New T1 ship designer/manufacture details... curtesy of the new ship window and cutscenes

In between daily gategrind, do you ever catch yourself staring up into the stars and wondering “who designed this weird ship I’m flying?”? No? Oh… Well, lets discuss this fascinating topic anyway!

Between the latest expansions updated ship window(‘s industrial tab) and the new ship cutscenes, a wealth of new information has been revealed on who designed and/or manufactured these funky space behemoths.

Now some of these we already knew, either due to existing lore, or… well, their T2 designers name was stitched to the hull of the ship in case it went missing. But others are rather new. So without further ado, lets look at what has been revelled (minus the Empire T2 stuff):

Amarr Ships
Name Designer Prior sources and notes
Frigates, etc
Amarr Shuttle Imperial Navy
Impairor Carthum Conglomerate
Crucifier Carthum Conglomerate The Frigates of EVE Online mentions the current version was from a research program between Amarr Navy, Imperial Armaments, and Carthum Conglomerate.
Crucifier Navy Issue Imperial Navy and Viziam
Executioner Imperial Navy Aligns with the info from The Frigates of EVE Online
Inquisitor Imperial Navy and Carthum Conglomerate Fits well with the info from The Frigates of EVE Online
Magnate Ministry of Assessment
Magnate Navy Issue Imperial Navy and Ministry of Assessment Ship description mentions Ministry of War rather than Ministry of Assessment
Tormentor Viziam This contradicts Frigates of EVE where it states the original drafted by the Imperial Navy (page 36), as was recent revision of YC114 (page 37)
Punisher Carthum Conglomerate
Imperial Navy Slicer Imperial Navy Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Dragoon Carthum Conglomerate
Coercer Viziam
Coercer Navy Issue Viziam and Imperial Navy
Confessor Viziam
Augoror Carthum Conglomerate
Augoror Navy Issue Carthum Conglomerate and Imperial Navy
Omen Viziam Interestingly a derelict Omen is used as an illustration in the Chronicle, Fait Accompli; seemingly to portray a Viziam yacht. Then again, the yacht was said to be half a centaury old, which would predate Viziam’s creation.
Omen Navy Issue Viziam and Imperial Navy
Maller Carthum Conglomerate
Arbitrator Viziam
Legion Viziam, Carthum Conglomerate, and Khanid Innovation
Prophesy Imperial Navy and Carthum Conglomerate
Prophesy Navy Issue Imperial Navy and Carthum Conglomerate
Harbinger Viziam
Harbinger Navy Issue Viziam and Imperial Navy
Oracle Viziam Matches ship’s in-game profile
Abaddon Carthum Conglomerate
Apocalypse Viziam
Apocalypse Navy Issue Imperial Navy, Emperor Family, and Viziam
Armageddon Carthum Conglomerate
Armageddon Navy Issue Carthum Conglomerate and Imperial Navy
Capital Ships
Revelation Carthum Conglomerate
Revelation Navy Issue Carthum Conglomerate and Imperial Navy
Apostle Imperial Navy and Emperor Family
Aeon Viziam
Archon Viziam
Avatar Emperor Family and Imperial Navy
Industrial Ships
Bestower Carthum Conglomerate
Sigil Viziam Matches ship’s in-game profile
Providence Carthum Conglomerate
Caldari Ships
Name Designer Prior sources and notes
Frigates, etc
Shuttle Caldari Shuttle Caldari Navy
Ibis Kaalakiota
Kestrel Kaalakiota
Merlin Ishukone Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Heron Ishukone Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Heron Navy Issue Ishukone
Bantam Lai Dai and Caldari Navy The Frigates of EVE Online states it was a Minedrill designed frigate that has recently redesigned by the Navy for transport and logistics. Lai Dai isn’t mentioned as a designer but most the components in this ship come from them.
Condor Kaalakiota Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Griffin Lai Dai Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Griffin Navy Issue Lai Dai
