, maybe we can come to a resolution of this. Who would have thunk.


It does not. If the game allows to shoot, that liberty is all that is required, no ulterior motives. And I explicitly said ganks and isk are not necessarily connected. It’s fun shooting peeps, like it’s fun kicking a ball, or racing the other guy to the finish. It’s a g a m e . . .

Yes, there was a blog post entitled Tears of the Day

As always, Lucas is dishonest, and distorts the context, pretending this is some prime example of griefer gameplay. This happened more than ten years ago, and CCP has still not banned James 315. The only reasonable conclusion is that CCP is ok with this blog, and Lucas is just going to have to accept reality.

Wow, that is extreme “griefing”!



In your opinion :smiley:

Not true. You gank the ships for profit as you need to keep funding the ganking. You also gank for profit so you can afford to gank for lulz :smiley:

You’d know this if you knew anything about ganking.

Sure LOL.

Drop the char name :smiley:

Drop the char :smiley:

Actually the fact that peeps still talk about James but I’ve never heard of Tora or Gevlon says volumes :smiley:

One can only hope.

By that logic though it means that there can never be any intent.

Ironic considering we’re talking about people who create an out of game blog to share them deliberately goading other players into outrage. It doesn’t stop there, if it’s just a game why do they also target streamers and record their live reactions to their griefing while encouraging their fanatics to go on twitch and harass the streamed in their chat?

The “it’s a game” angle would only work if the gankers were themselves remaining within the confines of the game, but they aren’t.

Or we could stay with reality and point out that CCP is incredibly hesitant to act on anything that occurs on third party platforms.

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Why wouldn’t it? You are engaging in a meta part of the game right now :smiley:

LOL, the only thing you engage in is the forums my guy :smiley:

Not really. It provides good views and good publicity.

Man. The jealously is strong huh?

I’m sorry bruv, no one will read your blog :smiley:

Why do streamers record their own live reactions?

Should we ban the streamers?


You don’t know the story, and I’m certainly not going to tell it you. James needed no-one’s help to make money. He had green fingers where that was concerned, and Aiko’s the same - folk just can’t stop depositing ISK in that account of hers!

You are right, Lucas, there were indeed a few blogposts titled ‘Tears of the Day’ on Minerbumping, in 2012 - (I’ll go back and have a good chortle when I’m done here!).

There were 5 such posts in August and 4 in September of that year (James never continued it) - out of a total of 113 total posts for the 2 months.

But yes, you were right. (See? It’s easily done - and I gained from the experience!).

:rofl: That’s OK, I have no real interest in waiting around to see what you can make up anyway.

Great! Now you be right about something and I can do the same.

Bro you live here :smiley:

Nope, that would make you fail your exam for logic. You cannot draw conclusions from an empty box other than it’s empty.

From logic to the math chapter on hyperboles ? Only in this thread.
The deliberate goal is to extort ISK, which is good business, not tears because those don’t have ISK value. The violence following a refusal to pay the ISK is bad business, because it drives up the working costs of the operation (that’s the rp element in play).
In EvE there are consequences to bad behaviour. Producing salt and tears, or worse, may land you on a blog. That’s still better than landing yourself on a ticket for (alleged) griefing and threatening, no ?

As to streamers, almost all of them know how to take precautions against ganking and are not interfered with at all (Merk, Pando, Brisc, BjornBee, Marquee, EVElog, to name a few). They are not above the rest of EvE. One guy got cocky in bloody Caldari hisec…, and was (only) bumped last week. Big deal eh ? Major crime against humanity, a sign of the utmost toxicity. Btw, fanatics do not need any encouragement. Then again, overreactions beget more reactions. Last week’s incident had a clear starting point.

Oh, wow, here’s another one: Tears of the Day

Hey, this is great stuff - that James fellow sounds like my kinda guy!



Did I read that right @Lucas_Kell that you took part in griefing new players?

That is not cool. That has never been ok.

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Lucas tried to grief newbs, but he wasn’t any good at it.

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I expect this is a lie as well :smiley: Although I wouldn’t put it past him to grief people.

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Does that mean he slipped under ccp’s radar ? Slippery ! Very slippery !

Dear me. How on earth do you manage to appear more obnoxious in victory than you are in defeat?

Because you can’t be defeated!!

Now I get it! :grin:

I’m not sure what would be gained by this lie.

Either he has griefed new players and his guilt over doing such a shitty thing is making him project his motives for ganking onto other people. Thereby eroding his position as someone who campaigns for ganking to be removed.


He lied and is actively griefing gankers currently by making ■■■■ up to smear them in the forums outside of the game.

There isn’t a win in this scenario.

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You gotta realize bro, he isn’t exactly rational.

He wants to “win” in his mind by whatever means.

He has to say hes done ganking because he’s already been exposed that he has no clear knowledge of actual ganking.

Also the stories he claimed are very familar. I’m 98% certain I know whose alt he is LOL.


Most antigankers are failed griefers, and they try to “grief the griefers” because they are salty someone else is better at the game. This is certainly the case with Lucas, who tried ganking but flunked out of ganker training.

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