Now this is a beautiful ship!

I think they could kept it as a model for Moa wreck.

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Can anyone name any other SF ship that looks like a popeyed one-armed guy?

That evolved into kind of a pterodactyl with a box body, and a suitcase?

I think not.

you’re probably right. Besides, the Bowhead is just a giant box, hardly agile, fast and is pretty ugly too

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Yeah that concept doesn’t work in EVE though as 2 players can’t occupy the same space, best you would get is a ship with a maintenance bay that can kick out ships but we already have transports that can do that

Gratz on seeing your idea become a reality, even if it’s in another game it’s still a win in my book.

Oh and pay no heed to the jealous losers spitting out the vitriol here, they’re just mad with envy.

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We have the moa redesign for your info
And no eve is a space game so don’t take it to planet level
Plus all hell the flying boxes XD

All hell the Rnlav



Thank you. Sometimes giving a nice compliment in the EVE forum is a good thing! :smiley:

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I could see something like this being useful if project nova ever gets finished, it would be great for a ship model, even if its limited to drops in project nova. or perhaps a new indy ship for transporting project nova stuff, when it is finished/released.

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I cant remember any planet environments being shown for project Nova.

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I think that ship looks pretty cool… OP. :slight_smile: looks like its from SC tbh…

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They mostly shew the inside visuals relating to combat arenas, and shew off a couple of the refurbished suits. Though it mostly has a lot of work to do, and I don’t think we’ll see if for a year or two yet; event in it’s earliest stages.

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The concept of the ship would mostly hinge on its capabilities. It would be designed as an agile, fairly fast deep space transport, a trade off for it’s inability to use armaments that could fend off aggressors. Players flying this ship could hot tail it out if they had too and even evade gate camps fairly easy. Some could even take on criminal status players as passengers into hi sec and CONCORD or into Faction space and would never be detected (unless they deboard). Basically The Vanguard’s passengers would not show up in local. This could mean more spying activities by factions, moving VIP players untraced to other parts of space, etc. It would open a whole new aspect of players earning ISKs other than contract transport. Then you have the potential scams like players ejecting passengers in the middle of a warp flight to a gank waiting their prey. Like everything in EVE it could be used for “good” or “bad” purposes, or even for revenge.

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It was announced on fanfest that we will see it released in months, not years.
Together with this site:

Site looks like a placeholder tho… :pensive:


Awesome, i had no idea they spoke about it at fanfest! Thanks for the info!


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