Caldari Navy Hookbill Lai Dai Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Corax Kaalakiota Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Cormorant Caldari Navy Well, we still don’t know who designed it, so perhaps Caldari Navy acts as a good placeholder.
Cormorant Navy Issue Caldari Navy, Ishukone, Wiyrkomi and Hyasyoda Matches ship’s in-game profile
Jackdaw Lai Dai
Caracal Kaalakiota
Caracal Navy Issue Kaalakiota
Moa Ishukone
Osprey Lai Dai
Osprey Navy Issue Lai Dai In-game profile mentions Caldari Navy engineers rather than Lai Dai ones.
Blackbird Lai Dai
Tengu Lai Dai, Ishukone and Kaalakiota
Ferox Ishukone
Ferox Navy Issue Ishukone and Caldari Navy
Drake Kaalakiota
Drake Navy Issue Kaalakiota Matches ship’s in-game profile, in that the Navy ordered a specific version of the Drake, rather than designed the variant themselves
Naga Hyasyoda Matches ship’s in-game profile
Rokh Ishukone
Raven Ishukone Aligns with the Novella, Ruthless
Raven Navy Issue Caldari Navy and Ishukone
Scorpion Lai Dai The story ‘Ruthless’ states Lai Dai designed it, but The Art of New Eden mentions that the Navy states it was conceived in the state with the assistance of the Ishukone.
Scorpion Navy Issue Caldari Navy and Lai Dai
Capital Ships
Phoenix Kaalakiota
Phoenix Navy Issue Caldari Navy and Kaalakiota
Minokawa Ishukone
Wyvern Ishukone Never read Templar One, but was this were Ishukone were confirmed as the creators of the Wyvern?
Chimera Caldari Navy and Lai Dai
Leviathan Caldari Navy
Industrial Ships
Badger Lai Dai
Tayra Kaalakiota Out of Universe source, but was the Tayra redesign not from Lai Dai
Charon Caldari Navy and Kaalakiota Well actually… EVE Universe: The Art of New Eden states it was designed by Ishukone
Gallente Ships
Name Designer Prior sources and notes
Frigates, etc
Gallente Shuttle Roden Shipyards
Velator Federation Navy
Imicus CreoDron Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Imicus Navy Issue CreoDron and Roden Shipyards Matches ship’s in-game profile
Atron Roden Shipyards Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Maulus Duvolle Laboratories Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Maulus Navy Issue Federation Navy and CreoDron Frigates of EVE only mention the Navy engineers
Navitas Roden Shipyards and ORE Partly aligns with Frigates of EVE. Here it states ORE designed the original mining vessel, then FEDCAF engineers were in change of the logic frigate redevelopment. That said much of the equipment in it seems to be from Roden Shipyards.
Tristan CreoDron Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Incursus Duvolle Laboratories Some contradictions to Frigates of Eve. Here it is described as first being drafted by Federation Navy engineers (though it has undergone many revisions since then).
Federation Navy Comet Roden Shipyards Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Algos CreoDron
Catalyst Roden Shipyards
Catalyst Navy Issue Roden Shipyards and Federation Navy
Hecate Roden Shipyards Matches ship’s in-game profile
Thorax Federation Navy
Vexor CreoDron
Vexor Navy Issue CreoDron Ships in-game profile points to Federation Navy engineers retooling the design.
Celestis Duvolle Laboratories
Exequror Roden Shipyards and Federation Navy
Exequror Navy Issue Federation Navy
Proteus Roden Shipyards, Duvolle Laboratories and CreoDron
Brutix Federation Navy and Duvolle Laboratories
Brutix Navy Issue Federation Navy and Duvolle Laboratories
Myrmidon Federation Navy and CreoDron Aligns with EVE Universe: The Art of New Eden
Myrmidon Navy Issue Duvolle Laboratories Matches ship’s in-game profile
Talos Federal Intelligence Office and Duvolle Laboratories Matches ship’s in-game profile. Interesting that FIO get a mention but not ORE, who they stole the design from…
Hyperion Federation Navy and Duvolle Laboratories
Megathron Federation Navy and Roden Shipyards Aligns with EVE Universe: The Art of New Eden
Megathron Navy Issue Federation Navy and Roden Shipyards
Dominix Federation Navy
