Omega Should Include Alpha for FREE aswell

Dear parents of those who do not stop demanding more and more,

You should be ashamed of yourselves for raising your children in ways that turned them into poor, self entitled beggars, whiners and princesses who grew up in a world were SCREAMING AND WHINING GOT THEM WHAT THEY WANTED! Your kids turned into losers and it is your fault.

Your fault alone.
You sucked as parents.



No. You wouldn’t.

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You couldn’t be more wrong even if you tried?

And by the way, you don’t know jackshit.

Correct. Never met the dude.

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Fks sake, just buy the MCT with cash or PLEX if you want to train two characters at once.

The cash purchase is stupid though, cos its cheaper to buy PLEX and use those ingame to MCT.

Ive never understood why that is, but it is what it is.

Spending more money on a MCT just to get the 2 extra characters on a PAID Omega account up to the same Skill Point level that Alpha accounts get for free is stupid.

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I agree. There are inconsistencies in the system.
But those are “legacy” issues.
You and I never got 5mil free on our accounts, let alone free indefinite accounts.

Sucks, but we have to roll with the punches/changes.

I sub with plex bought with isk, it’s technically possible even with the volatile nature of the plex market. I haven’t been playing for as long as you have, but I’ve got the art down to “not a grind to achieve”. Hell, if I put my mind to it I could, with what I have in ingame assets right now, sub in a day.


A Freeloading Numbnut.

Yeah, that terminology was redirected back to Cygnus Parud who first coined it in this thread

So I was thinking, if the heaviest restriction for the extra character training being proposed is that they can’t train past the Alpha limit then why not just bundle an MCT or two with game time since either way, the ability to keep training that second/third slot will be hitting a wall, and this way no spaghetti code needs to be reworked.

If CCP feels that game time needs something more to be an attractive purchase/if they aren’t getting enough subs just by sales pricing, I could see them maybe tacking on an MCT per 3 months at time of purchase, like they’ve done with other promotional/redeemable items in the past. (3 seems to be the magic number to get extra stuff.)

I don’t actually think CCP has numbers suggesting they need to take this kind of action, but staggering a promo like this at maybe 9 months, targeting those with less than a certain amount of remaining game time (to avoid overlap with the last sale), would be the most sensible way to execute it. (They already do targeted promos for unsubbed accounts, BTW.)

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Personally I would like to see the subs reduced or go away altogether. Financially its a win for me.

Additional Microtransactions may sound like a winner but what they are really diminishing returns. Whether it is physical merch like T-Shirts, Cups, Glasses and Mousepads or Digital merch like skins, purchases ultimately reduce over time then finally stop. At some point they ‘Catch em all’, got all they wanted or just lose interest.

Each free account definitely creates additional system and personnel load
Each free account may create additional income through microtransactions

At the end of the day if we want the Tranquility server to be up, online, active and consistently updated with firmware, software and hardware, CCP needs a steady stream of cash.

I suspect CCP will continue to tweak the subscription and Alpha models. Over time subscription prices will change [hopefully go down] as more creative incentivized perks become available. Look at the relatively new DLC section and the changes to services part of the website. I would not be surprised to see more changes in those areas. Have you noticed the sales? Way more frequent, most of them some new kind of sale. Changes seem to already be in the works.

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Obviously the best decision.

Just make an alpha account, what a useless post.


That doesn’t do anything for the 2 extra characters on the PAID Omega account.

All characters on a PAID Omega account should at the very least get the same privileges that an Alpha account gets for FREE.

No, that’s actually contrary to what this thread is about.

First of all it would cost more money to transfer them to your Omega account after they reached Alpha skill point limits. Course the extra characters already on the Omega account would have to be deleted in order to do that.

Not to mention the extra hassle of going through the Character Creation process all over again.

Why? You’ve made no compelling argument other than you want this and think it’s a good idea. You have yet to show it would be a good idea to CCP, would not alienate the core fan base, and would be a better idea than just training an alpha and transferring that character at a later date or Heck, just having an alt alpha character on a desperate account.

So why? What is your great reason or logic other than you want this?

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The CCP logic, is Omega gets you twice the SP rate, and no restrictions on any of the three character slots.

No ■■■■. We’re talking about what ought to be, not about what is. Keep up or shut up.

My own argument is that 1) I don’t think it wouldn’t hurt anything, 2) it could increase profits. Your argument appears to be 1) “I hate everyone”, 2) “I want everyone to hate me.” Those unfortunate enough to be arguing on your side, it appears their argument is 1) it’s not necessary 2) it could cause more damage to the game than benefits.

Either way, you haven’t added a single thing to this thread (or really any thread, ever). My position is that it’s an idea worth CCP evaluating since they are the ones with the data to actually weigh the value of the idea.


I already explained why multiple times.

Just exactly what do you mean by the core fan base? Are you talking about PAID subscription accounts or those with FREE accounts?

Already explained how creating a free account and then transferring that character doesn’t do anything other than cost the PAID account even more money, plus it doesn’t help the existing characters already created on the PAID account.

The 2 extra characters on a PAID Omega account have under 1 mill skill points. For those characters to be trained up to the same skill limits as Alpha characters actually costs the Omega account money for the same thing that Alpha accounts get for FREE.

Don’t know why you can’t understand that.

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Would lead to more SP influx/generation.

Could lead to less profits as people train free Alpha instead of MCT.

Thats flat out false.

I expect they already have, and what is now, is the result of that evaluation.

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