Love them or hate them…
"You put a spell on me. On the ways you cheat and deceive. So many tricks up your sleeve.
Yet I still believe."
This is my EVE. And I’m glad CCP.
Merry Christmas.
p.s. This is not an invitation for a discussion; but a recognition thread, saluting Crowd Kon7rol for including that “thought”.
Sere O'Asis:
Love them or hate them…
Well, I can’t say I love them…
Anyway, thanks for posting the vid…
Merry Christmas y124 o7
Still can’t believe that ccp_swifty guy spent like 1500 hrs in New Eden cause how much of that time was spent ship spinning?
Come on tell us please @CCP_Swift
(CCP Swift)
January 18, 2024, 12:40pm
Time spent trying to get good.
Will have to up the hours this year
Wow you remembered the website to the forums?(sarcasm)
Hope you are doing ok
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Sere O'Asis:
Love them or hate them…
Nooo…that epithet is reserved solely for Marmite.
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Altara Zemara:
Count me on the bleh side then. Total disapointment For Marmite ofc.
Crowd Kon7roll is fun to watch for their cool face expressions. Like they want to say
“I don’t give a damn”
Well CCP_Swift in no way I mean disrespect through my ways, but how good are you really?
Iceacid Frostpacker:
how good are you really
Inb4 Swift spawns all the Frostpackers in one hi-sec belt in a bunch of expensive mining ships then teleports his titan on top of them and erases them from existence.
Both Chloe and Lisa are sitting in Jita with SP implants mining so there’s that!
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April 24, 2024, 11:42pm
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