Dominix Navy Issue Federation Navy
Capital Ships
Moros Roden Shipyards
Moros Navy Issue Duvolle Laboratories
Ninazu Roden Shipyards and Federal Intelligence Office
Nyx CreoDron
Thanatos Federation Navy and CreoDron
Erebus Duvolle Laboratories, Roden Shipyards and Federation Navy
Industrial Ships
Nereus Duvolle Laboratories and Roden Shipyards Aligns with Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Kryos Roden Shipyards Aligns with Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Epithal Duvolle Laboratories Aligns with Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Miasmos Duvolle Laboratories and Roden Shipyards Aligns with Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Iteron Mark V Duvolle Laboratories and Roden Shipyards Aligns with Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Obelisk Duvolle Laboratories and Roden Shipyards
Minmatar Ships
Name Designer Prior sources and notes
Frigates, etc
Minmatar Shuttle Core Complexion Inc.
Reaper Core Complexion Inc.
Breacher Boundless Creation Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Burst Core Complexion Inc. Frigates of eve states it was initially designed by Minmatar Mining Corporation (page 118) and made into a logistics frigate by the Republic Fleet in YC114 (page 119)
Vigil Core Complexion Inc.
Vigil Fleet Issue Boundless Creation and Republic Fleet The in-game description simply mentions the Republic Fleet’s innovative R&D Labs, which also aligns with Frigates to Eve
Slasher Thukker Mix and Republic Fleet Frigates of Eve seems to imply it is just a Republic Fleet design. Other than the Firetail, it’s the only Minmatar frigate made only with Republic Fleet components
Probe Thukker Mix Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Probe Fleet Issue Thukker Mix and Republic Fleet
Rifter Brutor Tribe
Republic Fleet Firetail Republic Fleet Aligns with Frigates of EVE
Talwar Core Complexion Inc.
Thrasher Boundless Creation
Thrasher Fleet Issue Boundless Creation and Republic Fleet
Svipul Brutor Tribe, Nefantar Council, Core Complexion Inc., Starkmanir Council, Vherokior Tribe, Krusual Tribe, Thukker Mix, Boundless Creation Matches ship’s in-game profile
Rupture Brutor Tribe
Scythe Core Complexion Inc. and Republic Fleet There seem to be some indicators Minmatar Mining Corporation may have designed this one as well
Scythe Fleet Issue Core Complexion Inc. and Republic Fleet
Stabber Thukker Mix
Stabber Fleet Issue Thukker Mix and Republic Fleet
Bellicose Core Complexion Inc.
Loki Krusual Tribe
Cyclone Core Complexion Inc. The Art of New Eden states it was initially designed by the Navy, but the blueprints were revisited by Core Complexion, on the request of RSS, to create the Cyclone we all know and love
Cyclone Fleet Issue Core Complexion Inc. and Brutor Tribe Matches ship’s in-game profile
Hurricane Brutor Tribe
Hurricane Fleet Issue Brutor Tribe and Republic Parliament Republic Parliament part aligns with in-game profile
Tornado Republic Fleet and Boundless Creation Matches ship’s in-game profile
Maelstrom Brutor Tribe
Tempest Thukker Mix
Tempest Fleet Issue Republic Fleet and Core Complexion Inc. Matches ship’s in-game profile
Typhoon Boundless Creation
Typhoon Fleet Issue Boundless Creation and Republic Fleet
Capital Ships
Naglfar Boundless Creation
Naglfar Fleet Issue Brutor Tribe, Krusual Tribe and Republic Fleet
Lif Core Complexion Inc. Matches ship’s in-game profile
Hel Boundless Creation
Nidhoggur Brutor Tribe
Ragnarok Brutor Tribe, Nefantar Council, Core Complexion Inc., Starkmanir Council, Vherokior Tribe, Krusual Tribe, Thukker Mix, Boundless Creation
Industrial Ships
Hauler Hoarder Boundless Creation
Mammoth Boundless Creation Corresponds Iteron lore page from the Eve Universe website
Wreathe Vherokior Tribe
Fenrir Vherokior Tribe The Art of New Eden states it was developed by Boundless Creations under contract from Freedom Extension
Non-Empire Ships

