[Noir.] A different kind of small gang PVP

It’s not much, but it’s honest work

I wonder how many of those abyssal FSUs were officer rolled

turns out they like virtue pods

The peril of spamming cloak too hard while trying to warp away

It can’t come soon enough

At least JFs got cheaper to compensate?

Did you know according to the Queensbury rules pods don’t count?

all that for a single battle field

The TTT is dead, long live the TTT

It’s like people don’t remember this whole thing started because fighting over a keep in HS was miserable.

Geri down! as part of an ammo delivery gone wrong no less.

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Why wasn’t I invited to this fight?

The fight for Fliet continues.

how many twitch points did you win today?

I can’t believe they couldn’t even win one timer

Well, my match was easier then expected

Back after another (mostly) exciting series of AT matches

About to kick off one hell of a contract. If you have no love for your security status, this is the time for you

when you forget snuff is basically a small null block