And nobody remembered that there’s a new Factional Warfare comming up, people could get a little creative and cross the border for fighting a few timers.
If the grid is private, because it is a player structure, then it is not threat to the empire, why the Faction Police is there?
You can easily fix the faction standing by running missions. By tags or by running missions. L1 distro missions and storylines are surprisingly efficient at fixing the standings. There’s no reason why someone should get a special treatment just because they didn’t pay attention at what they were doing.
Why in the world should a faction not hunt players from a hostile faction on a poco or upwell grid? What knots would that unknot? The only thing it would change is a reduction in consequences for your deliberate actions. If you joined an FW side, you made a choice to declare allegiance to a particular faction and were told that this puts you at odds with other factions. There is no reason whatsoever to allow hostiles to just ram around and be unbothered by police and military of the opposing factions in the opposing faction’s space.
Grids aren’t private. They are open to anyone. And if you harbor criminals, war criminals and hostiles on your grid, it is the faction’s military’s responsibility to get rid of them.
What makes you think so? I have been running Poteque L1 distros for years to keep my Minmatar faction standing from dropping below -5 from my mission running for Emperor Family. Not everyone is as lazy and unimaginative as you or your group that needs this proposed clutch.
You see, that’s your problem. You or your group carebear too much yourselves but you don’t want to live with the consequences or fix the consequences. You want the benefits but when it comes to consequences you want them to stay as far away from your precious little fragile egos as possible. That’s not how it works or how it should work.
At least you were honest in the end about your real motivation behind your suggestion. Few people are.
The reason CCP introduced tags in the first place, was to help lowsec pvpers to quickly improve security status at a price.
Since then, they’ve also automatically made someone suspect when they enter FW plexes, slowing the rate at which people lose sec status in lowsec to begin with.
So I don’t see a need for this change. If you end up in a defensive or offensive war and need to go to highsec, then CONCORD offices are easily reached and sec status repaired.
That mechanism is already enough.
Seeing later in the thread, although the OP mentions Faction Police (security status), this may be about Faction Navy (standings), in which case, I don’t see from a Lore perspective why the Empires who hate capsuleers with low standings, to suddenly be ok with them loitering around certain structures in their space, but not others. That doesn’t make much sense.
Yesterday I got surprised by your existance and I thought “who is this guy? I never seen him before!”
Then I realized you are muted for all my alts and I forgot to mute with this one too.
Your mind is just bad man, don’t worry, you should just not engage in conversations and relax, it’s fine, just take a break and chill… this talky talky stuff is not for you.
Yes It was my bad I said Police instead of Navy!!!
Well, I was thinking that with the new FW ahead of us and the possibilities of changing borders and people travelling and doing timers it would be interesting letting people do it without having to fix standings.
I had to fix faction standings from a bad bad standings it was horrible, I hope people could enjoy the game better if they are allowed to fight their wars freely without NPC intervention.
People would still be attacked on gates, npc stations, sites, safespots, belts and all “public” space in the system tough.
I don’t know if the FW borders will change only in low sec, but if they ever change in highsec it would be desastrous!! Can you imagne having to defend your station but now the system has another kind of navy?
This is disingenous. Faction standings from missions would require the running of Storyline missions. Which you get offered every 15 normal missions. If your standings are so bad that you can only run level 1 missions, it’s gonna be a bad time, especially since you’ll have to find level 1 agents for that faction in space not owned by that faction, or be chased by the FacPo the entire time you’re running missions.
It would actually be more efficient to just not run the missions that lower standings.
No, you do not have to find agents outside the faction’s space. You can run L1 distros in low sec. They even give more standing per successful mission. Not to mention that you can run L1 distros even with -10 just fine in high sec because you do them in a frigate, which is uncatchable for the NPCs. L1 distros are much faster than L1 securities and require a lot less effort to complete. A Magnate fitted with some cargo expanders and istabs is enough to carry up to 3 L1 distro containers at the same time. Naturally, for low sec you probably want to use something cloaky (an Astero gives you some 550 m³ of cargo, which is sufficient for 1-2 simultaneous missions).
Sure, but that would require people to think before they act. In my described case it was a deliberate action. The storylines for Emperor Family sped up the process towards +10 with EF immensely. To compensate that, I had to run said 15 L1 distros every 2-3 EF storylines to push the Minmatar standing back below -5.
Battlecruiser can solo them. If that happens there are more waves, I don’t know whethere these waves are stronger each time. I only saw three waves to be killed, then the player ran away, it is certainly annoying and drops no loot.
Exactly that!
I had to do that one time, I have no idea how many missions I ran, I did the COSMO ones too, it was just bad… bad bad… can you imagine doing it for multiple alts?
This carebear guy over here never had to do it, that’s why he thinks it is simple
And just because you acted without thinking you feel like the game needs to accomodate your carelessness and carefree approach to a game mechanic that keeps telling you repeatedly that your actions will have consequences. Instead of making the life of people like you easier who clearly only want the rewards and none of the consequences, EVE should have more ways to fix your mistakes.
To get to +10 Emperor Family and +9 Amarr Empire without dropping to -9 Minmatar Republic, you have run a ton of L1 storylines. It’s been so many L1s actually that I now have +7 Poteque standing. But don’t let that reality get in the way of your strawman. It’s fragile enough as it is.
I think more about this than you. That’s why I ran Poteque and not a Minmatar corp.
Matter of fact is that this guy and his group doesn’t like consequences and want an easy way out of their lack of foresight. That’s not how EVE is supposed to work.