Anyone count how many interceptors were popped yesterday?
I’ve had breaks go out on me going down the road. I managed to handle that safely. Don’t get scrammed is a lot easier than that imo.
I hate to break this to you, but this company has never been moved by the “tibetan monk lighting himself on fire publicly” thing.
If you don’t want to play anymore, just go quietly. We don’t need to see it live.
We actually need to see it live. No more empty threats but actual action taken to follow through with the threats. The more, the merrier.
It hasn’t been moved by the lone monk, but by thousands of monks leaving. Blackout rings a bell? Jita Riots ring a bell?
You can leave too
Hello Brisc Rubal,
from what I know, heard, you have been here in EVE for a long time and are also, if this is still true, part of the players interstellar councils … can you guys do really nothing against the direction in which the game goes?
Right know I am so angry, I cannceld my subs (which will still run on for ~9 month) and I really enjoyed the game when I started in 2017, 2018, 2019 … but with the last updates coming in , the nerf to mining, the increased complexity in even buliding T1 (battle)ships, the rising of prices …
big corps, bot users, and so on may not be impacted by all of this.
But the single player , casual player, who comes in here for some mere evening hours after a hard day at office, job, company, to enjoy a little bit of space game, can in a long term not uphold to this.
Why are you, this stellar councils, not acting against all the changes? right now there are only 22.976 players online. I remember times, about 2-3 years ago, were it had been 28k - 30k during this time of day.
This behavier of CCP is driving people of . Three weeks ago I showed a newbro how to get around, how to skill, put in three evenings in helping him. Then something happend, he lost his destroyer on a high sec gate (i assume it were trigs) and logged off … haven not seen him ever again … even fitted that guy 2 new destroyers and put them to Urlen to pick up but he does not come on anymore.
This is so bad and also so personally frustrating.
I think a zkillboard equivalent showing CCP’s kills of players’ love of the game can be worthwhile.
The best thing is back in the days you made the Damage Control a passive mod because it was “not fun and engaging gameplay” to simply push a button from time to time to get an effect.
Now you call exactly this as prefered active gameplay
They suck for your use but not for the many people who use them in WHs, they’re a very popular solo ship. Just because they don’t fit in with a current NS doctrine doesn’t mean they have no use. Dismissing them is dismissing a lot of people’s chosen gameplay and the last thing they needed was yet another hammering. It’s short-sighted to not realise that.
There’s a reason there’s so many people annoyed and that’s because they do still have an important place in the game.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere T3Cs are expensive ships that are skills intensive, require the use of a relatively expensive subsystem to achieve nullification, a subsystem that already gives substantial penalties, and they suffer a SP loss when killed. This is adding penalties on top of penalties on top of nerfs. That’s totally different to the hull bonus on the comparatively cheap interceptors. There really should have been a lot more thought to applying these changes to T3Cs.
Are you seriously? Only 2 warp cores maximum?
A bunch of buttons to get through ONE gate? Are you better off developing shooters?
You require adding new modules without adding additional slots.
What problem did this patch solve? What motivated these changes?
Which is why I said watching one guy biomass his crap isn’t going to move the needle. But hey, if you want to do that, please don’t let me stop you.
We can try to make it clear to CCP when we think they are making mistakes and we’ve been doing that, especially on the ecosystem changes, but in the end this is their game and they will do what they think they need to do, especially if they think that what they’re doing is temporary to lay the foundation for greater growth in the future, which is what everybody from CCP has said about all the changes they’ve been making.
Everybody is impacted by this. And yes, it sucks. And yes, we’ve told them it sucks. But, again, they think they need to do this to ensure the long-term health of the game. I don’t know what any of us can do when you’re arguing against changes that the guys who make the decisions think are “in the greater good.”
No, I don’t remember those times - the numbers now are pretty stable, and similar to what you saw in 2018.
It does suck when newbros don’t make it past their first combat loss. But I don’t think any of the recent changes can account for that.
I didn’t dismiss them. I was explaining why I thought they deserved a balance pass. But hey - if you think they’re in a perfect spot and don’t need any attention, that’s fine by me. One less thing to have on my list.
I’m not going to. I am not giving up the opportunities to dump crap on them for every single little or big mistake that they do and that could have been prevented if only they were listening and competent at what their jobs are.
CCP has been digging his grave for several months, this is just one more nail for the coffin, leave them, the population of players will surely increase in other games …
They need some attention, no doubt, but not yet more nerfs. All this is doing is pushing them further and further into obsolescence. What exactly is wrong with having niche ships?
You and I appear to be in violent agreement. I am not arguing against niche ships, nor am I arguing that T3Cs are fine as they are. For a ship that is supposed to be versatile, getting locked into one role for each class kind of destroys the point of the platform. It is supposed to be good at many things, not great at one thing only. That’s why it’s modular. I think they need to go back and look at that design goal and see if these ships are really doing what they were intended to do. The constant tweaks and nerfs have pushed them in a direction that is outside what I recall them being originally intended for.
Another thing I agree with you on. Man wonders will never cease eh.
Whod have thunk
Excellent, I’m glad we agree there. Do you understand why so many people are really quite annoyed that they’ve been hit the way they have in this update? As one of the only vocal CSM members here it would be good if you did.
What really bother me about the WCS (I cancel my sub btw). Is that take away my choice as a player, now any solo hunter with faction scram can catch me and I’ll force me to pvp and I would have absolutely no mean of escape , no chance at all, and with so much penalties like bandwidth I won’t have mean of defense. WCS are useless (by design). ■■■■■■■ useless.
What about the hunter is it fair that for the hunter, hell yeah it is. Hunters are supposed to hunt in packs (the most successful ones) if I had 4 WCS and a solo hunter jump me I would have a slim chance to scape, but if two hunters jump me I would be 100% death (and it’s fine) because again successful hunter works in packs.
Solo hunters should be forced to socialize of they want to be successful , not the prays.
Now what are my options , well on paper sounds cool , I gather s bunch of miners , mine together and hire s protection group like mercenaries (cool on paper). But one, that would not protect me against sucicide gankers and two chances are if I am mining in a ■■■■■■■ venture is that I need money. You see how cool ideas on paper don’t work in the real world.
What about join a coorp. That is apparently my only choice , but again you are tacking away freedom. Some people love being solo players and do Exploration, some others just want to be space truckers. But you are forcing players now.
Suspicious how your only hope is a coorp hmmm
If CCP want more pvp should a offer better experience , not just kick people in the ass and force them to pvp.
Of course, and that’s why when I was arguing in favor of removing nullification on certain ships in certain situations, I made clear that I thought T3Cs should be left alone - there were ample trade-offs for nullification.