In short, most of them, including Special or Prize ships, are designed by who you’d e.g. Guristas Productions design all the Guristas ships, etc. There are a few more interesting ones however:

ORE: ORE Technologies are behind all ships, except the T2’s which come under the other ORE subsidiaries such as Frostline, etc. Only issue I spotted was that Deep Core Mining could have been mentioned as a co-developer of the Orca.

Angel Cartel & Serpentis: All Salvation Angel’s! That’s right, the Serpentis don’t design their own ships. So in a way, the first Angel Titan… was actually the Vanquisher!

SOE: All made by the Sanctuary. If you thought the plethora of other corporate logos on their hulls might have pointed to a joint venture of equal parties… then you’d be wrong!

Triglavians: The T1s are all made by different Clades, and the T2s by different empire corps; all correspond to the in-game profile.

EDENCOM: All Voltron ships are designed by AEGIS, while all cargo ships come under ORE Technologies. From the various in-game profiles of the ships, it seems this isn’t the complete picture. EDENCOM commissioned the Voltron ships from Upwell; but since Upwell isn’t an actual in-game corp or alliance, having AEGIS as the designer seems to be a workaround. The cargo ships are all commissioned by Upwell, with the T1’s descriptions mentioning their ORE designers. However, Mordu’s Legion and others are also mentioned in these ship descriptions don’t seem to get credit as designers :frowning_face:

CONCORD: All (re-)designed by CONCORD Aerospace, except the Monitor, which is CDAI, and the diplomatic shuttle, which is CONCORD corp itself.

Special Edition Ships
Special Ships
Name Designer Prior sources and notes
Leopard Justice Department Corresponds with ship Skin
Interbus Shuttle Duvolle Laboratories Matches ship’s in-game profile
Boobook Intara Direct Action, Krullefor Organisation, Onikanabo Brigade and Seykal Expeditionary Group
Goru’s Shuttle Nugoeihuvi (NOH)
Echelon Concord
Zepher Intaki Syndicate Matches ship’s in-game profile
Gold Magnate Ministry of War Frigates of Eve states the Navy designed this
Silver Magnate Ministry of War Frigates of Eve states the Navy designed this
Cambion Caldari Navy and Ishukone
Freki Core Complexion Inc.
Geri Core Complexion Inc. Matches ship’s in-game profile
Malice Carthum Conglomerate
Utu CreoDron
Shapash Duvolle Laboratories, Ostrakon Agency and Crux Special Tasks Group Matches ship’s in-game profile
Industrial Ships
Primae ORE Technologies and Outer Ring Development
Miasmos Amastris Edition Duvolle Laboratories and Roden Shipyards
Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition Quafe
Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition Quafe
Etana Lai Dai
Adrestia Duvolle Laboratories
Cybele Duvolle Laboratories Shouldn’t Ostrakon Agency and Crux Special Tasks Group be mentioned as well, per the Shapash description?
Bestla Core Complexion Inc. Matches ship’s in-game profile
Mimir Republic Security Services
Vangel Ministry of War
Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts Intaki Syndicate Matches ship’s in-game profile
Apocalypse Imperial Issue Emperor Family Matches ship’s in-game profile
Armageddon Imperial Issue Emperor Family Matches ship’s in-game profile
Megathon Federated Issue Federation Navy
Raven State Issue Ishukone, Kaalakiota, Lai Dai, Sukuuvestaa, Hyasyoda, Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi (NOH), and CBD Matches ship’s in-game profile
Tempest Tribal Issue Justice Department Corresponds with ship Skin
What’s left?

A few ships special edition ships have an unfortunate combination of no industry windows and being too darn rare to get hold of. Six of these can be found on the market window, which are the five pirate corvettes, and the Opux Luxury Yacht. The makers of the pirate corvettes seem obvious, and as the Opux…. Isn’t that just made by Opux?

There are various ships you can’t find on the market; most of which are supposed to have been turned into Skins. I found two of them; the Stratios Emergency Responder, designed by The Sanctuary, and the Orca ORE Development Edition, designed by…. None :open_mouth: . There this is also some indicators that the converted ships or their Skins have a different quote, so perhaps there is something interesting to find there; but I couldn’t.

Think that covers it all!

So how did CCP decide on who designed what? I thought it might have been aesthetics and so spent a long time gazing at ship models to see if certain designers had similar features across their ships. While that may be a factor, I think the more likely answer is that they took existing T2 designers’ specialities and worked backwards. A Gallente ship with drone bonuses? CreoDron! A Caldari ship that uses hybrid turrets rather than missiles? Ishukone! That said, there are some interesting patterns to be seen.

These ones appear to be the most unusual. Unlike the other factions, most ship designs are ascribed to just two cooperations; Carthum Conglomerate, and Viziam. This seems odd, but perhaps it’s a product of the way capitalism has only too recently dripped over into what was a largely feudal system? From there you could come up with all sorts of speculatory answers.

Sadly, when it comes to these two particularly companies, and timelines, things don’t quite align. Amarr ships are supposed to be among the oldest out there, and yet both entities are relatively new; particularly Viziam which was “only a few years old” as of YC105.
Perhaps there are simple explanations? While the Apocalypse, for instance, saw action as far back as the battle of Vak’Atioth; but who is to say Viziam wasn’t responsible for the most recent redesign?

