Nerf Ganking Megathread

Your other character lost a Mack.

in a 0.6
in Caldari space
7 jumps from Jita
without shield extenders (but two shield boosters, which is dumb fck fitting)

Stop being dumb, stop being lazy.


Goodbye Carl Stonewall, you will most probably not be missed. You chose self-pity and laziness over self-reflection and will to improve. I could name enough ways to minimize getting ganked to have people flag me as anti-ganker. But I won’t, I just detest spoon-feeding anybody but a toddler.


Actually, CCP Games can.


And have stated its a lie allready

Actually about 30 forumites will be in here shortly to deny it, and accurately so.

You were apparently fine with it for the past 4 years until you lost a ship. Then the “this is ruining the game” post pops out.

High sec ganking isn’t really an issue. It’s a minority activity in the game. It gets blown way out of proportion because even though only a tiny fraction of ships ever get ganked, when one does there’s a good chance the person who was being lazy and cutting corners will get angry, post a “Ganking is killing EVE!” thread, and quit playing for a month.

Then they’ll come back, be cautious for about a year or two, until they get lazy and sloppy again and repeat the cycle.

In reality, when the world was in a less developed and more “wide-open spaces barely ruled by law” state, piracy and banditry were relatively common activities. EVE is just pushing that metaphor to a galactic stage, and it’s a perfectly reasonable extrapolation from both an EVE lore and even a real world point of view.

The actual problems with the game are due to the core game design. One aspect of this is that even suicide ganking is simply reduced to a profit/loss calculation with no truly significant long-term consequences. There are many other more important problems.

At any rate, feel free to pop back in another few years after you get over your loss. Do try to fit your ship better next time though. And maybe pay attention to local and d-scan.


I agree some long term consequences, -10 sec status is the starting point, lets go -20, -100, -5000, -1m

whiny miners 4

  1. You are clearly a highsecganker and biased

  2. Tell me the ways? Everyone in EVE knows, that everytime you log on in highsec you roll a dice, and there is a chance you get shot - more or less regardless of the ship. Tell me a mining ship i can use ty.

Why are you so lazy, work it out yourself, its not like this is the first thread on ganking in the history of eve


You can use any mining ship you want, provided you pay me 100 million isk and register with the New Order Mining Authority.

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“You were apparently fine with it for the past 4 years until you lost a ship. Then the “this is ruining the game” post pops out.”

“High sec ganking isn’t really an issue. It’s a minority activity in the game”

Simply not true. I’ve been mining in highsec for about 3 weeks and been ganked at two separate situations.

I did, point for point. But accepting that you’d have to admit that it’s actually your own fault.

I deny that.

If they quit EVE after HS suicide ganking, they didn’t follow the unwritten rules:
1.) Don’t fly what you can’t afford to loose!
2.) No place is save in EVE, fly accordingly!

I’ve been ganked, loosing stuff that I thought way safer then it actually was. I’ve taken ‘breaks’ because of it. But that danger makes EVE what it is.

What I find strange is that people keep trying to ‘fix’ EVE to make it a game that is liked by everyone. You want to change Football/Rugby/Soccer because most of the people that you know quit said sport after being tackled… Maybe these were just not Football/Rugby/Soccer material in the first place. The same is imho true for EVE, if people can’t stand the potential pvp (suicide gank) or the constant changes, maybe this game just isn’t for them…

Now, as CCP has (recently) indicated, there is a difference between ganking and griefing, especially regarding newbies.

As for the crews in EVE ships, that imho is a huge hickup in the EVE lore and something I mostly ignore. The ships I fly are fully automated, if I loose it, I just tell the auto factories to produce another and I let all the crew leave in the escape pods before I blow up their ship… This weird aspect of EVE lore would mean that capsoleers depopulate whole planets on a regular basis. The amount of ships mission runners destroy is massive, easily outpacing birth numbers and after a while, who would want to ever want to serve on a ship, capsoleer or NPC…

If you want you can tell yourself that suicide gankers are really evil bastards that use slaves and drug mindwashed crews they shanghai (or should that be Jitahai)…


By whining about getting killed you’re ruining my immersion. You’re supposed to be dead; dead men can’t speak.


Because you can gank people in their “safe space” makes EvE one of the most unique games on this planet.

Take it easy and learn from the experience… Otherwise, yeah, funny thread.


If EVE lorewise was some robot game, where robots smashed eachother for fun, i would never have started subbing to begin with. Sounds lame - no offense.

Eve is a SCI FI MMO fantasy game. The in-world immersion is broken in the game though, so it becomes some mutated version of that, which co-incidently is making tons of players quit. Lose/lose for everbody but whiny veterans.


Still breaks immersion of the game and this being about “game difficulty” or “safe spaces” is faulty logic. I would be glad if CCP made the entirety of highsec nullsec status, but as is - the immersion of the game is broken and the consitency and logic of the “world/universe” we inhabit, is broken by this. Second - alot of newbros get ganked which is unhealthy for the game as well.

I dont understand what you mean. You have not told me what ships i can fly to not have immersion of EVE broken.