Nerf Ganking Megathread

Neither is using D-Scan. But you fail to do one you get ganked, you fail to do the other you get griefed in the forums.


First of all, I’m attempting to educate his boomer self on the parlance of the day.

EVE def needs more Gen Z slang.

Secondly, ROFLstomping will be making a comeback.

I am bound and determined to bring back the early Internet smack talk.

I’m also bringing back jabroni.

I am perfectly capable of rational and sensible posts. You’ll see them sometimes.

However, why deny myself the pleasure of farming a dude who lies about vidya games :smiley:


I’ve said so before. I admire parts of Lucas’ EvE gameplay, he does stuff ingame I can’t. He knows that that is my opinion of him, because I told him. As to his forum combat, he puts up a good fight, not always fair, but with stamina at the very least. I consider him a good opponent on the forums, once I got past the smoke screen he pulls up - which took me some time, yes :smiley: He has my respect for how he fights on the forum, regardless of his opinion of me.
It’s not personal, it’s EvE metagaming. After all, CCP holds all the wires of us little puppets.

And we give each other the occasional “like”, to prove the point.




If you say so. Honestly mate I’m barely reading your responses. Between you wildly misrepresenting and me being distracted by a low fuel challenge on lawn mowing simulator while my newbie fleet mines AFK, reading your posts kinda seems low priority.

Don’t get me wrong, I read them marginally more than whatever Gix posts, but only marginally.


Naming yourself in the third person is weird. But seriously, in what way is my posting “frenzied”? I’m calm, I’m mostly responding on point to relevant posts and I’m not posting at a particularly rapid rate. Just scroll through and look at how many direct ad hominems, misrepresentations and false accusations have been lobbed at me though and then let me know how exactly I’m the frenzied one here. :rofl:

Definitely not a boomer, just sayin’

That right there is blasphemy. You take it back!

Oh and between those two comments you should be able to figure out what generation I am so you can stop guessing.

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“oomph” or was it “prffffzzz” ? I forgot, and it’s too late to look up what the dev said.

Yet you nearly always find the time to respond…

I’m glad you’ve found lawnmower simulator though. Zero opportunity for you to grief newbros out of the game. A much healthier pastime for you.

LOL. So thats why you mass deleted posts where you made wild disparaging remarks that made you look cray cray?

I mean we’d scroll through yours but you deleted them :smiley:

Sounds like someone is sensitive :smiley:

My youth, you are definitely a boomer.

Don’t have to guess. Your behavior screams boomer LOL.

Based on the boomers I know, if he was to play EVE he’d have zero sympathy for newbros. Something something, pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

I’m not sure bringing back Jabroni and roflstomp is as GenZ as you think it is.

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He doesn’t have any sympathy for newbros LOL.

You yourself pointed out that fact. Its all sophistry.

I suspect its all some sort of elaborate ego thing for him.

Oh it isn’t, His girlboss gas lightin tho :smiley:

I’m sure he doesn’t even know what has the juice without Google man.

To each his own.

I have Trainz Railroad Simulator. I fire it up whenever I just want to drive trains!

You can’t take your mind completely off it, because of signals, freight stops, passengers on/off, etc.

You definitely cannot gank AFK!

The closest thing I play to a simulated job is Stardew.

Thats an interesting point. So many playstyles are AFK but ganking is impossible to AFK. Maybe it needs a buff to balance that out?


Well, this thread has been a-hummin’ tonight. But all gross things must come to an end.

It’s 00.56 here in the UK, and Sasha’s parked in station while his handler is off to bed.

Goodnight All!


Yeah but effort varies.

I’m griefing the **** out of these blades of grass though.

That didn’t happen though. I deleted something like 8 post after you and your mates mass flagged them and I couldn’t be bothered to get them unhidden.

I mean, Gix kinda has a point. I don’t have particular sympathy for newbros. I oppose griefing of anyone, but the main reason I want the ganking of new players to stop is for improvements to player retention so the game has a shot at lasting longer before PA pulls the plug.

Yeah I quite like a lot of simulator games. I mainly do a lot of trophy/achievement hunting. Got the platinum in Bee Simulator a short while back :rofl: :rofl: Now there’s a game.

This is true. The one positive it has over the abomination that is mining.

Mate, Stardew is the nuts. I love that game. I’ve got designs from when where I was planning to make a Harvest Moon clone then Stardew came out and saved me the trouble.

Weaaaaak! The Queen died, stay up in tribute.

Though I too am in the UK and will likely retire soon too.
Night mate.


For me it is all about the music. That’s what makes it for me.

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Yeah it’s pretty good. It’s on spotify so you can listen to it there too :smiley:

ROFL. Sure buddy. Ok :smiley:

I’ve never reported a post either :smiley: I don’t believe in blocking nor reporting.

Sounds like you were hiding something.


See…there you go again, changing the narrative when shown to be wrong. You claimed various groups, including gankers, were ‘out of control’. ‘Narrative’ is a complete red herring ( as always with you ) as narrative has no actual power or influence in and of itself. Nobody ever got shot by 3000 DPS of narrative. ‘Out of control’ can only have meaning in terms of actual DPS. So the systems those such as gankers hang out in are totally relevant.

I don’t say one thing on Monday and something mutually contradictory to it on Tuesday. Doing so is the true sign of someone who does not know what they are talking about.

He’s also mass reporting my posts hehe :smiley:

I EVEmailed him the loss mails tho for my ganks :smiley:

Shot up another miner for Lucas.

Got some good pics of the convo. He took it well and learned to EVE.

Unlike Lucas, I help the nubs :smiley: