New Forum A Bad Idea

I also miss the color scheme of the old forum, but Ive gotten used to this one.

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Old functionality: Each subforum showed 23 topics on the screen at once. New: Decreased to 12. This is the single worst change.

Old functionality: About 2-3 times as many words per page on the screen as now. New: Enormous amounts of wasted space.

Old functionality: Easy to jump to page 20 in a threadnought. New: Doable with the slider, but takes longer, and is a nightmare on mobile (I no longer load the forum on mobile at all).

Old functionality: Forum pages open with the original post by default, you can overrule this by clicking a page number in the rare case you want to. New: Inexplicably, you are dumped in the middle of a thread and need to navigate back to the start. This is a nuisance, nothing more, but it is worse than the present.

Displays got a lot bigger and have higher densities of pixels. You can use the zoom of your browser to change this to some amount and it will also show you more topics at once.

I’m actually grateful for it, because my eyes haven’t gotten younger.

You can jump to pages by clicking onto the slider’s line. Or you can just edit the URL at the top and enter a number there.

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Old forums: You could ignore players.
New forums: You can only flag a players content as inappropriate and wait for enough players to do the same until it’s hidden.

Old forums: You could email players.
New forums: No direct interaction with EVE,

Old forums: Lots of thread locking.
New forums: … ■■■■.

Old forums: Not a lot of tolerance.
New forums: FML

Old forums: Required devs to maintain backend.
New forums: Software support = less devs required! Lay off devs!

Old forums: Community support required.
New forums: Community support not needed! Drop community support!

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My comparisons were both based upon Chrome at default zoom.

It’s more that the new forum design has so much empty space above and below text.

I know. It’s likely meant for those who read a lot between the lines.


Well. You can give likes in a locked thread. Couldn’t do that in the old forum.

So there’s that, I suppose.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I recently stumbled upon the page I saved from old forums, it was an EVE Gate page. Such functionality and comunication tool completely removed…

You could have seen your ISK wallet status, your contacts, amount of SP even.
You could have seen yours and other players Bio, corporation, mail him IN GAME and at the same time FORUM MAIL.
Personal messaging wooohoo! What about it, CCP? :thinking:


There are tools based on the new ESI, which do this. Not sure if they work for everything or if these are corp/alliance-based, but these are out there.

I got into the second stage, but I cannot say I like it. So I’ve put it on hold until I can wrap my head around it some more.

It says there:

More specifically as a volunteer, you are not allowed to tell your in-game friends or other players that you are a volunteer.

I’m basically already in breach just talking here about it.

While those memes certainly are funny is your repeated attempt to distribute them really just off topic. There just aren’t Orcs in EVE.

Do you think you could at least come up with Minmatar and Amarr jokes so it’s not completely off topic?

What I find particularly suspicious with the way ISD is moderating lately is that some topics are just locked within minutes, like removal of local threads, which get locked because it was already discussed in another already locked thread.

Meanwhile there are at any time around 3 or so ganking and bumping whine threads, but that seems to be fine and does somehow not constitute reopening of closed topics or gets aggregated into one thread like with cloacky camping.

It’s almost like if someone wants to keep this visible so it looks like it is a widespread problem or even relevant to the game at large.


16 Posts removed, Varying from off topic Responses and Crappy Memery.


You should check your inbox sometime :wink:

I hope that’s not considered divulging secret information, because it’s just common sense.

To stay on topic: There are some things I like about the new forums, and other things I dislike. I miss the old eve gate, but do like the format of the thread pages (menu page, not so keen on)

Ignore it, please. All it means to me is that at this moment it’s no longer a game or a hobby, but something that has to be taken serious. And I take this sort of thing always very serious and hence I take my time to think about it and if I really want to commit to it. So, please, make nothing of it.

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No offence, but I dont think you would make a good ISD.

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Aww man…guess ya didn’t like my stuff. Oh well.

I could see where the one I slapped together from a medieval painting detail where ccp is the creature pushing a wheelbarrow full of protesting smaller creatures towards a reddit hell might not be perceived as internet mona lisa quality, but it got the point I was saying off my chest anyway.

I’m actually a bit fond of the space pants signature one. Taking what amounts to your feedback under advisement. More unicorns it is.
I usually only made signatures for friends, but for you I would be glad to make you one. Please let me earn a chance to receive your favour! You’re awesome! I mean, Ezwal was good, but really you’re better! You know, just in case signatures come back at some point. My “leaf on the wind” ones turned out well…if you like hallo kitteh rifters, that is. Wait…I have an idea for you! Ok, picture this; nice starfield background…on one side a ghostly visage fades into the picture…it’s a cat wearing a judge dredd-like helmet (not exactly similar, of course. Best copyright issues be avoided) …on the other side a Marshall swoops dramatically…in the middle are simply the words “ISD Buldath - I iz teh law!”. No, its ok - I’m glad you are exited! Just say the word and you got it!

As for the business card design - I was just trying to help our fellow capsuleer be more successful in their chosen endeavor. Who doesn’t want to see other eggers succeed?


Stop posting.