Yes, as you might be aware or not the larger war deckers want as many targets as possible to keep their players interested and active, so if they drop off as certain larger and more aggresie nullsec alliances react as I expect that has an impact on them.
So the larger war deckers will get smaller and then other less competent nullsec alliances will have a go and hisec corps will have perhaps a chance, as well as smaller merc entities.
The consequence is that you have a strategic target that is worth while going after, just like an IHUB with the updates, consequence, pain, defeat, loss of targets, not the current level of immunity. Eve as it should be, surely you canât be against Eve as it should be?
PS Certain wormholers too
You answered your own question, however it is more to do with having something that could cause a fight, a content creator above having the gate campers chased away from the gates. It is not definite that people will go for it, however it is there, it is a risk and if someone gets annoyed enough they will come for them and have an impact on them, as compared to now as there is no impact and no value in wasting your time giving them a slap or two.