Null Sec as Endgame Content vs the Sandbox

and don’t forget to press F1
and make papis for the boss

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Is there a drug you don’t take or took too much? If something like that ever happen they will shut down server within a month. BO was huge change but not even that impacful. Sometimes I wonder if other companies hire trolls to spread missinformation on rival games.

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This is about BO. This is about removing highsec which is what majority of players and CCP wants to keep game fresh and moving forward.

Yep, troll with god complex. Knows everything, even what is my favourite jam is. Move along, nothing to see here.

Seriously, I should watch these shows more when I need a laugh


:sweat_smile: Didn’t see it that way. I should, too. Sounds hilarious.

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Well it is not funny if devs looks on space this way. If this ratatari or whatever his callsign is, who is working for years for CCP, can’t see that sandbox has not such thing as endgame and he is in charge of making changes then all playere may finally win eve soon…


From what I’ve heard from him CCP Rattati is not someone versed in game theory but this maybe because he is holding his cards close to his chest. Personally I think he might have no idea what he is doing & is just treading water so as not to get Falcon punched out of CCP. I have no faith that Eve will have compelling or competitive game theory systems implemented because of his position in the company.

The 'verse is too shallow for my liking and is now akin to simple casino games.

Eve used to be a MMO famous for having the smartest player base, Eve today is now tailored for the ‘‘I am very smart’’ player base. The verse is shallow the game systems are all an offshoot of the n+1 mechanic. PVE is designed to be botted or at the very best mass multi boxed, yet again n+1.

This MMO in my honest opinion has found its place and its for the ‘‘I am very smart’’ cringe crowd. I only dare tip my toes in once in a while. It lost its emergent game play philosophy after Incarna & has been downhill since then.

I understand that this game needs to be competitively monetised but meh, too much dumbing down now, tbh.

I’d look forward playing a MMO designed by Hilmar without thought to monetisation.


Null is barely endgame. Wormholes are the true endgame, with lowsec close second. I would put null as a step away from high sec.

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sooooo they apear to be moving to MORE guided content
the antithesis of good low sec
GJ CCP :frowning:

the dude said he want the empires to buiild ships and fight and the players HELP :nauseated_face:

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This is kind of disturbing news to me that I have heard mentioned a few times. Has anyone at CCP actually said that high-sec will be removed? If so, can you post a link to it? I don’t really want to spend anymore money on a game I might walk away from in a few months.

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yesterday i played
i loged in
picked one of my ships , saw that amarr flipped a lot of systems
well i have to oplex far away … ok set desto
picked a plex , on the second a corax came for me, light missiles , light missiles , lets go close , bad idea , it ruim my tracking , he was rockets fitted , killed me … insta came back , he was not in the mood to fight me again :frowning:
continued oplexing , some dudes entered ,shot me and bailed ,overheat as hell , to cheap for paste, picked the site back to base to repair
pass thought amamake and say some romantic ■■■■ on local to a special lady
repair , pass thought amamake again and continue plexing , a algos , ■■■■ , algos is hard to,i don’t want 2 losses , prepare to fight , i won :smiley:
1 x 1 …
to cheap for paste back to repair again…
pass trough amamake for the third time , i want one more kill before going to sleep to be positive , kiting condor , i approach the beacon , good idea , piked him in my double webs , almost killed ,out of range , switch to long range pew pew , only 2 mid slots , don’t have point ,he warped off
talked a bit on local with him …
:sleepy: o boy im tired … lets dock and log off

player interaction , ■■■■ on local , fights , NO NPC HELPING , NO BOSS
why people want to ruin a perfect fine and cool way of playing eve so much?


It will never happen.


CCP devs have been trying to get people to go to null for as long as I’ve been playing (2011). Back when CCP Soundwave was a lead developer, the high seccers were convinced he was trying to get everyone to go to null, guess what, it didn’t work. It wont work now either, there is nothing to fear, you can take off your tinfoil hats now.


^^ THAT ^^

Rumors from trolls and people who don’t even know what end of a ship points forward.


Thats why its funny.

They really have no clue.

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And yet Null Alliances are allowed to choose who gets in. So thats why Ive always disagreed with this theory.

It cant be Endgame, a place to join when you start AND a club for 100 people with 100 bots er I mean alts each.

IMHO null and high are the wrong way around.

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There is no need to remove highsec. What does need to occur is the removal of CONCORD and the safety net. That all players can agree on and what CCP Rattari has been discussing.

What was that word again…? OH yea, BALDERDASH

despise the number of farmers FW is actually in a high ATM
lots of noobs in the chat , awesome
i credit this to the lack of affordable mission ships because of the industry thing and lack of crabing slots because of the goon wars

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