They need to fix the pvp instead of killing the t3s in the game. no one can go out with the ship except t1 because they finished production. It is very difficult to do pvp, everyone is trying to escape
@Gerard_Amatin We discussed this in the test thread, but I want it on record here too, because you’re selling a noob trap and people are going to get blapped from over-confidence after listening to you. I’m glad it’s sufficient for your own playstyle, but please don’t belittle and dismiss the insurmountable hindrances these changes create for others.
To everyone else: Gerard clearly doesn’t move about a lot, and so these changes suit him. Practically everything about these changes is designed hinder those who roam, without affecting those who stick to familiar stomping grounds much. In other words, the changes only had null-block life in mind.
Gerard’s advice is well-intended, but lacking in perspective. There may not always be an anomaly or a celestial for you to d scan from, enhanced launchers may not be possible to fit, and advice about being prepared and having bookmarks etc only applies to people who stay put and live there, or who know exactly where they’re going and when, and can plan for multiple recon trips and ship changes. So it’s irrelevant for roamers/explorers/nomads, who arguably need nullifiers the most.
Due to the bubble-on-each-side scenario, statements like “it’s really hard to get caught in any ship that has a fit nullification module” are just misleading, even if unintentionally - and liable to get you killed if you take them seriously.
Even if there is not an anomaly, celestial, etc to scan from there are still options:
use playbook you would use vs smart bombers and come from angle not in line with path between gates. This avoids stop and pull bubbles. Even if there is a bubble at zero on the gate most people are on or near the edge that is in line with the other gate so easy to get through bubble without being caught. Also most of these gates are huge region or constellation gates making it even easier.
many of these systems have anchored citadels on grid with the gate so you can warp at range and angle to the citadel to take a look, then warp off if you don’t like what you see.
you can also just go a different route. These systems are avoidable for the most part if you take the time.
I move around a lot in hostile space. To be fair, it is the same space I visit, so I can rely on some bookmarks.
For every gate that has no celestials or structures in d-scan range, there are 30 others that do.
Yes, you may get caught on that one gate that is out of range of any celestials and yes, it’s likely that people set up their stop bubble camp right between the gates of that system because that gate is out of range of any celestial.
But even then, if you warp in from anywhere but the other gates in system, you avoid the stop bubble.
In case they might have the gate itself bubbled (which is less likely in an area where they live, because it hinders everyone including friends) you still shouldn’t warp from gate to gate, because there will be decloak cans in the spot you would land if you warp from gate to gate. Unless they dropped decloak cans everywhere, you probably won’t get decloaked when warping in from a different angle than the most obvious angle.
If you manage to not get decloaked on warping into the bubble, just burn through it, jump gate and save your nullification module in case you see another bubble at the other side.
You can die, so don’t be overconfident as that was not the purpose of my previous post. But if you know what you’re doing, you will be pretty safe.
It won’t happen. Neither will they revert the immunity changes on the interceptors. I would have loved to have seen them just introduce a module to the non passively bonused ships, but this is what we got. Unless there is a reason to revert it they will just continue to iterate on the current modules.
There are loads of reasons above in this topic. They just don’t care. They want money from ship loss fuelled plex purchases, and are too short sighted to see that it’s possible to kill the golden goose if you squeeze it too hard.
Thank you, but I’m not an idiot, and I don’t warp from gate to gate. None of this addresses my concerns. It’s just the usual deflection, talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the points I made, and dancing around the issue and hoping i won’t notice.
There aren’t always things to warp to in d scan range, there aren’t always - or even usually - citadels in range of the gate that you can slowboat to the gate from, and there isn’t always an alternate route. End of. These are bad changes, and you’re doing people a disservice by selling what are essentially noob traps, and aiding in the process of turning null into a walled garden that forces you into a null aliiance.
Okay, so you have found that very rare system that has a gate:
outside dscan range of any object, or citadel
has all objects in one line so you cannot warp from a different direction
has none of your bookmarks yet
In that case I recommend looking at local. Check the names there, look them up on zkillboard and see what they’re up to. Alternatively, take a look at that gatecamp check website.
As is often the case with CCP they use a CHAINSAW when the job required a scalpel. But who cares about what the players might want or need eh?
The solution?
Want to stop BS doctrines like Windrunners? Just make it so that an aggressed interceptor isnt nullified. Either one min aggression or the 15 min timer. Leaves people to travel, to go pick up the module, and make it quickly to the fight.
Want to stop WCS use by 0.0 bots? Two options; 1) No WCS on combat ships, cant fit them. Or 2) as above. WCS stop working if you aggress something either 1min agg timer or the 15min log off timer.
And leave T3C alone, there was no need to take away interdiction nullification from them. Few enough people were using them as it is, they have been shite for a while. Now no one will use them in 0.0.
This change, the toxic industry changes, the mining nerfs, and the tank nerfs are killing EVE Online CCP. Act now and act quickly before the game’s population begin the reflect the empty shell of a game that you seem intent on making.
But nevermind. I know you guys dont give a F about what the players actually want. All about the money eh?
