Nullification and Warp Module Update – Live Now!

Well I can say what this made a helios much more worse when it was before. Why? The problem is what this ship has only two high slots and can’t have nullification module with cloak and probes, other coverts can easily fit this module. Looks broken.


Hello everyone. My name is Red Fox and I’m recently in the game. I am already wise and old enough, therefore, in the game I am interested in economics and the very spirit of space adventurism. But the latest updates have killed me. Even before that, I was jarred by the senseless killing of ships that reigned in the vastness of Eve. But the latest updates with a limited number of warp disruptor modules, which deprive cargo and mining ships in general of any chance to fend off the assholes who kill for the sake of murder. Such a policy, I believe, is aimed at increasing the marginality of the business (I do it a little in Russia, so I understand the point). But, in my opinion, it will simply lead to an outflow of normal people who are not interested in PVP, but are interested in creation. Want to indulge the assholes who kill for the sake of killing? This is your business, your rules. But don’t be surprised at the outflow of production workers and miners. Do you want to reduce the amount of intelligence? You are on the right track. And yes, I regret paying for the omega status of two characters. The negativity of these changes negates the fun of the game.


Come now we all know gate camping is the lowest form of pvp.

And yes, where did you get the ship insurance? This did not really compensate for the losses financially, but there was a relationship with real life. The developers of this patch should be, mmm, at least deprived

“effective managers” who push such changes in order to increase profits at the moment will kill the cool idea laid down by the founders. Drive them if you don’t want to be left behind.


[quote=“Ivanka_Omanid, post:505, topic:312103, full:true”]
Please don’t be ■■■■■■■ disingenuous, Veterans always say bs like this. They try to Gaslight rookie player to make them think they have options. Is scummy AF.
Por favor. perros.

  1. They always says “Stay Aligned”.
    While Hacking ? While moving to can to can? If they catch you in the middle of moving you will lose time to align
  2. Check D-Scan
    True, but they have a cloaking device as well if you didn’t scan at the right time before they cloack you lose the signall. And they probably have pres-scanned the site so you won’t see any probe.
  3. Recalibration Time after Decloak
    Maybe. You normally have LESS THAN 5 SECONDS especially if they have a Covert Ops and have Cloak V trained (of course they are veterans)
  4. Ecm/drones
    Well now the most recent debuff to WCS this will be almost impossible unless you don’t carry one, and Youll needs time to react + deploy them + target him. By that time you are most likely death especially if your ship is fitted for exploration
  5. Intertia Stab/Nanofiber
    First, both of those items have staking penalties
    Second, Why they don’t tell you is the Inertial stabs make you ■■■■■■■ easy to lock and Nanofiber make you ship of weaker making you more vulnerable
  6. But Faction scram prices will skyrocket
    Please these guys have years in the game and have deep pockets , isk is nothing for them. or they just should fit two (witch is very common)

Previously your only defense has 3 o 4 WCS in a Magnate or Astero but now forget about it is gone. Now they just need TWO scrabs (which is the standard to be hones ), Is PVP the hard way.

They won’t admit it , Vetenerans gaslighters mf , But please those “PRO” players cannot be bothered, If one previously fitted 3 or 4 WCS was a piece of ■■■■ that was killing game depriving content (not say EVE mas more popular in previous years and they only need another buddy to catch me)

But, I shouldn’t be so averse to lose, Well sorry for not having deep pockets like you, and don’t wanna lose my work from hours. And most probably they don’t even do it for money but Ego for the stupid Killboard to make them feel dangerous and brave.

I have more respect for a rookie player that risks everything going to WH or LS thay any of you veteran “hunters” (most like opportunistic “Basuras de mierda”) (scum) , A Lion, is never going to complain the Gazelle is too fast.

Where are my options Then?

Мадмуазель, Вы совершенно правы,. полностью с Вами согласен

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Gate camping just to camp a gate is trash game play. Targeted gate camping to cause unrest in a specific place though… What im really saying is there’s a time and place for everything.

