So. Do we have any kind of actual confirmation of changes, or is this some kind of wishlist wankfest?
Asking for a friend… no, scratch that. I want to know.
So all the large hisec war dec groups will just plant a fortizar in every constellation. All this is doing is hitting the smaller wardec groups who don’t have billions to spend putting down fortizars.
If by griefing you mean catching people who do stupid things, then why should that stop? EVE is a game of consequences. One of those consequences is that if you fly your blingy marauder through hisec when under a wardec you run the risk of dying. Or run incursion sites afk in 2Bil rattlesnakes (check my killboard for a recent example…) you should expect to be found out eventually.
When I ran in nullsec I knew that if I went to Jita, I had to be in an interceptor. In fact, everyone knows this. It’s only the ones who decide to chance it that get caught. It only takes one loss in hisec for someone to realise that they should pay attention to whether they’re at war or not.
Unintended consequences occur frequently when you change game mechanics. Loopholes appear that may break another aspect of the game - see the watchlist changes as an example.
This would penalise those who can’t necessarily log on every day. You would have to make sure you can play 2 consecutive days in order to get content. Miss a day? Tough luck, you can’t get your content until the next day. Again, hits the small groups harder than the big wardec groups.
Every time wardecs raise their head on here we have people trying to change something that is only considered broken by those who want hisec to be safer than it is. It’s not perfect and I agree that tweaks can be made, but I’ve still yet to hear a solution that wouldn’t completely break the system.
As a player who has already had his game play affected by mechanic changes I adapted to those changes.
Also the watch list was too good as it was, seriously so. At this point smart war deckers are using the public chat channels which have been adjusted to show the people in the channel whereas before they did not. People adapt, they find ways to do it, perhaps spending time to assess the target better, but many were spoiled by the watch list which also popped up a notification that their target was online, so they gave up and stopped playing. Seriously you want to base your suggestion of unforeseen consequences on people who could not adapt and gave up?
Who does that?
Most people don’t have public channels
Most people stick to corp chat or private rooms
And mercs have other stuff to do than to scour every chat channel in game for their prey lol
But that is not why watchlists were changed. They were changed because they were too good at catching logged off supers (something that is not really an issue anymore with the advent of the keepstar). It’s an example of CCP changing something that seriously affected nullsec groups which had the unintended consequence of breaking hisec watchlist hunting.
And much as it pains me to agree with Dom - nobody watches public channels. Hunting someone this way is just not sustainable and anyone who is doing it has waaaay too much time on their hands. And is also not catching their targets…
It’s not a case of not wanting to adapt - changes happen and adaptations have to be made. What shouldn’t happen is trying to fix something that is not substantially broken. A few whiny nullbears should not dictate how the game is played in hisec - particularly using the new player excuse which, to be frank, is just BS
So you are not smart then… I know a few who are doing it, but they do targeted war decs so they put extra effort in.
I love when people like you assume I’m an idiot
Makes it easier to kill you
You got it wrong, the main reason was because everyone had watch lists of their enemies supers and titans characters and as soon as they saw them mass log on they stood down, reducing content. It is a myth that it was because of super/titan hunting, they were affected just as much as the war deckers in hisec. You should get your facts right.
Then you are casual players and not really doing Eve. Sorry but I was amazed to find most hisec war deckers expected to catch someone in an hours play, no wonder they relied on the watch list so much.
Again you get it wrong, if you cannot understand the reasons for it don’t project it on others, it makes you look foolish.
They have not adapted and should feel bad.
So should I say because a few whiney hisec war deckers will lose out I should have less content in nullsec from your logic?
I never said you were an idiot, I just said you were not being smart.
It goes to the same
@Savoycabbage Draccie here is a pro l33t pvp’er that doesn’t whine about anything
Must take him super seriously /s
What in the world are you talking about? I don’t know what point you are trying to make, but there’s nothing in what I said (or what you quoted) that is true for a faster refresh system that is not true for a longer refresh system. Yeah, you have to log into the game to play the game. The 7-day wardec doesn’t have the magical ability to let you play the game when you’re not here, and breaking it up into a “pay as you go” system doesn’t magically deprive a 7-day system of something it never had.
Has something like this been discussed in a public forum already? Sounds like a good idea to me, but there might be good reasons why it’s not that I’m not aware of. Anyway here are some possible improvements to that idea:
I think a hard low limit to the number of wardecs is a bad idea. I’d rather have the cost of each new wardec to increase, maybe exponentially, so that blanket wardecs with no consequences would eventually not be worth the price, but it’s still possible to keep wardecing targets for which the outcome is expected to be worth the price.
I like the idea of introducing some kind of infrastructure, not as a requirement to be able to wardec, but rather to provide war services such as locator agents, watchlists, reduced costs for addional wardecs, etc. Maybe with modules that have to be fitted to the citadel for each of those services, and maybe a new type of citadel for that purpose even.
It most certainly does not, I guess it is because of just this type of attitude on your part that makes you such an extreme poster. Just because I tell you that you are not being smart because you are not doing targeted war decs and using public channels as a tool you define that as me calling you an idiot. I for one do not see you as an idiot, you can post like an idiot, but an idiot you are not.
I put this forward in the War dec discord after Fozzie said at Fanfest that they were looking to tie war decs into structures, I did not like the idea of a forced capture the flag type system.
So I suggested this as a way to put consequences into the system and to have a way to get at war deckers, to create content. I suggested that the Concord agent gave a sort of watch list service and I was open to the war deckers having the ability to place war decks on different citadels.
The reply I got was, ‘magic citadels’ chanted at me by one, and another saying that they did not want to be under the thumb of null sec alliances, as if they had the right not to have to fight for it. It was most disappointing as a response and reinforced my growing belief that most hisec war deckers were really quite casual as players.
I think the fee for War Dec should be increase to 500M or more. Why should a war dec get to hit and kill a station that is worth 700M or more?
Wars are a way to settle disputes between players, but having a reason to wardec someone is not required nor expected even. In addition to what I just said, CCP’s Help Center says this about Wars in EVE:
No, they don’t need to. CCP may decide to do it, but they don’t have to.
What does being casual have to do with anything? Great gatekeeping here I have to say. In order to play EVE you have to spend all day every day in front of your PC? Once again I find myself agreeing with @Dom_Arkaral. I really need to break that habit
I have no issue with NS alliances paying a visit to hisec and coming to play. The fights tend to be fun. What I was pointing out was that their player base generally don’t want to. And what I object to is the whiny screams of nullsec players complaining about an area of the game they rarely visit because they want it to be safe. That wasn’t aimed at you, although seems to have hit a nerve regardless.
Whether I’m wrong about why watchlists were changed or not is irrelevant. They were changed at the behest of nullsec players, and had a massive impact on hisec. Unintended consequences as I said.
There are already plenty of ways of getting at wardeccers, and wars have consequences for us as well.
On the converse, why should you have a station that is worth 700M or more without expecting to have to defend it just because it’s in hisec?
highsec is supposed to be safe
But hey, we’re just casuals lmao
I am not saying players can’t or should not defend their stations but the corp that declares war need to pay a larger fee for War Decs since they can take runs at stations.