There are plenty of AGs who would be happy to see ganking removed or heavy limited and plenty more people who don’t engage in AG activites who feel the same.
ISDs will be able to confim this is not the case.
There are plenty of AGs who would be happy to see ganking removed or heavy limited and plenty more people who don’t engage in AG activites who feel the same.
ISDs will be able to confim this is not the case.
There are plenty of gankers who would be happy to see mining removed or heavy limited and plenty more people who don’t engage in ganking activities who feel the same.
It sounds like trolling, because it is trolling.
And you are welcome to put forward that viewpoint and argue your case. If you did I may disagree but in responding I would respond to the ideas being presented. I wouldn’t resort to trying to attack and insult you personally to discredit the argument.
Of course you would.
You have repeatedly called me a griefer. That is a personal attack.
Who? Drop some names, lets see if they agree with you
My guy, you already been caught out in this thread. You already admitted to deleting it LOL.
Look at you, just crying to daddy CCP to save you ROFL.
For me, it just makes me laugh.
You sitting there, typing and so afraid. Hiding behind an alt. Its delicious
You do all the time bro But then you delete if you get too scared after ROFL.
How posting on the forums works:
I’ve repeatedly called gankers who drag gankees into chats to provoke them into responding griefers for sure, but that’s not a personal attack, just a statement of my belief that behaviour like that is griefing. If I have directly insulted you - which is certainly possible in a debate like aggressive - then I apologise.
There is nothing wrong with talking to other players in a video game.
That is not griefing.
That’s not what I was describing though. That’s an oversimplification.
Yes, you are deliberately misrepresenting what I do, which is a personal attack against me. Right now, you are griefing me, by repeatedly claiming that I engage in EULA violating behaviour and insinuating I should be banned.
If you feel I have violated the EULA, then you should file a support ticket. Meanwhile, you should stop trolling this forum with false claims.
This forum is not the appropriate place for you to continually accuse another player of violating the EULA, and you should take your complaints to a support ticket, instead of harassing the ganking community with endless accusations and deliberately exaggerated claims. What you are doing is “rumormongering”.
I have, in fact, made my own support tickets in which I describe at length what I am doing, why I am doing it, how I am doing it, and where I am doing it. CCP staff have responded to me, and told me that I am not in violation of the EULA, and they even commended me on my consistent good behaviour.
If you want to propose entirely new game mechanics, this is not the appropriate forum. You can go to Player Features & Ideas. This is the “Nerf Ganking Megathread” not the “Remove Ganking and Ban the Griefers Megarant”.
I can’t believe this is a sixty-plus-year-old man.
Although to be fair, pretty much every single space-Karen I’ve ever met was a sixty-plus-year-old man. Someone needs to run a study and find out why there’s such a high correlation between this demographic and having horrible, anti-competitive viewpoints on high-intensity PvP games.
Simply not true. I have stated the fact that gankers do in fact deliberately provoke angry responses from players and that I believe that is griefing and that CCP should cover it in the EULA.
If I post this in any other place you and your friends will come and lob attacks at me in that thread too (much like happened to the thread pointing to a streaming being harassed) and it would be merged with this one. It’s impossible to have any threads with opinions opposing ganking without gankers coming in and trolling it, forcing the thread to either be closed or merged with this one.
I’m not, so it’s understandable you can’t believe it. It’s just yet another attempt to personally attack me. I expect to see a rise in this too now that Aiko has become angry.
You and me both.
I’m convinced that CCP employees, GMs and ISD officials have forum alts that troll here.
And they probably read our stuff and laugh their asses off, as you said.
The more ridiculous and/ or the more serious one takes themselves, the more they cackle at at it.
Then make a support ticket.
Nobody wants to talk to you.
Then don’t. You’re not forced to engage with people on the forum, and you’re certainly not force to insult people. These are things you have chosen to do.
I don’t think trolling players who don’t play anymore would be worth their time?
I do. They probably laugh and hold contests to see who can wind up inactive white knights the most. Take bets on what they think they will respond with (broad categories)
Like, if I say this, I bet so and so will say/do that.
Well, I can’t argue with that.
Speaking of white knights,
Whatever happened to Tessa Springfield?
50+ posts of psychologically evaluating me, diagnosis and offering her treatment options, CCP removed them all, and she just vanished. And not just from this thread. But the other 5+ whinefest threads she was active in as well?
Is she posting in other places?
I think she just shifted whinebots? Sometimes it’s so hard to tell.
While this is all entertaining to read, they just don’t help the game.