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I just returned to one of my old stations and found 50 ships completely stuck in there - I cant undock any of them because they have 2 or more warp core stabs (sigils with 4 stabs etc) and I cant refit and remove the warp core stabs because the structure isnt cored and the corp will never core these old structures. 50 ships completely stuck in a station forever. CCP - what do?
btw. thats just one station. I’ve got stabbed procurers and all kinds of other non-pvp ships all over EVE that wont be able to undock and wont be able to refit because no one cores the athanors anymore if they’re not absolutely necessary for strategical purposes.
What threads/forum topics deal with this stuff?


read reviews for the latest update. I thought I was the only one who was so outraged by them.
Not. It seems that the competitors, worried about the popularity of Eve, decided to end it through the implemented “successful managers” who, under the pretext of increasing margins, decided to kill the game.
It’s a pity that I just paid for two omegas the day before

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Try putting the ships in asset safety then refit them after 28 days (or however many it is) afterwards when they get put in the closest NPC station.

It might be possible to remove the modules from the ship by right clicking… I think somebody figured out how to do this in the Pochven stations. I am vague on the details. In the worst-case scenario, you could repackage the ships and lose the rigs.

Uhm. waiting 28 days to use any of my ships because CCP nerfed warp core stabs for industrials?
Thats not a exactly a satisfactory solution, nor a way to treat your paying customer…
And having them put in harms way in hisec/lowsec stations that they also cant get out of because of war decs and lowsec gankers makes it even more unsatisfactory as any kind of “solution” to a problem CCP created and not any situation I am to be faulted for whatsoever. its just not on. at all.


IMHO this is exactly the point. If the “hunted” is doing everything right and being vigilant then the hunters should have to actually be damn good at it to get the kill.


I liked hunting miners who thought they were safe inside the belt. No cloak could worm it’s way through this!

Then bump them with my ship to uncloak while throwing off their alinement and pin them down. What happened next was up to them. Now I have to warp off and come back? I would get decloaked on the way in or out.


Strange as it may sound but simply pointing in a random direction and mwd’ing away usually works… unless big camp with lots of tackle then mwd, cloak and jump back the way you came… I have not lost a cov ops to a camp in a very long time…

it really isnt.

i fix that for you lol but ye, catching people who know wtf they are doing was very hard; now with more ships that can nullify i really cba especially as i cant intercept them effectively.
Somehow the messages on gates are ignored and people want more safety in unsafe places… makes sense… [sarcasm detected on the last part]

The goon mantra, “we’re not ruining the game, we are ruining your game”


CCP if this change to nullification is going to persist in it’s current iteration then there needs to be some consideration for ships you’ve just impacted as a result


  • Can we get a utility high slot to accommodate the module introduced on T3 subsystems?

  • Give the Helios 3 high slots so we can add the nullification module w/o being required to impact exploration fits

I really don’t understand why this change was even needed, the WCS changes, sure I get it. I get change for the sake of change, but you’ve impacted a bunch of game play such as solo hunting t3s.

I’d love to know the rational behind this update because it seems like all the recent interceptor & combat interceptor changes were moot seeing as you removed the passive module. I know some long term players who’ve unsubbed everything as a result of this, and I hate to see something like this being the final straw for them to step away from the game and at the end of the day it’s the people we play with that makes the game experience better.

Why not leave the passive traits on the ships that had it and just introduce the module for the new ship classes such as haulers? Why break something that wasn’t broken in the first place?

Also if you’re going to deploy such a fundamentally massive change to the game, why in the world do we get less than a week worth of test server time? You know that you’re not going to get a good sample size of testing on singularity unless it’s a scheduled mass test.

The average test server active login sessions aren’t great to really catch all corner cases.

The heads up was nice and all that this was coming, but way too short of a testing window.


Clearly, there is something else afoot. Since it’s obvious they’ve long since scrapped their QA team to cut costs, now they’re looking for more ways to cut costs.

If you remove all of the unique aspects of the hulls and turn them into modules, then you only need one hull per race per class (or per function). That’s a significant reduction in art needs, so you can then fire the majority of the art team and save more money! \o/