Nullification and Warp Module Update – Live Now!

This is exactly myself and going to wh space aswel but according to the “pro-veterans” here you are a bad person depriving them from their precious content.

You shouldn’t be able to run away and survive with the loot you worked for, because that is content deprecation for the poor gankers.

You should stay and pvp , is pvp or nothing.

Let’s see you a rookie player with and Astero (or heron) fitted for exploration against some pvp veterans with skill maxed, with ship fitted for destroy you. With probably enough money for carrying boosters in cargo.



Remember that old adage where we’d tell people not tough enough to “go back to Wow”?

I’m playing Guild Wars 2 at the moment and haven’t seen you guys in MONTHS. Close enough! :rofl:

If the rookie has properly fit their Astero (by making use of the great fighting potential of that ship, so no warp core stabilizers) they can easily fight a PvP veteran at a relic or data site if th PvP veteran is there for exploration purposes in a T2 exploration frigate.

Only if the PvP veteran is waiting at the relic site to catch explorers, he may have an advantage. But any ship waiting for an explorer to fall in their trap is going to have an advantage, no matter who is rookie and who is a veteran.

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As an experienced explorer hunter you can trust me when i tell you that those who consistently escape don’t use WCS, they understand uncloaking and locking and are gone before i’m able to lock them.


And atlast after a long wait a trash imicus arrive.

I just use magnate with cloak in WH. One way to fight explo hunter in WH is just provide them with a trash loot and cheap killmail.

I can second that totally.

However, I disagree with the patch itself. The luxury yacht for instance has a warp core stability of -2 at the moment, while before the patch it enjoyed -4 (filling up all low slots). In practice, this means that the yacht has no chance of passing through a nullsec gatecamp with at least two instalockers on grid. I am shelving it via asset safety to be sold in 10 years when the price reaches museum article values. This 200mil isk ship has been rendered obsolete by a cheap 14K isk shuttle and the repeated misguided actions by CCP that just goes against their player base as a matter of routine.

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Indeed the yacht need some love, i’ve not commented on the rest of the patch, even if i’m thinking about some new adventures for my prowlers, and that moving stuf with a DST in Thera is going to be safer.

Thats a blokade runner, isn’t it? I’m referring to a deep space transporter.

Tested it on singularity in an occator. Worked perfectly fine and I found out, where my error was.
But as in your videeo my first idea was also: Drop the wcs as a whole idea on that ship and look for the electronic countermeasures.


So after so much interest, mostly negative. Is there any indication that CCP will make any amendments to the changes to the WCS? We need an answer for the -3.


The yacht was able (if fit right) to be less than 2 second warp, cloaky, and nullified. You didn’t need WCS on it at all to be pretty much immune to anything. It also has a lot more tank than a shuttle so It can survive a descent amount of smart bombs.

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Great job nerfing explorers CCP. Not only do you keep removing possible means of escape. Now every ganker knows exactly how much warp scram they need to remove any doubt of it. What’s tactical for explorers is a no brainer for gankers. Total garbage. You’re taking the fun out of it.


i noticed that neither Goru’s shuttle nor the interbus shuttle shows immunity to warp bubbles.

Bye Bye then

Price of faction scram will sky rocket. Gankers will now forced to put blings on their ship.

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The point you’ve highlighted is not statistically different from the rest of the chart.

I think the line represents the approx time the changes were pushed i.e. a starting point rather than a significant dip.

Really bad change. Not well thought out, poorly implemented and screwed over several ships (All unique ships such as AT ships, the yacht etc).

Really dumb change even for normal ships that no one asked for.


Maybe just maybe… make a real difference between the factions WCS and the other ones. Maybe faction at streghnt of 3 so WCS won’t be viable only on hauling ships…

Been living under a rock for 10 years?

Your d scan will keep you safer than a wcs was, and the decloak delay on the hunter is in most cases the time you use to run.

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