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Is there such a forum over here?
I’ve spent my first weeks with google and youtube. Googling often lead me to the forums, to closed threads from the past discussing my problem. Youtube gave me valuable hints how to setup my GUI or how to scan. Newbro chat helped with some immediate problems, too.
My first killer gave me 50m ISK as starting support.
My buddy invite contact also gave me lots of support and plenty of PLEX.
It took weeks to receive the first serious recruiting mail, in fact I was contacted via chat, and received Mails later.
I felt quite welcome over here. But I started in a calm and cozy place, far away from Jita or Amarr.
If you’re man enough, here
I came here 1st, but I don’t like reddit. I can say there are definitely a few repeat offenders that put me on edge and upped my snarkines before ever posting from just anticipating them dogpiling.
This game always attracts a certain type of nit picker that makes everything seem catty when trying to get info. The answer to everything is it depends, which isn’t what new people are asking. New people want to know round abouts and ball parks, some idea of goals or bench marks.
I can’t tell you how hard it was to find out what respectable dps is. I get that the game presents a wide range but, you start out doing like 5dps in the tutorial and maybe 100-150 in your destroyer. It’s not unreasonable to go, wow that’s like 30x where I started is this a lot? And the answer maybe yeah for that ship, but the new player also doesn’t know there are cruisers that can do 400dps and there are alphastrikes that do 1000.
It would also help to know about how long it takes to do these things. I’m 4 months in and can only get 260dps out of my vexxor. Would love to know if that’s bad or average.
Raises a good point because I’m always asking these things. I wonder if there is a better way to blitz those highsec sites… Lately I think it might be better to roll around in a glass cannon Thrasher (faster locktimes, faster aligns and warps) than to just sit in a Cruiser all the time.
Sometimes it’s not just about DPS if that makes sense. Then when I get the escalations or find a site then is what I am using the best? I’ve been trying an Omen lately just for the heck of it too.
That’s normal. It a whole bunch of skills you need to reach better DPS, which you skill time after time. Also you need a feeling how to fit your ships for more DPS. And after some months/years you sit in a Wolf Rayet wormhole in a Hecate with monstrous DPS and think about the times your first Battleship had less than a quarter of that amount…
I do see a lot of ignorance as do you, but, forums usually draw the most ignorant…
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