Want upgrades and the client isn’t 64bit as of yet.
Next card will be AMD since Nvidia still doesn’t manage to deliver open source drivers.
in potato mode sure. But in everything’s pretty mode well you need some nicer hardware.
they’ve made a bunch of graphics updates since then. New models/textures on a lot of things, as well as switching to PBR probably the main things that come to mind. EVE Online News - Updates, blogs, events, patch notes & more
and with abyssal deadspace they just updated their recommend system specs. Seems rather than one big graphics updates they are releasing small updates frequently to keep eve looking great.
New RTX cards are 99% marketing. Sure, they’ll bump performance over 10-series by a small percentage, but not anything like the nVidia marketing droids are claiming. And the raytracing support won’t be very good since raytracing is hard to do in real time (ergo why we’ve been stuck with raster for the last 20 years). You’ll see a few games introduce some token raytracing support, but that will be about the extent of it for many years (and RTX generations) to come.
CCP should partner with MSI or someone… get an Eve-branded GPU with a rifter-shaped heat sink and a bunch of LEDs on it.
Probably cost a metric fucktonne. But it’d be cool as ■■■■.
well good going there sparky,
very astute observation when thats literally all they have relesed.
as i said earlier , wait for the the standardised benchmarks.
then you can have at it all you like
At some point i was playing on LTE connection. Even spent half of my monthly limit on EvE update
Was pretty playable.
lol now we are even on hardware preorders??? what a corporate world we live in
Imagin Tetris game with ray tracing on RTX 2080 Ti.
I seriously hope they raise the game reqs a ton to be on par with more modern titles. This actually might put a bit of a dent in botting since runnign 10-20-30-40-50 clients per machine will become much less efficient and more difficult.
(and you really had to buy the last iPhone, didn’t you ?).
Funny you said that because I actually left Apple this year.
I’m playing on 4G LTE myself. No ping or lag issues, 30M download speed, unlimited data. Wifi used to be bad, but people don’t realise how good it’s gotten. I’ll be upgrading to fibre soon (infrastructure’s being installed in my area by end of September) but for now, the wireless is decent, and only $80 a month for unlimited data.
Nvidia has been using CUDA-cores in their cards for several generations already. It’s the RT- and Tensor -cores that are new.
Yes. So, this new core is supposed to control much more CUDA cores as other resources also through multithreading. That’s what its doing. I can be wrong, but it looks like to that Intel Core 2 Duo architecture, well, you now what it means. True multicore architecture was implemented with i3, i5 an i7 series. Intel prepares a new none server CPU generation now, they wanna pass 8 cores up to 16, 32…
Yes, you are wrong. Each of the cores is specialized. RT for raytracing. Tensor for deep learning/ AI. CUDA is still responsible for the normal rastering-calculations. This isn’t some simple update of a previous version. This is a total rethinking of how graphics-cards function
And yet, we still don’t know how good at being a horse it is.
Yeahh, the best thing you can do with these is wait to see the benchmarks and then wait some more for the drivers to mature enough to actually be usefull, so maybe get a 2180 or 2280 -cards.
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