Oaths of Loyalty and Reflections upon the new year

An oath is a statement of intent, public or otherwise. In a climate where they are made far too freely, I find it easier to trust in nobility of character than words lightly given.

Not a trait I generally associate with those who change allegiances so often as courtiers change clothes.

In short, I am reaffirmig my identity as a Matari Loyalist capsuleer, both to myself and others. Not, as you suggests for the sake of receiving shoulder pats. I can get into the whole “identity’” part behind it, but Psychology is not my area of expertise. While I understand the concepts that underpin it, I would be doing it a disservice from trying to explain. I’ll let more qualified individuals pick up that thread should it arise.

So, one of mine, and one of the Brutor Tribe, posts an Oath to his clan and his Republic, and suddenly the thread is full of foreigners questioning it, explaining it, arguing it, talking back at it, putting it down, demanding explanations?

Go ■■■■ yourselves, the lot of you.

This is why we cannot have nice things.


This is fair in theory, but in practice–as we’ve recently seen–no one actually suffers consequences for their actions.

When a capsuleer is called out here, does anything really come of it? On the one hand, those who would heed being called out would more likely listen to friends than rabble-rousers on a forum. And those who wouldn’t, well, there’s not much difference either way. Even the most diabolical individuals can find support somewhere.

Your membership in Electus Matari manages that just fine.

Were you expecting something different?

It does not, in fact. You do not have to be a tribal loyalist to join EM.

Yes, in fact:

When we did these Oath threads of old, people did mostly respect the ritual, the same as we mostly respect the Amarr ones still today, and take discussions elsewhere.


Have we ever had nice things?

Did I say we did?

Ah yes, Kalaratiri. I’ll concede this point.

For someone supposedly working to build bridges and ■■■■, you truly have a knack for intentionally(?) misunderstanding and insulting.

I’m annoyed. Mostly with the people in this thread. So I’ve been building my bridges elsewhere.

They certainly do get bent out of shape if anyone questions their own annual public oaths, though, don’t they?

Oaths are to be given once. Of course, you can repeat it whenever you want and recite it as a mantra before the sleep if you are afraid you would forget it, but you CAN’T reaffirm it once you broke it. Because once you do, it loses all the power, you become an oathbreaker, and no confirmation or reaffirmation would make others believe you. A traitor once - a traitor for life.

I have given my oath of allegiance to the State when I was 15 years old. Since then I never felt a need to repeat it and never have broken it. Because that’s what makes me Caldari. And because breaking oath of allegiance is the worst of the crimes and the most amoral step one could have committed in their life.

Any change of allegiance is a treason, it doesn’t matter which side was good, which side was bad. Which you were born in, which your ancestors came from. The treason is a treason. If you gave allegiance to one side, you shall stick to them till death, otherwise you will become scum.

And when that happens, no reaffirmation will change that, because if you changed your allegiance once, you can do that again.

There is no reason than can excuse treason.


To give credit where it’s due; at least the Amarr haven’t been crapping up this thread. They understand the importance of a public oath.

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I don’t understand the importance of a public oath. That’s the point. I simply asked a question. If that’s “crapping up this thread”, then people asking questions everywhere is just the same.

Yea, right.


None of the bits quoted are “simply asking a question”.

… seriously, if that needs to be explained to someone supposedly supporting a peace-making circle?

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You missed the important bits:

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