On the Reality of Mining Permits



Im so glad you enjoyed reading about my exploits Felix!

Ill be sure to post more as they come to me, the past few days ive been cleaning out my space condo in null.

Dont get me wrong they are a great group of guys, but im just not so sure my heart is in it anymore.

After hunting in hi-sec i just cant get enough. Theres a thrill that i just didnt know existed.

I guess my fate is sealed as a lonely boxing space pleb. But at the very least as i go forward into the unknown i am assured that I know that im doing what I love. :heart:

I m in eve uni as a matter of fact. I assure you that it is not a scam. I have learned a lot of the game and as time and opportunity present. i just moved a few states away from where I live. The classes are informative and do give up to date information on many aspects of the game.

Just curious. How is eve uni a scam?

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Nothing personal Aiko… But by the time you are discussing anything like a permit. I would be gone. I will not ever buy a permit.


A scammer would say that


E-uni doesn’t have an academics permit.

That’s a scam right there.

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Beep boop beep beep?

LMFAO Either I am a bot or a scammer. Which is it? I can not be both.

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You are a bot scammer, also known as a scam bot.


Exactly what a scamming ChatGPT would say.

:blush: :smirk: :popcorn:




Ye im not a fan of miner ganking but it has indeed been a thing for WELL over a decade, imo it should be added into the lore/game world somehow be it ‘‘code’’ in missions, a james315 belt rat, news (ingame fictional or real i suppose it doesnt matter much) you could even have events that are game world (npc sortof) skins there is a plethora of things you could do with it, hell i think even large, long time alliances should also suffer/benefit from things like this; goons could be a good example, caldari could declare open season on them for a week as ‘‘enemies of the state’’ or bloodraiders could declare a state of emergency and have proper fullscale large incursion style attacks going on in delve; theres a lot of things i feel the gameworld misses out on when we consider the game world is supposed to be ‘‘player driven’’.

Look at all those robotic parts, if thats not a scam bot i dont know what is.

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Like a Venture or Frostpacker hunt?

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well theres a world of oppotunity and to e frank i dont think either aiko or frostpacker would much mind being the target of an event for a weekend, its a game afterall


She already has a target on her back.

AIko corpses are in high demand .

Frostpacker also wants an Aiko corpse. He however is suspected of being a teabagger, which carries a maximum fine of 50 billion ISK


Please can you issue a trigger warning before you jump scare those of us who hate PvE with such words. A true ‘sandbox’ shouldn’t have ‘events’.

Whatever you say… LMFAO

So you admit it?