New Bank of New Eden

Told ya.

I dont understand market stuff much but its great read. Like answering to hard yet polite questions with short answers full of “■■■■”. Also what I have understood from this so far person who helped you on your feet got thrown over board or am I geting the wrong picture?

Much like your 2 posts on this forum, this thread and one other. :upside_down_face:

All of your many posts are full of butt-hurt and lies. Your “bank” is a joke.

I refer you to the above lololol

I’m only at 26 now you desperate muppet :wink:

Your bank is still a massive scam like every bank that has gone before you. Your pathetic struggles with open communication only make it more obvious.

You have 68 posts of complete denial while the person you scammed earlier has 39. You’re welcome.

So you gonna resort to “Yo momma” jokes now? Name calling, how old are you LOL

Nobody made a Yo Mama joke.

Your bank is a scam. Evidence of this is that person you scammed and also the time you admitted having scammed that person in this thread.

My point is, you are acting like a child. And I have not admitted to have scammed anyone. Now kindly get out of my face. Goodbye.

You literally said earlier that you invalidated someone’s shares because you had a personal disagreement with them. You said his shares had “been revoked”.

A couple of us raised concerns about your decision to “revoke” someone’s shares after having sold them and you replied with your standard bluffing.

Going back on a business deal you made is called a scam.

Your “bank” is a scam.

What happened to the Old Bank?

I assume you are referring to the name?

Sadly, the “Bank of New Eden” name was taken, so I had to name it something.

Say what you want, I basically don’t give a ■■■■ what you think :wink:

Sure thing bud.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:



But fortunately you are sooooo creative… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

At least you brought enough for everyone.

As a licensed trader, investment connoisseur and in game scammer after much talk, consideration and based on previous actions by this corporation give it a rating of no more than SD which as anyone knows Non-Investment Grade this means really low quality speculation material it also means this person is selectively defaulting on obligations. I wouldn’t recommend stock in this corporation to risk adverse investors, investors with other very high risk investments and investor looking to reduce risk in their portfolio. If you are considering speculating on this shares that are not really corp shares demand at least 20% monthly. I do not estimate that the current business model is sustainable past month 5.

As a 10 day old alt, I thank you for your contribution.

I agree, it’s a very bad way to loose isk… but a good way to make it.