Official EVE Forums vs EVE Reddit: Which and When?

And people wonder why CCP doesn’t pay attention to the forums. :popcorn:

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Scoots Choco:

Why does a guy that claims to hate whining, whining in every post he makes and doesn’t even bother to change the words that much, you could litterally just copy and paste your statement as retort to everyone you disagree with and your general tiresome ranting wouldn’t lose any meaning at all.


not because they are busy paying attention to the societal collapse that is wrecking any reason to play a social game.


Well, I for one don’t like Reddit much in general, and the name I use here was already taken there, so FWIW I only post here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus I really think any EvE related discussions belong to the official EvE forums anyway, at least as long as CCP is willing to maintain and keep them running.

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Reddit isn’t anymore, the place to go if you want info from devs. They are far more active on the forums. The perception doesn’t match the reality.

Some numbers using high profile devs:

CCP Name Forum Name Redit Name Last Form Post Last Reddit Post Forum Post Last 12 Months r/eve posts last 12 months
CCP Fozzie @CCP_Fozzie u/ccp_fozzie 2 April 3 months ago 45 4
CCP Falcon @CCP_Falcon u/ccp_falcon 2 days ago 2 days ago ~600 ~600
CCP Rise @CCP_Rise u/ccp_rise 18 April 2 months ago 14 10
CCP Lebowski @CCP_Lebowski u/ccp_lebowski 11 April 2 months ago 93 69
CCP Darwin @CCP_Darwin u/ccp_darwin 23 May 1 day ago 31 123
CCP Affinity @CCP_Affinity No Activity 28 February No Activity 46 0
CCP Bartender @CCP_Bartender u/ccp_bartender 2 days ago 1 month ago 41 42
CCP Avalon @CCP_Avalon 12 February 3 months ago 33 17

Except for CCP Falcon, who is paid to interact with the community, most of the others are more active on the forum than they are on reddit over the last year, although a look at the dates they post suggest they become more active on both platforms when they have something relevant to say.

All official information is posted here in devblogs and official threads are here on the forum.


The problem is that the damage to this community was done a long time ago regardless of what they may be doing right now.


I choose the official forums! Like JUSTIFIED posted, Reddit isn’t a forum since posts are voted on and only the popular stuff get views. That causes a pretty terrible echo chamber where posts not conforming to the status quo get downvoted. Voting and popularity can be manipulated on sites like Reddit. On a forum like this you can disagree with someone but their post can’t be taken away or hidden from others. You know why Scoots says the people on Reddit don’t whine? Because it’s an echo chamber where “whiny” posts are downvoted and hidden.

CCP devs definitely post on Reddit, usually with the same username they always used (starting with “CCP” as usual). Whether it’s in an official capacity or they’re just posting their own opinion is debatable.

Reddit has their own mods. No idea if they are related to CCP in any way as the names of the mods dont seem to be public.

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What? No CCP Peligro mentioned?

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What damage? No one is a victim here. That the devs are willing to interact with a community on the forum, reddit, twitter, discord and slack is a good thing.

Devs are allowed a life and they give us far more time outside their work hours than I suspect most of us give to our clients/stakeholders/contacts in our real work.

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Heh. I suppose you might actually be blissfully unaware, but I have my doubts.

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Actually, this is a good reason why the forums are such a crap shoot. Too many people playing the victim card.

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Weak sauce.

Though, that is one point of view.

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The forums CCP controls are their official record of game news. If you want the latest news of player shenanigans - Reddit’s the place; CCP would be remiss if they didn’t keep tabs on what the players were saying about their game.

These forums are my first click of an EVE day to see if CCP had something to say about their game. The “Dev Posts” link makes it very easy. Reddit is my second click.

These forums CATEGORIZE information, Reddit POPULARIZEs it. BOTH have value, it’s not either/or, use each to its strength.


Reddit has one fatal flaw: opinions are silenced by majority vote. When I read a discussion, I want to see all sides to it, even the unpopular ones.


So I’ve read everyone’s responses and I appreciate the feedback.

Summed up quite nicely. I think you both have answered my question both in relation to EVE and in Forums vs Reddit in general. I can see myself using Reddit more going forward in addition to forums for any and all topics. Thank you all so much!!!



All that does is give CCP even more reason to rely on 3rd party sites and apps.


You should look closer. For every one post whining about ganking there are probably 10 trolls whining about his opinion.

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The feedback is usually “grow some balls and thicker skin and stop complaining to CCP because you’re too afraid to undock.” If they listened, we wouldn’t have the problem in the first place. :wink:

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The eve section of reddit is a bunch of arrogant keyboard monkeys.
I’ve decided I like going for record->downvotes(is it?) in that open sewer of a troll paradise.

But hey if you like it, whatever. These forums are censored to the point to make facebook look like a free platform.

Also, I suggest a sonicare platinum for ultra clean teeth, as part of a regular dental maintenance program. Keep all 28!

I know…I just got downvoted in everyone’s mind right? I think I can live with it after I cry it out.

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