Still, I feel Amarr designers could do with a little bit of broadening out. Could designs not have come from certain houses for instance. Given the centralised nature of the Empire, is the Navy not more involved in designs? They directly designed a few of the Frigates; so why does this not extend to ships like cruisers and battleships?

Now, what is the difference between a Cathum ship and a Viziam ship? Seemingly little, but from Frigates of Eve, Cathum seems to specialise in capacitors, repairs, and shield emitters; while Viziam seem to be more into their microprocessors/CPU. Otherwise this isn’t one I have really managed to get my head around.

The Caldari are much more straightforward! Hybrid weapons = Ishukone. Logistics and EWAR = Lai Dai. Lots and lots of missiles = Kaalakiota! When exceptions arise, this is mostly down to existing lore.

The most interesting bit, I found, is that Lai Dai ships seem to have their own design theme. It’s almost as if their chief engineer really, really likes steel rulers… spurning all implements in their pencil case! Every shape they conceive is angular, thin, and occasionally boxy. In fact, one might mistake their Jackdaw and Chimera designs, (from a certain angle), for being yardsticks in space, made to measure the very cosmos itself! They also like sticky out sensory equipment/cameras, but that goes without saying. Ishukone and Kaalakiota can compromise their corruptive curves, but Lai Dai will always be straight edge! :sunglasses:

Only other I wanted to mention was Minokawa. Now the in-game description points towards Ishukone selling the idea of the building Force Auxiliaries, but… the design and function of that ship screams Lai Dai! It looks like a ginormous Griffin class frigate; and even the engine units are taken straight from the Chimera!

The Gallente are reasonably straight forward as well. Drones for the CreoDron. Heavy armour and blasters, or EWAR for Duvolle. Logistics, and longer-range guns for Roden… I think. :thinking:

The most interesting one, I think! Unlike the other factions, designs aren’t just left to the corporations, as individual tribes are involved as well, particularly the Brutor.

As such, I think the tendency is that Brutor design the straightforward “lots of guns” combat ships, Thukker Mix make the faster ‘attack’ ships, Core Complexion deal with most logistics and EWAR, Boundless Creations tend to be the most versatile, and Vherokior create a lot of industrial ships. Even this though is probably a gross oversimplification.

What do you all think? Anything I have got wrong or missed; or any other trends to be spotted?

P.s. Sorry about the edits, trying to cut this into a readable format has been most challenging!



You’re missing one designer. Khanid Innovations. They’re responsible for all the Amarrian missile ships (Vengeance, Sacrilege, and an Apoc variant not made for capsuleer usage.)

Also, it’s interesting how Ishukone favors gunboats yet the Raven was an Ishukone design. I guess you could file that under Rali being a maverick of sorts, but still.

I deliberately excluded Khanid Innovations, rather cruelly, because, well… They just don’t count! :scream:
Yes, they did design some T2s, and the Khanid Kazmaar, etc, but those are just variations of existing hulls. Real ship designers, like Courageous Carthrum and Virtuous Viziam, design the whole ship from scratch… and from the heart! :sunglasses:

As for Rali, well, that’s because he is so Raven… Raven mad that is :stuck_out_tongue:
I think having some exceptions to the rule is a good thing, otherwise it all feels a bit stale or inorganic.

… and this is why I should read more carefully. Somehow missed the fact that you were talking about the T1 ship designers LMAO.

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Thats ok, it was a horrible great text wall! :rofl:
But yeah, I hope my edits have made it less, cumbersome!

It’s worth noting that ‘Designer/Manufacturer’ has more to do with who holds the current design blueprint rights than who actually originated the hull.

So a lot of the contradictions you notes previously aren’t necessarily contradictions and instead shifting design rights

One example I can give off the cuff is how the Jaguar moved from being a Thukker Mix design to being a Core Complexion design. Yes it’s a tech II example but it’s still broadly illustrative


Interesting! I know the design rights do change; and some have been overhauled so substantially they almost become totally different ships (The Frigates of Eve Online’s piece on the Crucifier being a fantastic example).

That said, there are a lot of examples where both the original designers and those doing the redesign get credited, such as the Navitas. In that example, perhaps it was part of the deal for trading the design with ORE?

So I think there could be lots of ways of explaining these things. But without knowing CCPS intent on these designations and/or without new sources to state what has changed, all this old Gaterau can do is point at prior sources and go “look sir, its Continuity error! And it’s getting away in that Blimp!”

P.S. Tots agree about the Jaguar! Hmm, maybe Thukker should get credit as well? :thinking: