Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

I’d say Chakaid is quite representative of much of the Kingdom nobility, in that he is frustrated at King Khanid squatting on the throne, and the implication thereof, that house Khanid shall always rule the kingdom, and there never shall be a King Chakaid. Which he takes out on others by being such a colossal butte all the time. It’s like, does he wake up in the morning and say “How shall I manifest my butteness today ? Oh I know, I’ll have another go at Aldrith and Samira, that’s always good butteness”.

If there’s one thing that all peoples can bond over, it’s terrible puns. You’ve picked an eyesore of a topic to harp on.

Besides, I don’t think a guy who came to a party thrown by a Matari and roller skated while trying to impress women can really complain about ‘flirtation and camaraderie’.


Is this a real question?

Well … I guess if you’re asking I can’t expect you to believe anything I say about it, but my life here would be pretty different if it were so easy to dictate my thoughts.

To get an idea, maybe ask Ms. Qerl or Cpt. Elkin about me? Maybe even Samira for that matter.

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Yes, though you didn’t answer the more important question:

So ask yourself, is it really worth it to follow a cause, that mandates defending mass murder to keep up appearances? Even if, by their own admission, they think it is morally wrong, yet they won’t go against it?

That is something I think should give anyone sane some pause.

I didn’t answer the question because it’s based on an assumption: that I follow a cause. I lack such a thing. Causes will tend to bring people to that kind of point you describe. It normally starts with talk of sacrifice, of doing what must be done. I’m not sure I’ve met a cause that’s immune. Certainly yours is not.

I’m a murderer to begin with. My sanity is maybe questionable. It’s healing I need, not a cause.

Even if her cause is a little interesting to me, it’s a person I follow.

If that were true, why do I find you defending a genocidal culture more and more often? You could very well follow said person without endorsing their worldview, especially when no one is asking you to.

Partly because I find value in that “genocidal culture.” There’s promise here, if it’s allowed to take hold. It could be rather interesting.

Partly because that promise is under attack. There are forces both inside and outside the Empire that benefit when Imperial Amarr is seen as a civilization of bloody-handed conquerors.

Partly because I’m not persuaded that your own civilization’s ongoing revenge drama is any cleaner. Vengeance tends to be cyclical. I think many under your banner will glass dozens of worlds with “Starkman Prime” on their lips and insist the debt’s still not paid. I’m proud to stand between that and the people I love.

Partly because some of your people have confirmed me in the above view, teaching me to hate. I’m trying to unlearn that lesson, but it’s in the nature of emotional entanglement that it feels good to indulge it. It’s hard not to want to hurt you until you beg for peace.

Partly because I don’t look at discussion as a tool of genocide. Many in the State are afraid to allow open practice and discussion of other faiths, other ideas; there are specific rules against such things. But I think we cheapen ourselves when we limit discussions about the nature of reality itself to a dialog conducted in missiles and lasers or else smuggled in: tantalizing contraband exotic ideas. I think the State should have more confidence in the strength and durability of its beliefs.

I’ve thought about it a lot. I’m of the Achura clerical caste, formally trained. The idea of our customs and beliefs, and the truths I believe we’ve seen, disappearing in a swirl of charismatic Amarrian discourse and diplomacy scares me. But in the end, it’s foolish to hold the past as something so precious that you never look around at the present.

Should we really hunt, jail, and even kill people because we’re scared of losing an argument? Even now, the Caldari whose ways are truest to the old Raata Empire are the ones who stayed in the allegedly culture-annihilating Federation. No matter how obsessively the State megacorporations want it, the past is never coming back.

The only way I see a future for all our peoples is for us to talk to each other. If that means letting them try to persuade us of the way they see the world, so be it. We can take it. And if we can’t, maybe our old paths should indeed be abandoned.

Of course the Amarr (and Gallente) want that kind of opening, that kind of chance to speak and be heard, but there’s no law that says they have to win the debate.

Isn’t the goal to see the farthest, to endure the longest? They, too, are part of this world. Why should we shrink from the test for fear of being changed?


It’s only seen that way because it’s true.

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There is no “quotation marks” about it. Wake up and smell the coffee, Ms. Jenneth.
The orthodox Amarrian religion does not allow for any other culture to exist. It’s not just physical genocide, it’s also cultural genocide they practice.

If it were only talking. But the Amarr WON’T be content with just talking. Even the more pleasant and reasonable Amarr I’ve spoken to numerous times here agree that the Reclaiming is non-negotiable. Reclaiming means that we will be either their slaves or we will have to sell our souls to their culture, and bury our own to the ground. Each time you open your mouth about this, the more brainwashed you sound to believe that the Amarr would actually give you a choice. They won’t. They’ll pretend to, I’m sure.

So far, what I’ve observed, every chance Amarrian loyalists here have been given to act like decent people - they’ve refused to do so. And they wail and gnash their teeth and have supposed crisis’ of faith… But each time they will side with the God that chooses rulers who will abuse their powers and who choose to continue inflicting pain, misery and denying the right for self-determination to trillions. And the supposedly progressive, liberal, Amarr continue to follow leaders and defend actions they deep inside them know to be wrong ( many have outright said so.)

Some great “promise” this culture has.


We are a civilization of bloody-handed conquerors. Our history is war.

… and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it does mean we can’t complain when other people use violence against us.

Your thoughts are getting dictated. Maybe you haven’t changed everything that some people would like you to change, and maybe you don’t see it, but it’s a quiet thing. You have been wrapping chains around your mind, letting yourself be taken along by the current.

There are things that I think are positive for you to learn, influences that you should listen to. And I wish you would take up the faith. But there are also things that aren’t positive. What I have seen with you, is a frequent willingness to avoid confronting negative things in the community you have entered, and a willful ignorance of the suffering of people not in that community, while also talking about wanting to have people to keep you checked against your worst impulses. You put some people on a higher pedestal than they should be on, while diminishing your own responsibility in your morality, and in so doing allow yourself to drift into dark beliefs, rather away from them. That is something I find concerning, as a former slave, because I know where that leads to.


I devised a cunning stratagem earlier. From now on, I’m going to like every one of Alar Chakaids IGS posts. This will cause him shame and embarrassment and make him doubt everything.

Nobody let him in on this prank.

You just let him in on the prank yourself.

He clearly reads everything posted here.


Did you ever get around to visiting the Republic? There’s value here, too, but I’m not sure you even gave us the chance to show you.

Also, as others have said: The dominant cultures in the Empire are genocidal. Their Empire is built on the destruction of cultures and lives. Their religion is used to promote this destruction.

There may be individuals who are against this genocide. In fact, I daresay that the majority of Amarrians I have met are against it. But you know what they always tell me when I ask them about freeing my kin or atoning for the crimes their ancestors perpetrated against mine, and that their leadership continues to perpetrate against my people?

“I agree, but I don’t make the decisions.”

“It’s a societal thing.”

Okay, and? If they truly agree that yes, crimes were committed and yes, these cultural genocides need to end, then they must also agree that someone must come forward and help us end it. Otherwise they are less useful to change than chaff on the wind, and otherwise their pretty words bear no meaning.

Your point of view regarding the Empire has been shaped by people who largely oppose the genocidal history, and present, of the Empire. They are, quite objectively, lovely people. But they are representative of only a portion of the Empire—and a stunningly non-vocal portion, I might add, who say big words in private to their Matari friends but take no visible action along the same views. I doubt that you’ve had to endure the racism, or be unwillingly subjected to the supercilious whims of the less open-minded representatives of the Empire.

In short: Your judgments are subject to self-imposed blinders. You’ve exposed yourself to neither the objectively ugly portions of the Empire nor the beautiful devastation of the Republic.

And yes, these are statements that I would make, and have made, to my allies in the Empire.

I don’t disagree, though I suspect we’re thinking of different kinds of promise, in different places. And again, there’s promise everywhere, if only you’d take the opportunity to experience it.


… eventually. He was clearly surprised to learn of Arrendis’s “visit,” and even I knew about that.

Wait ‘til he gets to the puns.

God damnit…


Or perhaps it is a bluff.

Even the Royal Intelligence and Signals Command agency of the RKN would be hard pressed to find much signal amongst the noise of this thread.

You nailed it.


I was very tempted to be equally childish and tag Aga-Count Chakaid in response to this. However, He is a very busy man and surely wouldn’t appreciate it. I don’t doubt that he hasn’t already been made aware of it, however.

I would wish you luck but some of the conspiracy theorists in the Summit would consider that a veiled threat.

Oh. I don’t know. @Alar_Chakaid might appreciate being tagged in any IGS threads mentioning @Alar_Chakaid directly, or that might be relevant to the interests of @Alar_Chakaid . Why, @Alar_Chakaid might even consider it a loyal Kingdom subjects duty to inform @Alar_Chakaid of anything that might be important to @Alar_Chakaid . For is not @Alar_Chakaid the personal representative of the King ? And as such, anything of interest to @Alar_Chakaid might be on interest to the King. Who of course @Alar_Chakaid is sworn to protect, since @Alar_Chakaid is a loyal Kingdom subject.