Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

If this latest malarkey does turn out to be the Equilibrium of Mankind, and freaking Grande Butte Chakaid was in fact the Equilibrium grandmaster, then I think I shall be more annoyed than I have ever been in my whole life.

I fully stand by my decision to defend my Empire from a foriegn invasion by multiple terrotist entities, regardless of how distasteful the events occuring in the place being targeted. I attempted to alleviate the suffering upon Kahah III with my own methods, alas to as much avail as Ushra’Khan’s ridiculous and dangerous stunt.

If I have done wrong my peers in the Empire shall judge me, not you.

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If you’re going to point fingers and be all judgy and smug, I am going to remind you what kind of a piece of ■■■■ you are. That’s all.
Saying you tried to help is nothing short of a joke after you specifically fought for the Khanids so that they could continue brutalising their populations unopposed.
You are trash.

Good day.

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Do you find it reasonable that a group that enjoy proving itself in a lot of situations, fighting themselves in “peace time” (if there is such a thing for them), would hire other people to fight for them?

Have to agree with you.
This is not a tactic the collective would pull. If they wanted to bring war to the empires again, they would begin another invasion.

The collective as they are now, are too busy building up their new territory, while fighting both rogue drone and drifter incursions.

However I could see this as a Capsuleer backed attack more than anything. There are enough insane Capsuleers that exist in the cluster who might have the capital to pay for such attacks.


Hiring mercenaries is very odd and out of character for the Triglavians.

But it’s also way too subtle for the EoM as well.

Nothing about this makes sense.

There is one name not being talked much about that already had conflicts with the Empire


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I believe you have identified the culprit.

I am glad to hear that you aren’t one of these pesky pirates, but still…
Sympathizing with whom? With THEM? With the lowest of the lowest scum of New Eden? With primitive robbers, brigands, murderers and rapists? They’re the most amoral faction of our cluster, and just an idea of sympathizing with them is shockingly revolting.

I doubt that after that sort of admission I will be able to look at you without contempt in my eyes.

No faction is perfect, least of all the Caldari State. True, there are those among the Guristas who find joy in murdering and pillaging, but there are also those who are outcasts from Caldari society! Outcasts who find a more welcoming society in Venal, and who resort to pillaging as a living and a way to get back at the State that exiled them.

Negotiation, haggling and bargaining could be considered a form of proving from an angle… :thinking:

We Caldari have some insight in it :wink:

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Yeah, but I’m getting the impression that among themselves the communal/competitive dichotomy might be a lot more binary. Either X is a thing you are entitled to at need or a thing you’ll have to prove you deserve, whether X is captaincy of a Leshak squadron or just, like, breakfast.

Probably not all provings are deadly (or if they are then death is trivialized by cloning or similar), and probably underperforming units just get … shut down. (Maybe the troika gets disbanded?) But one concept we haven’t really seen crop up in all the stuff they’ve said or done is “exchange.” Correct me if you spot it somewhere, but the closest I think we’ve seen is, like, “playful communion,” which is what Veles enjoys with the drones and, at a guess, what Perun considers itself to be enjoying with the population of Sakenta, among others.

I wonder how playful it feels to those communed with.

I am not sure about intercladistic or intracladistic trade, but they do engage in trade with anyone willing to give them desirable data in their stations.

Do we have any triangle bois/gurls lurk in these forums?

If so, hi, your ships are cool

So I’ve been seeing a number of people go like “AAAH ALL OUT WAARR” over the events of the past few days, but let’s be honest here. We’ve had, several times, various Empire fleets slapping the ■■■■ out of a rival Empires fleets next to their home planets, and those didn’t start a proper war.

Handful of dreads bombing under unclear circumstances some border/backwater planets and not even managing to do much damage won’t be starting intergalactic wars.

Please calm your tits and disperse.

I can agree that calm is called for, but not that concerns are unfounded.

To me, what says these incidents will (hopefully) not lead to a wider war is their strange regularity, and the consistency of the various powers in saying, “Uh, we didn’t order that.” It’s like someone only knows a single move: “hit them with dreads from orbit.” Actual tit-for-tat seems like it should be more like an orbital facility here, a planetary colony there, an asteroid base in the other place, and so on, with varying targets and unit types, so it looks a lot like someone is simulating tit-for-tat reprisals and doing an awful job of it because they bizarrely only seem to be using a single type of attack no matter who launches it.

The symmetry is just spooky, but whatever they gain in spookiness is lost from being, well … obvious.

But I don’t think we should let our guard down. With some of the targets being significant already (especially Floseswin), it’s going to be tempting to be … un-cautious in reading or responding. And it’s also totally possible that if the prevailing ethic is not “reduce tensions for all our sakes,” someone’s going to try to take advantage of the cover these operations provide and start launching attacks for real (leading to reprisals leading to reprisals and so on).

The moment it becomes conventional wisdom that a war that engulfs all of New Eden cannot and will not occur, it becomes way more likely that it will. Provocations and reprisals will predictably grow bolder as the fear of “going too far” fades.

Sometimes exaggerating a danger is all that keeps the danger exaggerated.

Literally not what I said.

What I implied was, that if faceplanting a Titan on the mountains of the Caldari homeworld didn’t start an all out war, when assaulting a home system of an Heir family didn’t start an all out war, then this is nothing in comparison.

The tone of this, could scarcely be more influenced by that.

Yeah yeah blah blah.

I like how it’s always usually the same half-dozen people who’ll start an argument for no reason, simply because someone else made a point that isn’t 110% proof against refutation.