October 2018 Release - General Feedback

Why I canceled my subs

Well, I am tired of being player second class !
I am/was a wormholer.
This (Un-)Balance Pass is again a punch in the face of all J-Spacer.
Its not the silly ECM-nerf for Rook & Co. that makes me sick.
Raiders will just replace the jammers by damps[the next Nerf], and continue.
Only SeBo-less-fools had trouble with ECM.

Its again a kick in the balls for everyone who runs citadells and live in J-space within the last 18 month.

  1. making invu-timer 24/7 - means in worst case I loose shield and armor without any chance of resistance (not in my time zone)
  2. remove the posibility to refit the structure as long the shield is not at 100% - no adapting to the attacker
  3. nerfing T3-cruisers - leads to a collaps of T3-production (gas - the unique economic reason to settle in J-Space)
  4. Asset safe NOT for J-Space - JALP (just another loot-pinata)
  5. transforming the last usefull Mid-Slot module (StandUp-ECM) to a peace of junk

I am sick of being discriminated while lifing in J-Space !
I can not clone into my citadell,
If someone pod my I need to find my way back to my WH
My access is limited by shipmass, means I can not use my Caps for raiding in 0.0, or transport my stuff in freigters.
I have no posibility for upgrading my system[infrastructure upgrade], no high-class moon mining or regular asteroid-belt, and don’t ask for ICE.
No bounties, Blue Loot can be lost either by WH-Raiders or HS-Gankers.
But all this things was a part of being a J-Spacer.
And it was fine as long risk and revard where in balance, but since a while its gone.

EVE as I understand is a/was game, content-driven by conflict.
More conflict -> more content.
Weaken the big ones -> more fights, more destroyed ships and stuff -> more need to mine&produce …
But this Ceptor-Nerf is a huge present to Goons and Co.
For me as small gang-ganker/PvP-Player it will be harder to fight in NS.
Even before the patch it was not so easy, when you get counter-dropt by 25 S-Caps three times a day.

Now I had two choises, fighting the blue dounat, with strongly decreasing chances(fun) or joining Goons and Co.
But sadly since the ancient times of DAoC I hate running in the “Zerg”.
So the miners and ratters will be more safe.
In this pony-farm enviroment they generates mor ISK and in a few everyone can own a second and third titan.
But whats comming after ?

So I canceld my subs.
Omega will run out about chrismas, let see which NS-improvements will apear then.

My 2 cents

@Brisc_Rubal : before you have to ask, yes of cource you can have my stuff.
But you have to leave your comfort-zone and move to my (former) WH J205205.
But a small bird tweeted in my ears, that this will not happen.