New hangars are TERRIBLE

My brightness is on the default setting. Turning it up just washes everything out.

I keep post-processing on low because when it’s on high there is so much dust around (especially in asteroid / moon belts) that the whole view of space (from nearby moons and planets to nebula) look as though you’re looking through a fair amount of fog. Everything becomes dull and lifeless.

Yeah, the hangars are even darker on High post processing.

In any case, it appears a few people like the horribly dark hangers. Personally I’m hoping this was unintentional and they put it back the way they were.

But maybe they could just put an ultra bright giant flood light at the top of the hangar, so you get more realistic shadows while still having a bright hangar. And then pilots could adjust how much light comes from that overhead flood light.

If you don’t have problems create youself some…

Guys the game has bigger issues than a f’ing dark hangar…

Like what?

( j/k )

Personally i like the new hangars. Nice change

Like still not having PVP concealed in closed sectors that you actually have to enter WILLINGLY like any other game eve has to compete with f.e.

Just one example…

Your first two links actually point at this thread. :slight_smile:

Cuz them thread title quotes not links

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I like them. Goths of the world, unite! :black_flag:

New hangers are good, good effects and lighting. Then again, my computer doesn’t entirely suck, so that might have something to do with it.

There are some bugs like the amarr hangers used to have shuttle bus traffic on the roads down below, but they are dead now. Maybe they’ll fix it.

Overall, I like the setting.

I love the new hangars look, now it feels more alive, more climatic and lightning makes it look like we get some big graphic improvement. Now gove us HiRes textures and we are there :slight_smile:

New hangers look great to me.

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I think they’re great, I like the darker look. Now please turn down the brightness of some of the nebulae, especially in Amarr space. Kind of spoils the moody vibe to undock and be greeted with bright yellow glaring light.


I also find the new hangars to be great. :eye: :eye:

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Tomato, tomatoe! Personally I love the new look. :+1:

If you set shader setting to HIGH your hanger will probably be much brighter.

That being said, I would like to see my ship in the hanger when shaders are set to medium and low as well.

Hangar look much better now; after so many time with no impressive visual improvements this one made a very good surprise.
Well done!

Not to say that people will adjust to it…

It’s always the same after a patch…some cry,some spit out salt,some ragequit and the rest adapts…

And this will happen after the ban of pvp in high too :stuck_out_tongue:


You people are nuts.

Sure, it “looks better” by not being able to see it? :smile:

Unless that’s supposed to be some sort of slight to CCP .

Well maybe then CCP ought to give us a light switch that can allow us to provide natural lighting (not the terrible gamma/brightness increase that washes everything out).

+1 I love the nebulae, but I loved the old black on even blacker effect too. Maybe some systems with nebulae, some not?