No Downtime - Again!

Making the ore anomalies like CCP is planning on doing will do nothing to reduce bots or AFK players. The issue is CCP is making game play so disengaging that some players don’t want to do it but it has to get done. If it was not for afk miners and the active miners their would be little to no ore or ice or produces to buy.

The real question is why is not CCP developing more active mining?

Fair enough - I was misled by the standard CCP inability to communicate clearly, namely a news piece and dev blog entitled No Down Time Vol 2 will commence on 8 September…



I am sure that they are planning, the problem is that it is CCP_Baldrick doing the planning.

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Here we go

I expect to be turned inside out or trapped inside a star or have my drones attack me any minute.


Yes, that was kinda funny just now. Bodes very well for tomorrow.

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Clearly I was right after all!!! For the wrong reasons, but… :roll_eyes:

That is possible, but more complicated than simply reducing the number of downtimes (and eventually getting rid of them).

Not by any meaningful amount. We were at 4 minutes today and we can realistically only hope to shave off seconds here and there. Any effort towards significantly reducing that would be better invested in reducing the number of downtimes.

No; Windows locks many of the files that need to be updated while the process is running.



There are longer-term ideas on how to replace the asteroid belts. Currently they are actual real items in the inventory system that are replenished during downtime (in a DB job while the inventory system is offline) and need to be replaced with sites that spawn based on a distribution and regularly replenished.


Somewhat related: It would be very nice if CCP put up a notification in the launcher if they updated something that requires a client restart to apply. It’s quite disconcerting that updates happen secretly in the background to hotfix something, which prevents you from starting up any new clients while other clients are still running and preventing the update being applied fully.

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So technically we could put asteroid belts in our pockets… or ship cargo bays? :thinking:


Have you considered what will be the impact on new players by not having belts respawn during your little experiment tomorrow? And communicating that clearly and concisely, rather than excessively long and complex dev blogs? A lot of the new player experience involves mining. Yes, a fair number of the career agents’ missions come with their own, self contained little belts, but not all. New players do not have large stockpiles to allow them to take a holiday. And depleting the belts for a whole day could lose you people unnecessarily. You really should not be experimenting without at least a sticking plaster - you have the code for anomalies, why not deploy it for 24 hours?

If you turn inside out I want to put it on YouTube.
This will be like a sea cucumber only terrifying. And really really gross.
I will give you full credit for your accomplishment and we will win a Pulitzer prize for… Um… Aww crap.
Ok, fine, we won’t win anything, I might get a lifetime ban from YouTube… That’s something right?

I assume that due to no downtime there will be no daily challenge for skill points?

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‘Because the 18 year old, incredibly horrible and undocumented spaghetti code that respawns the asteroid belts is configured to only run during system startup, and the system startup cycle won’t be happening.’

I mean, you’re effectively asking ‘Why don’t we all fall off the Earth? (Other than “Gravity”.)’ The lack of DT tomorrow is the only reason there won’t be asteroid belt respawns tomorrow.

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I mean, at one point, the entire New Eden star cluster (literally the whole game) ended up fat-fingered into someone’s cargo hold…


Currently they are actual real items in the inventory system that are replenished during downtime in a DB job while the inventory system is offline. Since the cluster doesn’t go offline then the inventory system is still up-and-running and then the DB jobs must not run.

Yes, there was downtime today, Wednesday, and will be downtime again on Friday.

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Since you ask; it has happened, on test servers, that devs have put suns into their cargo holds. It was fun.

It has also happened, on TQ, through misbehaving code that has now been fixed, that the Universe Root was put into a structure that was in a ‘Inventory Graveyard’ (inventory items that are deleted are first moved from the main inventory table into graveyards and then later archived). It was not fun, it caused endless loops in the inventory system under certain conditions since the root item now had a parent.


There should be. If there are any daily things that you do or claim today, and then you can’t tomorrow; then please create a bug report and ping me here again with the EBR number.

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