Nerf Ganking Megathread

He confessed.

As I said, most antigankers are griefers, who tried ganking and failed. They antigank to get “revenge” on the gankers, because they are jealous that another player is demonstratably better at the game. CCP Rattati stated at FanFest that he conducted “extensive research” and found that the ganking community and the griefing community are two separate communities. Griefers, like Lucas Kell, simply don’t have the patience or skill for ganking, so they resort to griefing tactics like spamming the forum.


I don’t think spamming the forums is griefing. Or we’d have to beat Gix with the naughty bat. What is griefing is making up lies to try and smear perfectly honest gankers with his own motives. That smacks of harassment to me.

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It really depends on what the eve-mails were, and if they were designed to provoke those responses. If they were then absolutely that’s griefing.

I’ve pointed out facts. I get that because you disagree with them you’ll claim they are lies but that doesn’t stop them being facts. My motive was never to grief and it was the attempts to get me to cross that line that made me takes a serious look at the state of ganking.

That’s exactly what a griefer would say…


Surely, facts cannot be disputed, Lucas. Opinions, however…

You openly admitted at griefing newbros. You crossed that line.

It is not a fact to state that all/most gankers do so out of a desire to elicit an emotional response. That is at best you projecting your motives for ganking on to them at worst a lie to paint them in a bad light. There is nothing of fact about that. Maybe if we are being generous it’s an unfounded opinion. However when viewed through the lens of your agenda to get ganking removed it’s more likely the smear campaign.

As I said posts ago, in the “wrong” examples, those that do not support your justified indignation at real griefing, they’re only called griefing by you because the victim had the worst possible of reactions: saltiness, tears, or worse.
In other words, and to spell it out so there can be no mistake, you’ve landed yourself in a position where any “non-consensual” pvp, even in the darkest of places with -1.0 security, becomes griefing if the victim takes offense.
THAT is an untenable position. And I’m sure this is what’s next, and the only thing to blame is what you wrote.
game over


Nope, gankers dispute facts all the time.

I disagree.

No I haven’t. If you shoot someone and they get outraged, that’s not grief. If you send them a genuine RP email, that’s not grief. If you send them a carefully constructed communication or drag them into a chat to poke them into being angry so you and your creepy mates can jerk off over their responses, that’s griefing. I know you’re smart enough to understand this hence my statement that you’re being disingenuous.

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Current rules do not allow you to take a move back. The mails don’t have to be well-constructed to provoke a response. A ship loss is often more than enough provocation for salt, tears and the rest.

That many gankers don’t even send mails or convo their victims (and I certainly wouldn’t if local was filled with smacktalk) is a detail of course.

Unless you are a mind reader then saying you disagree doesn’t put making claims about other peoples motives in the realms of a fact. Unfounded opinion, sure I’ll allow that. Presenting an unfounded opinion as fact, especially one that besmirches others, not cool.


No but apparently they allow you to move my pieces then claim I did it.

I disagree.

You disagree you’re not a mind reader ?

I did no such thing, how dare you :stuck_out_tongue:

So this is what it comes down to. An inability to even admit when you are caught passing off opinions as facts to further your agenda… and you feel you should be the one casting judgement on other peoples agendas. A known griefer both in game and apparently in the forums.


I was shocked to read Lucas’ confession to his having griefed new players.


I hope he’ll go back and delete that post. I’m quite upset, emotional…

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Perhaps there’s a secret channel where gankers (and stealth bomber pilots) are met with empathy after being griefed on the forums.
And if there isn’t, perhaps there should be one, lol.

You mean “why was I griefed” well you clearly forgot to wear your tin foil helmet which enabled another player to read your mind and know better than you what your motives were.

I also don’t make up crazy lies or try to girlboss gas light out of situations :d

Actually you stated opinions :smiley:

So if this line of reasoning excuses you, then since Aiko’s motivation isn’t griefing as well, isn’t she cleared of any accusations as well?

You got him dead to rights. Expect more semantics and gas lighting :smiley:

Actually its the opinions that get disputed :smiley:

I like how the rage starts to slip out as you get cornered. It’s amusing :smiley:

You can disagree all you want. Doesn’t mean he isn’t right LOL.

Yesm sir. As I keep telling you, he isn’t a rational person. He literally cannot admit when he is wrong or even when people have salient points.

How can we recognize a genuine RP email versus a griefer email?

Wearing a tinfoil hat is not a god given obligation

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