On the Reality of Mining Permits

The question is, do you just sell your ore in the system where you mine it or do you transport it to get the best price? And if you move your ore, is it in a cheap ass untanked t1 hauler?


Yes, that’s true. In addition, there is the approach beloved of the average belt-miner that yield is to be preferred over tank - which slots neatly into your ‘apathy’ towards the overall condition of your Wallet.

They are almost all greedy and frugal, in equal measure.

Skiffs do, of course, get ganked, but hardly routinely; there are indeed better prospects for the solo ganker in particular, while the ‘surprise’ value of ganking a Skiff can be rewarding for some practitioners.

As for the Mining Permit, it was introduced over a decade ago in order to regulate bumping, initially. To legitimise the activity, one might say, in terms of not falling prey to accusations of griefing.

I do bump Skiffs out of mining range, both to deter AFK mining and to preserve the choicest rocks for my pals. The average belt-miner doesn’t know what a Higgs’ Anchor is and wouldn’t use one if he did.

Bumping is back!

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I reprocess it and I usually sell it in that very station. I don’t transport often at all.

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Losing money then.

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“Bumping is back!”

I don’t mind bumping. It’s fun and makes me laugh! I played this game over a decade ago and I know all about bumping.


That doesn’t bother me.

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Well then , send me some money, how about 100 million isk?

I don’t fund extortion rackets led by suicide cults. Get a job and buy Plex!

So now we know why you dont care about making ISK

Bingo! I’m a very relaxed player. I keep to myself, make friends, and buy PLEX if I need ISK. In the chaos of life, it’s nice to know where I can just chill and relax.

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I am space poor, my ships keep blowing up for some reason.

For 100 million Zaera be your friend.


The supposedly nonchalant approach sort of begs the question…what do you care about ? What is the end goal ? If everything is just a means to its own end, which doing nothing but mining effectively is, then there’s nothing you are actually doing it for. Other than to do more of it. This is why, when people say kills don’t matter, my response is ’ well then…what does ?

He already answered this.

He doesn’t care about money as gets all his ISK and skiffs by buying plex with his credit card. Just likes mining to be alone and make friends. I even offered to be his friend as he not gonna make many mining alone.


Yep. The last game I played and just quit was full of PvP, anger, frustration, and just toxicity. It was adding to my stress and since it was pay to win, I was literally paying for something that made me unhappy. All the PvP could be theraputic, but in the end, I was just attacking others out of hate for daring to attack me and my alliance.

It was time for a change so I left. Now I just mine and chat with my fellow miners. My stress levels are returning to normal. I don’t mind PvP if it comes my way. That’s why I won’t mind if I lose a ship. PvP happens and Eve is a PvP game :slight_smile: This is so much more relaxing!

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There is nothing more relaxing than AFK mining and coming back to a pod in a station


oh my gosh

I love to see wildebeest relaxing…

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hahaha You’ll need a lot of your not so closest friends to die for the cause! But hey, don’t let me dissuade you! I would love to see someone willing to lose a ship capable of soloing my Skiff before Concord shows up!

We are closer than you think.



Awww how cute!

I honestly love the emotion you relay through your images to emphasize your posts. You do a great job!