Ask yourself, if you were starting playing eve for the first time, would you sub and keep playing?
Hell, I wouldn’t. What you would realize after you learn the game basics are as follows:
1- Huge spam of moneymaking and combat alts:
You can’t really enjoy eve with one toon unfortunately, i always found that having a second toon makes life so much easier. But when it comes to having 3+ rorq alts and 2+ combar capital alts, it just becomes clear to new players that they can’t do anything, if they were to participate in nullsec activities. Years ago, you used to be able to have fun with a single target painting ship, or T2 tackle. Capital proliferation makes the gap between starters and veterans huge, and yes, people who play for more than 10 years should have the advantage both skill and equipment vise. Yet it the uncontrolled gap becomes a problem if it becomes the main driving for behind losing new players.
2- Lack of security until you get a hold of core game mechanics.
A new player will be likely to try every mechanic of the game, which is usually mining, then mission running and exploration. I am not here to cry about high sec gankers, it’s fine, if an old player is the target that’s also fine. It becomes problematic when a 5 day old player get ganked while mining and asked buy a “permit”. AT that point the player simply goes “Frack that” and uninstalls. EVE might be a sandbox game, yet if the sandbox is driving people away then it should be limited. Look at the other popular games, unfortunately we are spammed with no-brainer games, where you get hand-holded from the start.
3- Balance of opportunity
Want people to go nullsec and play the game it was meant to be played? Players need money to settle in nullsec. Players need certain requirements to join proper nullsec corps. In the end, they need game knowledge and proper capital to settle in. If a nullsec player is allowed to make 2bil/h semi afk, a high sec player should be given the opportunity to settle himself in a short period of time and move on. We have skill trading available to us now, unless a sees the potential of the game, they will not buy SP with realmoney. (excluding the too many chromosome cases).
As game gets older REAL NEW PLAYERS not random alts should be given increasing amount of opportunity to close the gap to an acceptable degree.
Game of Alts mechanic is driving people away, scaring them in the age of no-brainer games.
Sandbox environment loses it’s purpose if its driving away the new players.
Tl;dr of Tl;dr
I just want to see 55k+ players online again.