New Forum A Bad Idea

I would also add to this that where one can see failure one can see success, too, even when it’s the success of other websites, such as Reddit. They simply offer a good service.

All the game-related talk outside of a game does not necessarily have to take place only on a gamemaker’s website. However, in the past was it often the only place where one could talk about it with other fans of the game. This, too, is different now.

I don’t agree necessarily with you regarding the design and function of the forum, but you are quite correct about the “homogenized copy-cat corporate quagmire catering to the least intelligent of social media consumers.”

I feel like even CCP has started to bend under the weight of this lunacy.


That’s nice that things are easier for you and the other Internet Space Dudes, Buldath. Kind of seems more than a few of your fellow eve players disagree that this forum represents improved usability, however.

Golly, sorry you didn’t like my post. (perhaps too meme-y, not a dissertation and/or deemed shiptoasty? Bummer.) At least you don’t kneejerk about any who may not share your views as automatically being trolls, so kudos for that.

It can’t have escaped your notice that quite a few forum posters who frequented the eve forums - folks such as Malcanis (dude was/is a gudposter I think most would say) and Baltec1 etc etc no longer do so. It seems winning-eve type of general gamer attrition wouldn’t account for all of them…

…and reddit is a giant cesspool, Whitehound old chum. The kardashians could be considered a success, but they’re still…distasteful. I resent ccp pushing eve players towards reddit. Sorry that is my opinion.

But if people like these forums and how they have developed or not over the last year or so, fine. Great . Wonderful. Have at it.

Everything is fine.

Malcanis was turning into a burnt out bitter vet even on the old forums. And had basically vanished from them also.
A lot of what you are attributing to the new forums actually happened on the old forums, if you looked at the posting frequency near the end of their life you will see a very different story from what the average say.


Yeah. Bad example.

Then there were the ones going senile like Tippia. Or getting caught in RMT like so many I can’t be bothered to write the list.

Nonetheless, it seems that many of the dedicated EVE players - including many vets - are still posting in forums. Just not this one.

The problem is that some person or group of people had to justify their continued employment at CCP so they convinced the higher ups that this mess would be a good idea.

But the people have spoken. They don’t like it for the most part and many have found other places to discuss the game. I see nothing wrong with CCP realizing that there are two options here. Only two.

Shut it down…or fix it. Wait too long and the decision will be made for you. By the few players left posting here moving on.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I think you are attributing stuff which happened the end of the old forum which declined badly to the new forums.
Actually producing that data is something I can’t do but I do remember a massive decline in the old forums also.

It’s hard to say if I’m giving too much weight to people leaving because the new forum sucks over simple attrition. I may well be biased in that.

But I was looking back over the last month or so of the old forum and a ton of posters were saying they hated this forum and would stop posting once the old one went to read only.

And they did! Haven’t seen them since.

So…as with most things…it’s not any one thing. It’s a combination of things. However, if this one wasn’t crap (in my opinion), I think we’d see a lot more people in here than we currently do.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Took me a few days to acclimatize to the new forum, but I prefer it to the old one. Much better tools to track threads, scrolling threads and for post formatting, especially on smartphone.

Only grievance is loss of interface with EVEMail.

Its for those with goldfish attention spans, that cant string together a paragraph.

It’s really simple: The devs need to start interacting with the “official” forums. Case-in-point: I read about all the new ship SKINs and upcoming Abyssal changes and July updates from a Reddit post on EVE Down Under.

Why isn’t there any official information being posted in the forums?

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Cos eve redditors managed to entice CCP staff onto their format where they can piss in their ear more directly and control what content gets attention on their pages.

Basically, they AWOXED the staff over to their boards, with sweet empty promises.

There they can mass troll/downvote anything that doent fit their agenda.


Which is exactly who they made these forums for, according to an ISD in this very thread.


Exactly as I expected.

Did give this setup a fair go, but it’s just less easily navigated than the old forum was. The stupid Facebook style ‘you must scroll forever to navigate long threads’ make threadnaughts impossible to follow.

Would love to see a reversion.

Click the 71/73 icon on lower right and you can scroll rapidly, or “jump to” a specific post number.

I’m aware of that and it does help for 50-100 post threads, but it’s still far inferior to the old mechanism for 500+ post threads.

I believe that those forum managers will move us to Out of Porn category.

You know, I noticed that a lot of posters here, published some stuff about Babylon 5 movie, like it was very popular or something. So, I decided to watch some of those TV series… What a Hek!?

Based on how those artists boringly flirting with each others, their boringly role play level and costumes, I’m offering to move to an old Babylon 5 forum, which will be better than boringly Pornhub. In Babylon 5 people just shooting ships in space and not going to the sofa in the end.

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What mechanism?
You mean page parsing?
That was ■■■■ compared to this, as you had to constantly load browser for another page of the thread.

Now the whole thread is on one “page” and you can quickly jump to any post number without loading on browser.

From which resources you are digging your cringy images, dude?

P.S. Just asking, because I saw your previous posters.

What exactly is so bad about this format? In general, I think it’s much better than the previous one. Following threads is now a breeze.

There are some features that I feel are missing such as muting certain posters, providing more in-game info on posters, and filtering out non dev posts but overall I’m quite happy with this one.


Some people didnt make it past the adaptation hump, or learn how to use this new format at its best.

Old habits die hard.

It also comprehends markdown syntax of all sorts.

Putting #-sings infront of a line turns text into headings:


Using `-sign around text allows to mark text as code. Using three of them marks an entire paragraph as code, including any colour-encoding one might want:


require_once 'SimpleESI.php';
$esi = new SimpleESI('/dev/shm/esi');

It can do strike-through and italic & bold obviously.

One can do tables:

item price quantity
Tritanium 4.50 10,000,000
Pyerite 4.00 5,000,000

A horizontal rule is made with three minus signs:

Lists happen almost unitentionally, simply by starting lines with a dash or with a number ending in a dot:

  1. One
  2. Two
  • Alpha
  • Beta

And of course quotes, images, videos and links. There is probably even more.