Nullsec Alliance Cowardice Ladder

They do big dedicated fleets for structure bashes.

Oh that will be fun, low sec pirates like @Ax_l_Thorne gonna love that.


You say that but in the past my group lived in a low sec area and worked with other groups to keep us all safe , I remember some low sec pirates thought they would send two dreads to attack us , the word went out all pve stopped and we jumped into combat ships and killed them both why holding their support at the gate, they desperately tried to dock but we bumped them away. They only ever stayed at the gate and their mother shop was a real pain for us

We knew where they lived and would attack them too but all good fun to be had by all

The low sec area I lived in, you would have been used for target practice, police girl.

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Few things I don’t agree with, mainly you’re take on Ivy xD

Fun Read, looking forward to more :smiley:


Low sec pirates don’t use dreads.

At most, they will use a battleship as bait, with a pair of pilgrims waiting for some hapless other pirate to land on it.

But dreads? Nah. Too expensive and too niche for general solo/small group roams.


I’ve seen Governor Lee multiple times, it is quite odd that I find him everywhere. I’ve seen them in a structure bash once, it was solid

I wish that was true :sweat_smile:

Ivy was there when the structure timer’s were up. Where were you? Oh right, tripping all over yourself trying to bash rookie pilots, that you lost all your capital toys along the way:

Cannot deal with the mighty thorax fleet without at least 10 supers on the grid, I understand.

No idea why you’re obsessed with Ivy league of all things to wage war with. Oh, let me guess, they seemed like an easy target and you wanted to feel powerful for once in your life? Tell me how it went.

With interested regards
-James Fuchs


That’s because there is excellent sub-division into smaller groups that do specific tasks, which is how any good organisation should work, whilst at the same time maintaining the ability for large fleets to be formed.

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This was when they 1st come out , no chance of a counter drop , and you could setup dreads to kill sub caps .

I never lie , you should know that

Firstly that Arthnor was put up for a laugh, We’re were shocked it went up ^^

Don’t be silly we only use Supers to RF.

You guys seem to forget CFT only has like 10 pilots. (The FW bois do there own thing)

We never run of Captials xD

Not Obesessed It’s our Stomping ground

Before Eve uni it was ired or iblue I forget which one. Maybe both xD

We’re looking for someone else to mess with now. :slight_smile:

Edit: you should know this I just noticed you’re Eve Uni

With Trolly regards
-Alice ‘Former Forum Queen’ Saki

I guess the circles I ran in,

Black rebel rifta club, stay frosty, etc, didn’t.

Nor have I ever seen one in the Hevrice and Laslanier areas when I roamed there.


With hilarious regards
-James Fuchs (Not Eve-Uni anymore, just for the record)

Not knowingly perhaphs, but you do have a good sense of humor

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The like was for how far you went back to find that to try and support your post, impressive

But Again true , if anti- gank turned up and only one of the gank fleets was operating we could stop them , once they joined forces nothing could stop them , other than a perfectly timed burst.

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Now don’t lie @Githany_Red

We both know it is because I am awesome

Who are the Gooseflock Featheration and why do they Honk Honk. Scare you?

They no longer exist and are famous for imploding following botting allegations that came out when they put up a candidate for CSM.