NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNerf drone aggro

Correction, you got the response, and it was well deserved.

I dont like drone aggro either. Some rats just love to go after them regardless of a ships threat. Even in a ship that is not a drone boat and most of the damage is from the ship. Some rats will still almost immediately go for drones when they are launched. I always looked at it as part of the challenge of the game not an issue that needs fixing.

Best of luck to you, and fly safe.

PS: next time try to be more open and understanding of others on the forums. Its actually one of the better online communities.

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It’s not a challenge, it’s simply anti-fun.

The problem with that is that, when you get what you want,
then someone else will eventually - but inevitably - come and claim that it’s too much,
and that it needs to be nerfed again, specifically for him or not.

There is no bottom to this. We’ve seen this happening in this game since literally forever. The “One More Nerf ™” meme grew out of this. When you give in once, more people will come also demanding things.

Same happened with Alphas. They get an inch and start asking for a mile.
They get a mile and start asking for two.

Sure, it’s not always the same person doing so …
… but it’s always a person sharing the thoughts and beliefs of the other person.

It simply never stops.

I don’t ask for nerfs on a whim. I understand fully why it’s not balanced and that’s why I am asking. Imagine trying to rat and the rats just turn one of your guns off for the entire site, and sometimes they turn two guns off. That’s what these aggro spikes do to drone boats and the aggro spikes last for hours.

But it is balanced due to the fact that it’s not always happening.
It would be punishing it if would always happen, but it doesn’t.

Sometimes you have to deal with it, sometimes you don’t.

That’s literally how this works.

Why can’t you do anything else in the game, when you’re having “bad luck” ?

There’s plenty of other things to do?

What are you using as the balance marker to say this.

Like Guristas, or the faction police,
nonsensically - yet successfully - jamming me from 800km away?


Because I don’t always have time to mess around switching activities. Sometimes I just want to hop on and do some ratting.

and everybody hated it, and rightfully so because it was just annoying and there was no counterplay. You just have to sit there and wait around to do anything.

I have no problems with these mechanics exsting but they shouldn’t be used to arbitrarily nerf income, they should add decisions to be made.

No. I stop doing these missions and do something else,
or try to adapt my ship’s fitting accordingly.

Against the faction police I just warp to my next bounce point.

It’s balanced over time.

Well … that’s pretty much the purpose?
It’s forcing people to pay attention, which allows for making mistakes,
and it can cost the players drones, lowering their income.

It’s a way for CCP to control the influx of ISK without actually nerfing income directly, which sees much harsher reactions from the people. It’s funny in a way that people can be fooled this way.

Like … imagine CCP would lower warp speeds across the board. It would lower the isk/hr for literally everyone, but only a small amount of people would be complaining about it, because only a small amount of people actually would think it through. The ones affected the most.

If CCP though decided to openly nerf the isk/hr, a LOT of people would be up in arms about it. Both types of reactions can be observed when CCP makes changes, depending on how well they try to conceal the indent behind the changes.

I’m sorry, but this is the game you’re playing and it’s not about easy fun. Despite what CCP slowly transforms it into, EVE’s not yet a collection of simple mini games intended to please the player into spending money.

They’re working on it, though.

What it confirms is that youve been flagging my posts for no reason.

If you want to nerf income then you should just nerf the bounties, or you indirectly nerfing it by bringing up the other income streams to the same level. The absolute number of the ISK is completely irrelevant. We are also talking about one of the lowest income streams in null, VNI ratting. Game mechanics are there to add fun, but when they become to powerful they become frustrating and not fun. Drone aggro as powerful as it is currently when present is not fun.

The game needs to have activities that can be done in a reasonable amount of time otherwise you alienate many players and the game just dies because nobody has enough time to invest in it. That’s why the game never grows currently. It’s not harmful to have small time investment activities. People need to get a grip.

VNIs were the most prolific in terms of Botting and over-used as a farming ship.

Which is why CCP is nerfing VNIs in the next patch.

And its also why Drones got nerfed to begin with, years ago.

So yes, it affects a lot of people.

But even if it didnt, it would still affect a lot of people. One side who farms billions, possibly even trillions of isk, will affect the game and market. This is why Rorquals were nerfed. The number of Rorqual pilots are surely far less than the number of VNI pilots, but they were affecting the game with the amount of ISK they were raking in and the amount of minerals they were getting.

That happens all the time. Its called reloading and running out of ammo.

The monthly economic report is clear proof that VNI ratting is not an issue. The issue is Delve.

Yes. The decision should be, use drones and be prepared to micromanage your drones, or use guns and prepare to use ammo and run out of it.

So they have more DPS to make up for it numbnuts. Do you understand what DPS means?

Really. Where in the MER does it say how much income VNI ratting is bringing in?

It’s not hard to deduce.