If your ship aligns in more than 15 seconds, don’t turn it on before you start aligning. Turn it on right before you get into warp instead.
I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! I thought because I was a noob I didn’t understand things and gave the veterans “hunters” the benefit of the doubt, i assume I was wrong so I went and tried to learn more.
I almost fall into the gaslight again !!! This is wrong !!! SO BROKEN!!!
You completely ■■■■ explore!! Period !!
I did some digging. Well let see about the “options”:
- ECM/Burst jammer
-Do you know that they have just a CHANCE of work !!! CHANCE (just of the 30% if you are lucky !!!)
-Do you know that there are SEVERAL TYPES !!! of jammer and you must fit the CORRECT ONE!! because the Multispectrum have even LESS CHANCE OF WORK
-Have around 30 sec of reload (by the time you roll the dice again you are dead) while the ship can start RELOCKING inmediatly!!!
-Have a short-range (6km for TECH II) Warp disruptor II have 24 ■■■■■■■ KM !!!
-If your ship doesn’t capacities to boost your jamming are pretty much useless
-ECM was ■■■■■■■ NERFED ALREADY !!!
-ECM Hornet requited Drone ■■■■■■■ V!!!
-They use a mid slot (where you Data and Relic Analyzer is)
A full fit for an ASTERO with ECM (yeah an Astero) costs more than 100 million (remember industry ?)!!! (For veteran is chump change) but I can assure you for me is NOT
Wow, Meanwhile the tackler is no change based, he just sat comfy at range and watch you died
How do you want to people adventure into low-sec or WH space ???
It must be because I am relatively new and this is the major patch that really affects me, But I still surprised
Is this by design? The great “escape”
What is the point of “exploring” if you don’t have the threat of being hunted by hunters over your head ?
With your low slots filled with warp core stabs this threat was gone.
Now it’s back !
You’re welcome.
Actually i don’t get it. Instalockers pretty much annulate every form of escaping. What do you want to say here? That you are that dumb that CCP needs to pin down the prey for you?
Because i doubt you actively hunt peeps, because then you would know that this will affect you the moment the ratters discover that bubbling their own gates allow them to escape.
I’m not going to say she couldn’t do it, but it seems a lot less likely now.
The optimal escape method for Asteros was and is to not getting caught. They are instawarp and covert cloak. For the unlikely case of a desperate point or scram landing on you, there is the WCS, which now gives you +2 for just one low slot sacrifice. The drawbacks are irrelevant for explorer or travel fits.
Nothing should be safe in this game.
In fact, the game would be already dead if it was safe. There are much better games on the market for farming safely.
Eve is still alive because there is destruction.
A couple of exploration sites should pay for that.
If you die often enough that you’re losing money on exploring in an Astero, try flying in a T1 exploration frigate instead - they are much cheaper to lose and you will make enough money in one site to pay for another ship.
If you’re exploring in an Astero:
- the nullification changes don’t affect you as you cannot fit it on your Astero that already has cloak + probe launcher
- the warp core changes don’t affect you as you should not get tackled in the only exploration ship that can align in less than 2 seconds.
If you pay attention the only threat that could catch your Astero is a cloaked interdictor at a site.
OR an SB if you are outside HS or Low
I used to bullseye Buzzards for fun in my Purifier back in the day
A bomber is definitely a threat to T2 exploration frigates, but a combat-fit Astero would eat that bomber alive.
[Astero, Astero Combat Explo]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
1MN Afterburner II
Relic Analyzer II
Warp Scrambler II
Small Cap Battery II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Core Probe Launcher I, Sisters Core Scanner Probe
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II
[Empty Rig slot]
Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Acolyte II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Warrior II x5
^ Fly something like this. With decent skills it warps off within 2 seconds so anything that uncloaks on top of you cannot catch you unless it’s a bomber (that you can easily kill) or a cloaky interdictor.
anyone tested if Leopard/faction shuttles got the immune bonus, but ccp just lazy/forgotten updating info?
I have already filed a ticket to this matter, but want to express my opinion that this is a terrible update that needs reconsideration!
I am not sure how the interdiction nullifier module is suppose to work with covops ships if you can’t have the module activated while either cloaked, or in the cloaking cycle. Game log is telling me otherwise, but I definitively activated the module while the cloaking cycle was initiating to get away from a collapsed wh for our home defense. The subsequent 30 sec cooldown from being in a “nullified” t3c was even observed.
Can someone explain me the purpose of this major change, and with so little short-notice… The nullifier t3c are no longer an advantage now by the looks of it, making the sub-system totally useless!
You can activate the nullification module while under gate cloak. So if you find yourself in a bubble, activate nullification module, warp off and immediately cloak up.
And as any other module (such as propmods) I think you can also initiate this module while initiating your cloaking cycle.
For nullified T3Cs: you still get a massive decrease in penalty and cooldown for the nullification module if you use the nullified sub-system. So if you’re planning to use the interdiction nullifier module on your T3C this is a good option, although you can choose to fit another module (and eat the full penalty).
The main downside is that the T3C nullification subsystem is completely useless when combined with drone subsystems because of the massive drone penalty.
How do you kill the bomber before the bomb hits?
IN fact, Id say good luck killing the bomber even if it misses. Bomber aint gonna stick around after and that Astero aint got no point
EDIT YEs it does, damn, sorry missed that
Just so you know, it is the
• No targeting delay after Cloaking Device deactivation
that makes bombers a threat to explorers. I wouldn’t even fit a bomb launcher on it, either use torpedoes (but then you need very good application) or use rockets to kill it. And for that you need the target to stick around, which gives a combat-fit Astero plenty of time to kill the bomber.
Thrasher insta blap them do it all the time. Astero is a frigate size so shouldn’t die ever to a bomb unless your just bad.
Im literally only talking about bomb ambushing, so target lock is irrelevent anyway.
THough I did used to fit lights because torps were so useless for solo
You are literally firing the bomb the tick after toggling cloak off.
So unless theyve changed it so you cannot fire your bomb immeadiately after decloaking, I dont see why what worked then wouldnt work now.
Now, I havent PvPd in any capacity in like 5 years or so, so as long as you can tell me why this wouldnt work, I will be happy to default to your both more recent knowledge
Bombs have been nerfed so bad and they are so slow now they are pretty much a joke to avoid. Plus your sig is small on a frigate so if you either are moving full speed or have mwd off the bomb doesn’t even dent your shield of your hit by it lol.
Ok, so theyve changed it.
Thats all you had to say.
But I did used to do it, so it cant have always been that way.
Yea but that isn’t going to work. Frigate will warp off before the bomb lands, or make sure their MWD is turned off so your bomb only tickles them.
Like I said, the reason a bomber is a threat to explorers is the ‘no targeting delay’ after decloaking.