New Dawn Initiative: Political Asylum for Caldari Citizens

I really do not know if you are a Federal spook trying to maintain good optics for the sake of your agenda or genuinely one of the most naive people I have seen on this forum, so I am going to try and maintain some balance here until one seems more likely than the other.

This whole initiative’s goals are the destabilization of the State and spread of malicious, untruthful narratives and propaganda. The stated goals are flawed to their core, as they presume that the State is holding anyone against their will. The State is a collection of corporations, you know, and the Caldari are those that make them up. To be Caldari is a privilege, those that wish to leave, or through errors of their own, lose their employment, are free to do what they will with their lives. No-one is impeding that.

Zekaarin wishes to erect structures inside State space, hiding from corporate law under the freedoms afforded to capsuleers by CONCORD, all to further her goals of spreading misinformation and unrest.

This will not stand, and any collaboration with this project will only find you implicated for their misdeeds. You want to “build bridges” and “find common ground”? Stop offering help to blatant criminal agitators.
I am willing to accept that you are simply ignorant for the time being, but if even after all this you still choose to align yourself as such, I can only assume you to be acting out of malice instead.

Accepting help from a Federal citizen who is clearly only using their ‘assistance’ to further their ulterior goals of subversion can be seen as suspect. This is not remotely similar to corporations applying for the relevant status within State borders, there is an extensive vetting process to exactly ensure that no foul play exists in those cases.

That’s very nice, but you are forgetting one vital part of all this: This isn’t about us having suffered at Federal hands, this is about us still routinely suffering. I liberated one of their concentration camps yesterday. Nothing has changed.
So I suggest you stop treating this as some sort of unfortunate derailment of the thread’s subject. The OP makes constant, wild claims that the State is some kind of unified regime of terror and oppression, even claiming that the Federal prison complexes are the doing of the Caldari.
Yet when I bring yet another set of evidence as to what is happening in their facilities, its all evasion and misdirection from all of you.

Do you think it goes without notice? That you can weasel your way out of this? Your government and your Navy practice atrocities against us daily, and that’s without bringing up any of the crimes against us committed in the past, meanwhile this whole farcical initiative is based on nothing but unsubstantiated falsehoods and disproven propaganda all spread by dissidents.

This will not stand. CONCORD may afford the holdings of capsuleers extraterritorial rights, but that will do them little good when they are quarantined and left to starve within their walls.

Yes, some of Vehaima’s admissions and activities have raised eyebrows among us. But you know well that definitions of criminality are debatable from region to region.

If Darieux was naive at the start of his endeavour, he certainly was not at the end of it. From this, we learn that it is not the destination, but the journey of self-discovery we prize.

Similarly, I was not born yesterday, but perhaps; developed differently. It was not long ago that we suspected Triglavians for our circumstance. This has since been proven not to be the case.

Our Order offers a place to those who discover no room has been left for them to stand. If you find yourself there Remilia - consider us.

This qualification wasn’t included in the Strike Commander’s statement.

Think about it.

It’s kind of implied, as evident from all present parties.

Learn how to read. You are offering help while your government commits unspeakable war crimes. This isn’t about the past, it’s a crystal clear indication of what the Feds really think of us.

I’m not talking about the past.

The linked post is. If you cannot see the importance of the Federation’s continues atrocities in this then I have a great new Matari orphanage owned by Nauplius to show you.

No, it really isn’t.

Focus on the important part.

This isn’t a contest because it is very clearly one sided.

Don’t try to distract from the Fed atrocities.

With latest news out of the Caldari State reporting widespread unrest and continued confrontation between brave Worker’s Groups and thugs of corporate security forces, the New Dawn Initiative stands ready and committed to render asylum for those State citizens desiring to escape violent persecution by State corporate regimes.

You really just don’t understand how civil unrest works at all, do you? I’d expect someone so determined to spread it would at least understand it, but if you think a protester would desire to flee to the Federation then you are truly impressively inept at understanding how… humans work in general.
Not that surprising, your threads considered, but still, another piece of evidence for the pile.

