New Forum A Bad Idea

Looking at the statistics for the most prolific posters, readers and so on. Pretty impressive numbers. Btw, who is @ISD_Interloop?

We have 507 Chars that posted 100 or more replies. Doesn’t look too bad.

If the EVE Forums ever fail, let’s continue to discuss EVE stuff on Pornhub.


On the old forums I got up to Rank #21 EVE Search - DeMichael Crimson's posting statistics
On these forums according to the amount of replies posted I’m listed at #13

So 13 hrs ago you posted there was 53371 Forum Users here. According to that stats page now, it shows 53471 Forum Users. So these forums gained another 100 Users within 13 hrs.


Makes me wonder just exactly how many of those Forum Users are actually alt characters.

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It’s not like there could be other reasons for the forums decline that had already happened on the old forums like the changes in metagaming, groups moving to alliance forums and other comms tools internally, constant abuse by certain people and groups killing entire forums, and a general decline of engagement in forums in general due to disillusionment in other players.

pointing at average stats from the forums does not show an accurate picture of their life and decline and state by the end of their life.


It’s needlessly caustic posters like you who drive people away from this place.


Oh really? I haven’t seen any of that, sadly. I mostly post in the “remove afk cloaking” whine threads, but the people there just keep on whining and whining instead of leaving like your post would suggest.

It would be really nice if I’d drive those people away from the forums (and even better if they’d leave EVE entirely), but I don’t appear to have that effect. Quite to the contrary if you ask me.

I posted this pic on these forums a long time ago and unfortunately, it seems to have been true since. I see a lot of players posting on reddit that used to post on eve forum.

CCP seemed to ignore at least most of the feedback on their “new coke” forums. Players as per usual tried to fix what they could with third-party apps but generally these new new forums a year later can be hailed with a big fail trombone.

I do like being able to post pictures, though…one of not all that many positives imo.

Now proper signatures again would be nice…


I wonder if everyone posting here gets the irony of this thread. :thinking:


Please explain barney-style for us irony-deficient knuckledraggers, mr. morissette.


It would make the existence of this forum easier for you, wouldn’t it?

It would, yeah, I really do think it would.
We can’t all be Einsteins like some…


You’re not more than a bunch of trolls who complain about their bridge being too small. It doesn’t even occur to you that you might be the reason for why others have moved on.

But here you are, in a thread of the new forum, complaining about what exactly? …

That’s irony.

Good news everyone, in the last 3 days the forum seems to have grown:

Up 326 in 3 days. \o/ forum’s alive.

Perhaps the badge numbers aren’t a great reflection of regular use at all. We don’t really have the data of daily use from the old forum, so it’s a bit hard to compare at all.

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So EVE’s still dying but the Forums are clinging to life?

But I thought:

For all the claims that it’s dead, dying, undead, or whatever inconsistency is used in a thread, there’s a thriving community and thriving game being played.

i miss old forums - plain and simple

Ones post number does not contribute to ones quality of posting.

Also, From a ISD Standpoint, the new Forums are amazing. Everything was done by hand on the old forums. Current forums are much easier to manage.


Considering the distinct lack of people posting and threads being started, I can well imagine how the people who moderate the thing are happy.

It’s kind of like public transit. The crappier the buses, the less people take them, the happier the employees are as they have less to do.

But in both cases the end result is the same. Killing something to make life easier for those who are the custodians is a short term solution at best. Soon enough all the customers find better options elsewhere and those employees (or volunteers in your case) are looking for other things to occupy their time.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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They didn’t get rid of you though.

WE are talking about 15 years of Forums though.

Just in the last 5 years Social norms and what is considered Conversation these days is different. Instead of long thought out paragraphs or discussions, emotes and short sentences have become the preferred means of communication.

This needs to be taken into consideration the age of EVE. It has been around long enough that the way people see normal societal behavior is different.