New Bank of New Eden

This whole thread is a shitpost, because trolls like you and Keno_Skir and other’s want to turn it into a shitpost and a self-fullfilling prophecy that all banks will fail, and all Banks are SCAMS.

So, shitpost it will be. I really don’t give two shits.

Everything happens for a reason, sir.

I’m not saying your bank is a scam, I’m saying your incompetent and this thread is evidence. If you would have listened to some of the earlier criticism you received and used it constructively this thread wouldn’t have become the absolute ■■■■ show it is now.

Well I mean you already did it. So…

So far you’ve been vague. Something about Ag3nt Jita making a website for you. The main point is that as a “banker”, regardless what you think of someone personally you should stick to what you promised lest you be called out as a scammer.

You voided someone’s shares. Whether you did it to settle a grudge or merely because you felt like it is beside the point. You proved yourself untrustworthy as predicted.

Except the part where I pointed out the person you scammed, and the fact your business plan is an obvious cash grab and nothing more. This is backed up by your relentless refusal to admit that basic rules of banking and trust are beyond your comprehension.

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The website was edited after he scammed me.

Apply the right amount of pressure and sometimes you come out with diamonds…

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I would like to thank everyone who came together in this thread to help make MD great again.

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Hey banks. I think you were morally correct in your actions to distance yourself from agent. However, this doesnt seem to be public opinion and is hurting your pr greatly.

Maybe consider paying on his shares again? Even though agent doesnt deserve it, it could very well be worth its price in pr.

It would no doubtedly help your position when the public sees you rectify an action they saw as inappropriate.

He has already scammed me and nothing can change this fact.

Youve come out of this situation isk positive. Your statement is certainly debatable.

So “revoking” shares when you go isk positive is not scamming. Tell me more please :rofl:

Thanks for your input agent. It has been noted.

Supporting scammers is the new cool thing :laughing:

This is the best worst thread ever. Story time: Over this summer I worked with this guy, who I couldn’t decide if he was an sshole or just a dumbss. The conclusion I came to is that if someone’s acting like an a-hole he’s an a-hole, but a person can act like a dumb-a and actually not be one.

So scam or incompetent? Competency is irrelevant because the ultimate effect is the same: scam.

I know personally, I’m excited to see if it it’s a scam or plain incompetence.

i feel like this person would have benefited from a guiding hand, or a social club of some sorts.


Anyone have odds on Jehle being banksy’s alt?

I have the feeling not. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him active in other threads. I’d have to check his post history (I think he might have a more acerbic posting history), but I don’t think he has the same, let’s say, intelligence levels as the OP.

If bank and myself are the same person, bank is definitely the alt.

Jehle is totally my main.

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