Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Even that is enough to squish down such useless inconvenience as you.

Apparently not. :slight_smile:

Err… Your crew might, lovely.

Getting beaten by her parents, presumably?

It’s weird though. Had I said most of this stuff, Di-Di would have begged for satisfaction (and I would be sure to give her as much satisfaction as she could take :kissing_heart:) and yet Arrendis is offering her head on a silver platter - metaphorically, of course, as Arrendis would clearly win - and yet Di isn’t taking up the offer after her honour has been insulted.

Doesn’t sound much like the Caldari officer Di keeps proclaiming herself to be… I wonder what would Heth do?

Apart from commit treason and run away, I mean.

These days I fly automated haulers and frigates. No crew to worry about.

Satisfaction implies other party should have Honor. Arrendis is just a useless loudmouth who doesn’t even understand what does duelling means. She’s that insane freak who believes in her “immortality” given to her by CONCORD and she just impales herself on her sword “so I can win”.

Good question is, win what exactly, a title of a dumbest duellant of a year? :rofl:

I mean, if she wants to die that much or wants to try hurt me, she surely can visit me, I am afraid of no one, but she just sits here and barks all the crap that comes into her dull head.

Again: I’m not the one who just cowarded out of my own challenge. That’s not going to go away ever, Shite Commander Diana Koward.

You did, you’re still barking your nonsence from behind the NeoCom screen instead of facing me.

You challenged me to meet you in a station. I named the station, and you ran away from your own words as quick as you could, and keep trying to change the terms to be more favorable to yourself.

Is this your idea of honor? Always trying to cheat to give yourself as much advantage as you can, accepting no burden or obligation? No wonder people laugh at you behind your back all over the cluster.

This is technically post number 5000 in this thread.


You still can’t understand? How dumb shall you be.
Stop writing to me, fool.

Still getting exactly what I want out of this. So why should I change what I’m doing?

Are you getting what you want, coward?

@Arrendis @Diana_Kim

Will you both be coming to my birthday party?

Showing everyone how dumb, ignorant and coward you are so they won’t pay attention at your deluded words. Yea, I am getting exactly what I want out of this.

Then why do you keep telling me to stop?

Seems like either you’re lying now, or lying when you make that demand.

I mean…
I am honored for the invitation, but you do realize that I’d likely kill Arrendis on sight and would try to arrest you to bring you to CBT for your slanders against me?

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Because you shall learn your place.

Seems like another lie.

I am not a scum like you to lie.

No, you’re a much more cowardly kind of lying scum.

Unlike you, I am not afraid of anything, I don’t lie about anything, and… you’re still barking from behind the NeoCom screen instead of facing me. Right.