November Release: Invasion Chapter 2 - General Feedback

Think you are trolling at this point and think you well know the issue isn’t about reaction speed–it’s about added time to find BMs because of this change in the game.


You can use the People and Places window to have instant access to bookmarks. I am amazed that anybody would use the right click menu for emergency warp-outs.


@CCP_Lebowski @CCP_rise - the Angel changes make perfect sense for the Mach and Cynabal, as they offset the buff cruiser+ got recently. However, frigates received no such buff, so this change impacts the Dramiel in a way neither of its brethren, nor other frigates, are hit. Any chance that was an oversight and it’ll be tuned back to where it was?

Also, this. Very much this. And consider: if player retention after they get out of the tutorials is an issue, one way to improve retention might be to give them some clue WTF is going on, so they feel like they’re not completely lost at sea.


To the opposite…i KNOW that warping away will take longer now i just don’t think it matters because PVE has no chance to escape pvp anyway even in high so i really do not care if you are able to escape or not…this is eve not hello kitty online i was told in my ban pvp in high runs…and now not beeing able to escape is the worst problem in the world…

My sobing ability about this is nearly not existing…

I’m sorry but this double standards really amuse me…

Why has the Dramiel been included in the Angel Cartel warp speed nerfs?

Assuming that the nerf was decided upon due to the general speed increases for cruisers and above, therefore making the Cynabal and Machariel much faster than other vessels in-class, the Talos change actually made the Dramiel comparatively slower than it had been before when compared to many of its targets.

Nerfing it a second time for no other reason than the strength of the Cynabal and Machariel is frankly mean-spirited.


Quit feeding the troll. Duro is obviously a highsec snowflake who is bitter that PVP is allowed anywhere he might fly and so he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. Not worth wasting the key taps on him.

Ahh the troll hammer…conveniend isn’t it?

And expectable…

Well thanks for revealing you have an axe to grind, only want to share some misery about a completely different aspect of eve and don’t really care about the rest of the many types of game play.

Now back to the thread.

Different aspect?

The topic here is the whining about a minor change…

Quit it and we can talk serious

I’ve played for a long time and watched a lot of eve streaming. I don’t know anyone that PVPs doing that–it’s just one more step and clutters the screen.


I think you mean ‘convenient’.

When you are about to 'splode you hit Alt-E. Then your warpout is easy to click on.

I know what i mean…do you? :slight_smile:

Another annoying aspect is the limit on BMs. There seems to be a fixed 3000 limit…even if you create another folder under personal locations. It also shows that folder at the same level as one under the name–which means it’s impossible to see the nested level. That’s not even one BM per system…argg

Simply stop complaining…

When you’re using non-words like ‘convinined’? No. Nor do I give enough of a crap to bother asking.

Yes, how dare people give feedback in a feedback thread.


because no grammar police is needed here…easy as it is…keep my mistakes…you can have them…

This is no feedback just whining that something has changed…

Thanks, that’s not a bad suggestion once P&P is sorted by jumps-though I wish it wasn’t at the bottom of the list

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In the “Imported Vouchers” bookmark folder is says [3000 out of 3991]
How do i get my 991 missing bookmarks back?