The New Dawn Initiative is a humanitarian organization funded by private philanthropy. Allegations that there exists involvement in the current violent unrest in the Caldari State beyond its mission to provide asylum to those who desire it are baseless and unfounded.

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The State is a product of the Caldari people, wrought by our ancestors and entrusted to the current generation until the next one takes over. No true Caldari has any reason to run from something that they are intrinsically a part of.

There is no such thing as a Caldari majority Federal member state because there is no such thing as a Caldari outside of the State.

And knowing you, this is not a humanitarian incentive, but your so-manieth scheme to set up a recruitment pipeline for the Guristas.

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That is a common assertion of State narratives that conflate the Caldari identity with corporate citizenship, however there exist Caldari polities – especially on the Caldari homeworld – that were, and continue to be Federal founding members and which trace unbroken historical lineage to the Raata Empire or beyond.

Not everything is some grand conspiracy. Sometimes things are exactly as they appear. Which in this case is nothing more than private philanthropy from a concerned Federal citizen.

Those isolated communities aren’t Caldari, though. You can’t just change the meaning of something so important and expect people to play along. To be Caldari is to be part of the Caldari State. Sure, there are both Deteis and Civire existing outside the State, expatriates, traitors, criminals, failures… they are not Caldari.

If you think what this appears like is at all flattering to you and your cause, I have some unfortunate news for you.

To be Caldari is to prioritise the continuation of our culture as a whole, both in the sense of traditions and in the sense of biology. This requires loyalty to our people. Our people created the State and are organised within it. It therefore follows that loyalty to our people also entails loyalty to the State. Additionally, if we learned anything from our history with the Federation, it is that our culture would not survive contact with our enemy. Our traditions would be forgotten and our bloodlines diluted until there is nothing left of our heritage.

A culture will always change or adapt to outside influences. Deteis and Civire were separate and distinct until they unified to form the Raata. The forms of corporatism and market capitalism that created the State Megacorporations were first invented and introduced to Caldari by Gallente influences.

Conflating Caldari identity with corporate loyalty is a neat narrative to marginalize those who disagree or differ with the diktats of boardroom and justify the abuse of those deemed other, nothing more.

Outside influences can only damage our culture if we allow them to. During the time in which the Gallenteans had us at a disadvantageous position, this was possible. Now, we have our own independent state, and this is no longer possible. It is a shield against cultural erosion. Those who choose to exist outside of that aegis can and will be considered compromised.

I will remind you that the Deteis and Civire were both Raata long before the Raata Empire was formed. The formation of the Raata Empire does not mark some sort of multicultural miracle. It marks the end of a civil war between the Raata.

Conflating loyalty to one’s people with loyalty to a single megacorporation certainly suits your narrative, but it is also false. The chief concern is the survival and autonomy of our culture. The State is the tool that we have created in order to accomplish this. A tool can only fail in it’s purpose if it is improperly used or improperly maintained. The misconduct of those corporate security forces has merely exposed an opportunity to correct and improve. If those people had been cowards and fled to the Federation instead of protesting, there would have been no opportunity for the more enlightened megas to stand up for the rights of our citizens and improve the situation. And thus far the death toll has been markedly lower than the one reaped by the Federation during the seccession war. If your solution to the problems inherent in running a polity of this size is “run back to the Gallenteans”, then you have no right to comment and should leave the resolving of those issues to real Caldari.

I never offered a solution to the governing dysfunction and unrest in the State at present because that is beyond the remit of my authority or power.

All that was offered was safe sanctuary and asylum to those facing violent repression at the hands of State security forces along with resettlement in the Federation.

My interest is in saving lives, not engaging in the rhetoric of “no true Caldari” fallacies.

All I see is a Gurista trying to use the current crisis as a recruitment opportunity whilst using the Federation to give it an air of legitimacy.

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That is certainly an allegation that can be made, among the many others already made.

However, I prefer to operate in the realm of fact and not supposition.