Also, since you can warp cloaked you can nullify, warp cloaked to range from the offending gate at visual range at all odd angle and stay cloaked while you wait out timer. In the meantime you can burn through the bubble at zero or burn further out wait till dictor bubble goes down and warp to the gate. The enemy can’t even see you while you do this till your jumping! Lol.
Lastly the T1 nullifier on ships with a bonus to it will be able to cycle again fairly quickly, even faster than gate cloak wears off, especially with the long warp that those “offending” gates have between them.
I feel that the T1 nullifier is preferable on ships with a bonus as the time to reuse it is much better. The t2 for ships without a bonus because more leeway when aligning but slower travel time.
You have the tools to be near 100% safe learn to use them
lol not rare at all, and I do. You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is some kind of idiot, or just lazy. I mean, it’s kind of sweet that you should be trying to give me all this advice, and you seem like a nice guy so I don’t want to argue with you. I have legitimate concerns, and I’m afraid that despite your efforts, you’re not helping. These changes may not affect you negatively, and if that’s the case I’m happy for you, and since you have no dog in this race it seems pointless for you to stick around, really…
sigh it seems those who oppose these changes are destined to repeat themselves over and over and over again. Perhaps you calculate that eventually we’ll tire and give in to the madness?
Any decent bubble camp is going to have bubbles and obstacles at 100km
I’m aware that the previously nullified ships now have bonuses that make these modules usable. My concern is the ones that don’t, because it undermines any stated intention of expanding nullification to more ship classes. They may as well just not have it at all because they’re just noob traps. There’s no point in having the previously passive nullified ships have those bonuses either, since they’re basically now immune like they used to be, with the exception of having to push another button on the grounds that travellers need to be more active, despite the fact that the active cloak, mwd trick, or invul timer all served to force activity already. Those who created, advocate or defend these changes are talking as though using auto-pilot in null and getting away with it was a thing?!?! This entire update is completely pointless, and does nothing more than add a layer of complexity where it was not needed, and unbalance the slot loadouts of entire classes of ships. The only single problem was the interceptor, which I’m sympathetic to complaints about. So address the interceptor, instead of swatting a fly with a sledge hammer.
How about we turn this around. Tell me why these changes are good please, and don’t give me that rubbish about effort vs reward, or making people be active/tactical. No one autopilots through null, and aside from anchoring in a good line, gate campers don’t do anything but sit there and let a passive structure do the work for them, lock and fire. When large mobile warp disruptors get timers and cooldowns, I’ll start taking people seriously when they advocate these changes. Until then, it’s ALL on the traveller, and was before the changes, and even more so now. Tell me why these changes are good, why they’re needed…why interceptors would not have been better dealt with separately.
So they gave a massive amount of added safety to many more ships and your complaining, not because Eve doesn’t need more safety (it doesn’t) but because people might be too dumb to take advantage of it.
And you fail to read where I said come from an odd angle. Specifically to avoid this. You aren’t merely clueless you refuse to learn. No wonder your fail.
They aren’t. Nullification should have been not given to more ship classes.
Prior to nullification you learned to get through camps just fine, or use Intel to avoid, or burn back to the gate etc. Eve went on easy mode and people have been conditioned to “need” the crutch of nullification rather than learn any skills.
Living in null my entire Eve career, I never nullified any T3 as nullification always has gimped you compared to using any other subsystem. Nullifier was always trash. Learn to fly and you don’t need it anyway.
Ceptors being nullified was always garbage as well. The addition of nullification to ceptors was what made me turn to slaughtering them with smart bombs. Pretty much the only counter to insta ceptors and not a great one. The sheer numbers of kills I have with smart bombs (completely avoidable) is a testament to just how bad these crutch using pilots are.
It is now possible to catch interceptors when the interceptors warp into a bubble they did not anticipate.
It is also possible to catch an interceptor by bubbling them after they used their nullification module to jump into the fight safely.
More ways for interaction and more ways for player error and outsmarting your enemies is a big benefit in my opinion.
Next, these nullification additions to industrials and t2 explorers are really really nice. I have never felt as safe before in my explorer and in my blockade runner as I do now. Previously I didn’t even use T2 explorers as the passive nullification of interceptors was worth much more to me than the exploration bonuses of the T2 explorers. I’m glad that exploration frigates are now the right tool for the job.
Next, shuttles. I never used shuttles as shuttles were a death trap in null. Now I very regularly grab a shuttle if I need to shuttle my pod somewhere, rather than get my travel interceptor to do so. I still sometimes use my travel interceptor, especially when I need to go a little quicker or need to haul some small stuff, but shuttles are viable now. They can easily be killed by smartbombs, but smartbombs are much less often used than bubbles at gates.
T3Cs without the nullification subsystem can now more safely travel through space too. So that’s also a nice plus.
The main downside of the nullification changes is that Interdictors camping gates will now have a much harder time catching people. But a good gatecamp can still catch people anyway. Especially when you pick the right gate, bubble both sides and have a couple smartbombers ready, you will be able to catch anyone who doesn’t take basic precautions. And there are a lot of people who don’t take basic precautions.
These days I can recommend nullifying your T3C if you have a spare high slot. It’s not required, but it might be very helpful when people try to catch you. As long as you keep it offline for combat situations it won’t gimp your fit at all.