New Wardec mechanics - can't wait!

Devils were a better war dec group, but I was disappointed with some of what their CEO said in the war dec discord. They were one group that I would have to be careful around if I had a war dec from them.

Sadly I came to that conclusion near the end of my time in the war dec discord, because their reaction to the thought that nullsec entities could come and attack them and impact their operation was not what they wanted to see even if it was content, a real fight. And in truth I understand that fear, their impunity to farm would be reduced in this because they had a real consequence on their operation if someone got fed up with being war decked.

Which is why @Whitehound is acting as he is, it is fear. He reeks of it, and he likes trying to appear smart. And every post he does trying and failing to put his own words in my mouth makes him look an even sadder troll. It is a shame because in some other threads he actually made some sense. True colours being revealed and all thatā€¦

And people like him and troll like that and no one does anything about it, that was the most pathetic troll attempt I have seen for a long time on these forums, and that says something, it was almost Linus Gorp level of badā€¦

the game is based on that lol

What is it I fear?

I fear youā€™re not making any sense. I fear youā€™ve lost the plot. But if you think thereā€™s something else I fear then Iā€™m all ears.

the truth /s


A lack of beer?

@Dracvlad I call BS on your HS experience. If you did spend 3 years in hisec (which your KB says you didnā€™t) you killed the square root of nothing while you were there. You have about a months worth of activity on Zkill in hisec and that was 3 years ago.

You are literally talking out of your proverbial and know nothing about hisec wars.

Oh, thatā€™ll only bring out the worst in meā€¦ I got me some popcorn instead. :popcorn:


You canā€™t even read a killboard, LMAO.

30th September 2013 I gave up on nullsec sov and based mainly out of hisec, during that initial period I did PvP in Querious from hisec, and I had a couple of attempts in Stain, and I de-subbed a few times. That is 3 years worth of mainly being in hisec including war decs. Sorry mate but you appear to be blind .or something worse. One of my war decs was blowing up a certain freighter gankers POS in Niarja, I allied to a noob corp that he was farming rather than do a war dec myself, to prevent him getting allies easilyā€¦

Lame shoot the messenger attempt, oh dear typical failā€¦

Utterly Salvoshed.

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Iā€™m reading your killboard fine. All of your kills are in nullsec during this period barring a few months of hisec kill activity. Thatā€™s not wardec experience by any measure. Joining a single war doesnā€™t qualify you for anything.

If you were actively participating in hisec for 3 years then someone should tell your KB that, or you just were not partaking in hisec pvp. In fact, I donā€™t see any hisec activity since mid 2015 - as I said, 3 years ago. Thatā€™s hardly current knowledge and even then itā€™s pitiful

I donā€™t recall me ever saying I was a hisec war decker. So your post is full of guff and huff.

I developed a lot of information on war deckers during this period as I expected to be war decked due to my posting and never really was, I had all the main war deckers on watch lists, I had their scouts, corp flippers, their neutral logi all logged. I did a lot of observation, on those I perceived as a potential threat. As I was based in Khafis to keep out of the way of the main ones the most evident threats were PIRAT and Devils.

But the way I play has a reason for this, for example when Deadly Fingertips war decked me having seen me move an Orca from Osmon to Jita, I played with their Jita camper for three days during their weakest TZ, I could have blown him up twice, but my intention was to be a pain in the ass rather than be someone that they wanted to get because I blew one of them up.

And in that I judged correctly as they said good resistance and did not war dec me again, I cost them, watching him warp in a panic when I undocked a Vindi and a Bhal on him was funny as hell, their Nestor ball was impressiveā€¦ By the way I like Saegerā€¦

And this is key, donā€™t be an easy kill and get in their way of their easy farming. It is not difficult and that is why you have no clue.

Jonah tried to get some war deckers to come after me because of my posting and they told him not to bother, and there is a reason for that reply. So any way, suck it up mate, feel free to war dec me at any time to show your ignorance about me, like a person who said Magic Citadelsā€¦, :sunglasses:

PS I was in the war dec discord to be a voice from the other side so to speak, but the number of people who seemed to forget that was funnyā€¦, telling me I was not something I never said I was as if it meant something. So please continue I enjoyed it.

doing highsec wars makes you a highsec wardeccer

Dom I did some war decks and was war decked, but I would hardly call myself a hisec war decker from that. Though my POS in Niarja got a Falcon and a Confessorā€¦, it was lethalā€¦

you were by definition, no one cares if you called yourself that or not lol

You claim experience in wardecs and are trying to influence their future.

Seeing as you have no experience of any worth wardeccing, then your opinion, entitled to it though you are, is worth as much as mine. Which is precisely nothing if it was too subtle for you.

the only people that moan are those who are abusing a decade old mechanic.
I have very literally done everything in eve and been on both sides of this.
And I. after years of watching can tell you its one of CCPā€™s infamous status quo issues.
Along side cloaky camping, empire ganking, and the local hunter/prey debate.

They have sat on their butts over it for years because its divisive and they do not have the guts to do anything. Its an outdated mechanic that has a skewed risk vs reward argument. At the end of the day its about reputation and game health. ccp enjoy the some what infamous reputation EVE has because of these mechanics But its a self deprecating one. Iā€™ve known well over 100 corp mates over the years stop playing. And while only a select few have been directly because of a single tiresome ganking or war decs. Its 100% a factor in the decision of many more who just get sick to death of Eve being a ever increasing chore. These mechanics make people quit. Its that simple. And for what? the benefit of the few. Who cry foul at the idea of them having to do extra work but refuse to accept their negative role on others and the overall long-term health of the game and are more than happy for others to have to keep doing more to enjoy the game because of them.

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What about the war deccers shipsā€¦

And how many keyboards do you wear out in a week?


You are adding consequencesā€¦? :stuck_out_tongue:

Donā€™t you actually mean you want there to be a potential consequence for a war deccing corp/alliance.

But doesnā€™t that potential already exist? If a corp war decs another then the decced corp can blow up the war deccersā€¦Why does there need to be this additional change?



The problem isnā€™t that the war deccers are not putting assets at risk, they are. The problem is that their opponents are generally disinclined to fightā€¦at all.

Here is my guess as to what will happen if this does go through, the only people who will bring the pain to the war deccing alliances are NS entities. They are the only ones with the man power and ability to bring in a fleet to HS to bash and blow up the citadel. So, war deccing allinaces will likely just drop war decs against those NS entities that can and do bash their citadels. The guy running an indy corp out of Verge Vendor or down around Hekā€¦not much will change for him and his handful of buddiesā€¦except that now even the big blanket deccing alliances can track targets down if they are so inclined.

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Cry more please. I know a lot more about war deckers than you, detailed it above, I have nothing to hide as transparency is key, this is my main, if that is your main, all I can say is yeah your view is worth nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

As I said, I am not a hisec war decker, get that into your thick skull, so what you think matters not.

What about them?