Ok…NOW I think Eve is dying

PC on Unreal Engine

Business schools are not always right, there are many products out there and you cant generalize all of them under a set of rules. For example CCP has failed at every project besides EVE online. And the game is still here.

It is better for them to keep doing the same thing instead of burning money on another mega fail-project.

Perhaps they are looking to “scam” money from some investors (already did), which is ok, but if you believe this is going somewhere…

I can point to all the major companies who attempt or have different branches in their business. (aka diversity)

The joy and uniqueness of EVE will eventually fade away. Competitors will come up perhaps in the next 5-10-20+ years. Hay at least CCP is trying to expand beyond their main product. :laughing: :sweat_smile:

They would burn more money recoding and fixing the game from the jumbled-up code+ all the years of patches than adding something new.

I mean products DO have a lifespan… They will decline to nothingness eventually. And what CCP can do is keep extending the mature phase of the product to continue generating income OR create a new product line. We can argue on CCP strategy all we want. But I am HYPED for EVE FPS. I’ll throw my $$$ at them for the second time in my career if it’s decent.


yes hyped like Dust 514, Valkyrie, World of Darkness, Gunjack, Project Nova, Walking in Stations… the thing is to keep you hyped I know

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Nah I wasn’t here for Valkyrie, WOD, Gunjack, Project Nova, WIS, or even Dust 514.

I am hyped on pure concept of EVE FPS. I only know what Dust 514 was like from research.

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Dust wasn’t a bad game though, it was just on the wrong platform


What did you see there so disturbing? What do you mean under the word “integrated”? Did they say that you have to collect some stuff from a fps game for EVE capitals?

Integrating new game modes to EVE (like mobile, FPS, VR) is a way to increase player base and multiply the lore possibilities (both pve- and players-driven).

We had this before with Dust. It was awful. Dust was a terrible game. Imagine a dark, apocalyptic COD except about 1/3 the quality. Meanwhile, inside Eve systems in local those guys were spamming the chat the whole time with no idea who the hell we were or what we were doing. SHUT THE F UP DUST BUNNIES! was a common thing.


Mr Tony, if there’s any gun that resembles a Tommy Gun, I will gladly provide batches for you


And now EVE players spam-link local with buddy invites :wink:


Was it really?

Sure majority of the EVE players probably belong to PC master race and thus they would never play something exclusive to Playstation or whichever different console.

But then, EVE is a game where you spend your whole free time. No, where you must spend you whole free time to achieve anything. So I doubt that EVE players will have time to play fps shooter from EVE universe along EVE. Although at least CCP might be able to sell a lot of copies as they have loyal fan base who will buy it. If they keep playing this is another thing thought.

And except of EVE players, considering that fps “market” is harsh with a lot of competition, do you really think that what you saw has a chance to attract new or even “steal” players from other fps games? I am not saying it doesn’t, I am not familiar with the genre so I can’t really tell if the gameplay was good or not from the fanfest video, but I am worried nevertheless.


It’s a gamble CCP knows it too. I really felt like they want to redeem themselves from botching the roll out of Dust as it was a console exclusive when the main game was PC. The stakes are high. All eyes are on CCP and how they build this universe.

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The ps3 was at the end of its cycle. If anything dust should have been put on the new gen consoles at the time and not the old one


What a surprise, Eve is dying threads following fanfest.

Never seen this before…



Haters gona hate. Apparently, EVE is dying for 20+ years now. Anyone who subscribes to that mentality of dead games is weak minded.


None of this is relevant. And much simply not true.
I play at most a few hours a week and have billions. Not that I’m anything special, but who cares.

Eve players were at one point 60k strong concurrent. Most of them would have played dust, at least checked out it. Launching on PS3 was one of the most staggeringly foolish decisions I can imagine.

And yes, eve fps does have something to offer, especially in the era of Tarkov like games, hardcore wow, and other harsh games with significant loss mechanics becoming more popular.

I’m hyped AF about the news and it seems to me like they are putting a lot of efforts into the development of Eve.
What I do see is a lot of players on forums being scared changes might modify their ways or question their local supremacy


I acknowledge your past experience (I wasn’t there during DUST).

Of course it has to be done properly this time for the whole thing to work.

But the fact they keep trying to get this done confirms that this is the only way to proceed in order di achieve EVE Forever.


Tbh I didn’t expect EVE Vanguard release yet. Some new screenshots, be patient we are still on it, soon™ :slight_smile:

And during the keynote I almost fell of my chair from excitement. Then simultaneusly felt panic for ccp botching it by pushing something unfinished on us in hurrry :wink:

I keep my fingers crossed for you CCP :slight_smile:


What would an investment in the near future look like according to you?

Is fixing and improving stuff an investment in the near future? Or is it simply maintenance?
To me, a new way of playing the game is exactly what “an investment in the near future” looks like.