New tutorial problems

Yep i am doing The Seeker Investigation Tutorial and it has some issues .

Let me use your post to add what i noticed:

I was doing the mission for minmitar :

The first Redeemed Items should be explained immediately to acquire it.

There is no explain on how to use Skill books.

After upgrading to use the Riffter i am being provided 300 of carbonized ammo
which mean 100 for one weapon and 200 for the other one not sure if it is called an issue
but the true issue come after that so i do mission then i disconnect.i logg in again and the mission
i was doing being reset so i started to do it from start.Note that the ammo i used did not recovered.
i did the mission like three time because the disconnection and i found my self doing the site with only
8 ammo to use.

The rookie ship has some modules why not to use it with the upgraded ship like afterburner.
New ppl will not think of stripping and fitting cause that is not within the guide.Normally i will do it
my self but not sure if they will do.

Last issue is the mission was boring and very slow.

I think the career missions is good enough for that and explain alot and good rewarding also.
But still has the bordum to have so.

IT might be good to use this Idea to get rid of bordum:

And i believe if you guys want to rework the first impression for new comer

I would advice to do good surgery on all NPC corporations.

I would like to suggest to make it like this:
Four Empires.
Each one has corporation that do specific task like military (PVE) . Mining . industry and exploring only.
so in total you will have 16 corporations only.

And every corporation will have Unique story of missions to do so that serve them
task that they specialized in.

Factions like Sansha . Blood Riders . gurists . Angels and Mordue i do not know alot about them
but i think they are fine as they are.

Concord also need story line and missions not sure if that exist or not.

Simply That Require to Delete every missions and sotry and rewards so rewrite
it from zero.

And OFC the one that will do the rewrite should read the old missions stories.
So he can find a way to rebuild that with good ideas.

Bring a sheet.
build new map for who own regions and systems.
Give them utility like structures and missions and specific bounce.

There is side effict that need to be fixed like:

If players has LP just hand them ISK so each LP cost 800 - 1000 ISK.

Any structure that being ownd by corporation that will be removed it is structure will
be giving to it is empire under the right corporation that suite it depend on the task they do.

Any Enemy of empire should not has structure in hostile territory maybe low sec only.

I can re imagine how missions can be done in faster motion and in attractive way but
not going to go in details.