Nerf Ganking Megathread

I dunno what resources NEPF has…but since I got bored of mining and just bring in PLEX instead, there’s lots of resources. I have quite a fleet of AG ships now…just need to get them to Uedama for some fun. I even have a whole bunch of negotiator tags…I’m not concerned about going ‘proactive’.

Sad truth

You’re sort of on the right track, but still so far.

Will do. I’ll mail you in game and we can swap info. I’m VERY interested in getting an eclipse and basically 1-shotting caterpillars and Hammerheads. Retaliator looks fun too…

QED with the Cutty Blue or Mantis looks fun but until interdiction mechanics are expanded on more I’d rather just pew pew with large torpedos instead of trying to slowly plink away at them.

Not many people out in space doing things. I always find people to kill but the QED doesn’t work. No one can actually if they are even half paying attention. TTK is super high and there is zero lock down.

You go in hot at fast and hope they aren’t paying attention.

Flight model is rancid, making flight very tedious and cumbersome. This multiplies in PvP. It’s rough.

I might not be on for a while, but send the invite and once my crew is back on SC, we will link up and do murder. We are very prolific!

let me turn this argument back on you. The current gank game is zero risk. Ganking is easy and no one risks anything. Some lost catalysts is nothing. most of the time they exploit so they dont lose catalysts even. So by your definition the game must be altered to have more risk for gankers. I agree. We need weapons on mining orca. li hit the aoe and boom! All the catalysts blow up. Lets have some risk.

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But how?

Elaborate how this exploit works.

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Incursioning is easy and no one risks anything. Their ship losses are nothing. That’s because incursioners practice all sorts of risk management in order to minimize negative outcomes and their ill-effects. This includes not only things like newbro speaches, logi classes, Logimaster and FC training programs, minimum fits, but even SRP for the ships that are lost due to ganks, DC’s, or FC or Logi error.

Abyss running is easy and no one risks anything. Their ship losses are nothing. Abyss runners count on losing a ship every x number of runs due to bad spawns, which they factor in their risk management strategies and isk efficiency calculations.

Nullbloc PvP is easy and no one risks anything. Their ship losses are nothing. FC’s tell you exactly what to do, and losses are SRP’ed or replaced.

Ganking is easy and no one risks anything. There is no risk of failing a gank because gankers have learned how to quickly assess whether or not they can kill targets. Never mind the ganks that do fail, or the fact that many, many other players doing various PvE and PvP activities have also learned how to assess whether or not they can win fights or safely run content.

There is no risk of failing to secure the loot because that never happens. On an unrelated side note, I love listening to gankers whine on Talking in Stations about how loot thieves risk nothing because they can steal loot using rookie ships.

There are no negative consequences to negative sec status or killrights, because there are security tags and ways to clear killrights. Never mind the fact that 99% of ganking characters are used exclusively for ganking.

I mean, I keep doing the same thing, and gankers keep killing me. Thus, that means that ganking isn’t properly balanced. They need more risk. And no, I don’t see a problem with that if those changes essentially nullify my own risk.

P.S. if you increase my risk, or decrease my reward, you’re ruining the game and I’ll unsub my 37 accounts.


You are so filled with BS it is comical. Any 2 day player can high sec gank now with zero risk. I started a new character just to gank and the ganker community was training me how to draw concord away in the first day. FIRST DAY!

You are so full of it.

What i suggest is CCP support the much bigger community and society of high sec miners who are sitting ducks for this kind of exploitation. Don’t worry i did all the investigation i needed to do to find out how you people work. Of course you dont want it to change.

I have seen how it works. They attack a station with a corvette at the right time, its all over the killboard.

safety and novis ordis code whatever they call themselves now are the ones who do this.

go to low and nul, we the people, the ones who hate ganking, we have high sec and ccp agrees because it was designed that WAY, as a safe zone. I say, sure you can gank and kill but you can’t organize to terrorize high sec miners. NO. At this rate we will be insisting the rorqual be allowed in high sec so we can mine in peace.

well for miners the solution is easy. Let rorquals into high sec finally. That solves all problems. People can go on ganking then and the mining community could care less. But they need to find a solution soon because so far this mining update they said was supposed to help. Just gimped us hard and the ganking community is more then willing to add more ships to their ganking to basically show CCP the error of their ways. There is another way though, make it so the more ships I add to my mining fleet the more chance we have of stopping a gank of 25 catalysts. Sure i will add 100 ships if i thought it would do any good.

i am not here to stop anyones game play but we also demand people do not stop our game play with more ships. Give the protectors the power of the gang.

A high sec mining strike is incoming if CCP does nothing. And we demand official response to ganking in high. Why don’t these gankers do this in nul and low? Because they take advantage of our pride in our 5.0 standing. It’s exploitation when we fly with a green button all the time.

To make it fully square we should be able to blow up anyone with low standing at will even if our button is green with no fear of concord going after us. In fact concord should show up to help us. To be our gang, that would be fair game play. Why should we risk being criminals to kill a criminal in high sec?

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And how does that help them?

need more to go on.

I am not fond of hysterical forum posts. They are rants, really. I hope you’ve calmed down, Cherti. May I?

Thank you. I recall the miners’ strike of 1984 (UK). It was broken by some Nottinghamshire miners who continued to work.

Do you imagine that a miners’ strike in EVE Online will draw the support of all miners? Or even of all HIghsec miners? I confidently predict that it will not do so, Cherti.

The miners who do strike (if there be any at all), will struggle not to look glum as their fellow players mop-up the belts which have been vacated by their erstwhile companions-in-drudgery. Such is EVE.

It might work if all miners (mains and alts of New Eden) would coalesce around a single important issue and follow your (doubtless) heartfelt lead…
Such, again, is EVE.

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And I can get on 5-50 billion isk worth of kill mails while flying a free ship on my first day by joining Horde or Brave Newbies. Does that mean that getting kills in NS is too easy, or that bloc level PvP is broken?

Yes, there are groups who have gone out of their way to make it easy for newbros to participate in various PvP and PvE activities. But that doesn’t make the activity easy or risk free. There are still knowledge and skill requirements, as well as costs in terms of isk, effort, and time. The key to making it easy for newbros to participate, however, is that these requirements and costs are being met not by the newbros, by the vets who run newbro friendly fleets and organizations.

My Hair is a Blackbird

Double combo bonus beats yours. :stuck_out_tongue:


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They do. It’s called PvP there.