On the Reality of Mining Permits

Princess, frosty will as soon as he logs in!

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Maybe the very fact that people and corps and blocs are sitting on trillions with a ‘what’s the point’ stance is the very nature of the problem. I’m new enough not to have become dis-illusioned yet.


Kill a thousand Ventures and prove it.


We’re old school and back in the day before Princess Aiko arrived, all mining permits were just 10 million.

See for yourself!


:blush: :innocent: :popcorn:


Also #nopoors:face_with_monocle:



Please don’t try to overcharge Frostpacker.

You need to be careful about your next response!

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Frostpacker’s archnemesis:



You fail to notice who is offering frosty more than what Princess offered


Don’t be daft , you are a trillionaire.

And while you at it, send some my way, and don’t forget Sky

And as for @MB_ThePhotographer, he has too much ISK, a redistribution of wealth is in order. Princess Aiko has kindly offered to help him with this issue.


I’m not greedy, Id happily take 11 original fully researched T1 catalyst blue prints so I can turn my home station into a spaceship forge.

It’s the perfect set up no mining just playing the market and cranking out catalysts for safety.

It’s the dream, my one wish :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Why 11 blueprints, Spring?

I think you need 1 blue print for each run and the maximum runs you can have at a time is 11. I can’t do 11 right away but I can focus my current billion on mats in jita to do maximum amounts out of what I can do while slowly training into more and more runs.

I think I should be able to do at the very least 350x4= 1,400 at a time.

The goal is 350x11

Unless originals do better then 350

I’m keen on originals full researched because they don’t expire after x runs so you can use them as much as you’d like

Blueprint Copies have limited runs, decided at the time of creating them.

Blueprint Originals have unlimited runs. That is, they are not consumed after a job is completed and the number of Catalysts (for example) you could build is limited only by the amount of materials you have available to you.

‘Fully Researched’ reduces both the time it takes to manufacture the Catalysts and the materials needed.

In short, get yourself one fully researched Catalyst Blueprint Original and the materials required to build the ships and you can churn them out to your heart’s content!

Look, being the sort of chap I am (Ganker, largely retired) I have a quantity of stuff lying around the vault. One such item is a fully researched Catalyst Blueprint Original. EVE-Mail me in-game.


Wow! Thank you so much

You have mail.


Anything is real if someone is willing to pay for it. The real problem lies in that some of us just simply refuse yo buy one. It’s not that i dont believe in its validity; it’s that i just dont care to buy into an extortion ring run by a suicide cult.

I can buy a minimg permit from every single high sec suicide cult in high sec and still get my ship ganked. So where’s the motivation?

No, I’d much rather buy a new ship. It’s why ive been setting up pre-fit Skiffs around High Sec and setting up jump clones. Going from place to place will be easy. If someone manages to find me and gank my ship, they’ll have to begin the search anew in order to get a repeat performance. Plus, i meet new people while traveling.

Minimg permits are just not worth it. They mean absolutely nothing and come with a hundred strings and red tape. It’s way more relaxing when you just don’t care about being blown up.


In your little venture your cargo can hold 100 million , 200 million in a prospect, the fit of your venture for an alpha being 11 million for a venture. The cost of your ship is irrelevant

The cost of a mining licence is 100 million - do the maths.

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There is a contradiction present in those statements - at least, there appears to be a contradiction. Either you don’t care about being blown up or you’re relaxed because you’re confident that you won’t be blown up.

Either way, your post provides an example to the idle, ignorant belt-miner that there is (yet) another way to render one’s Exhumer unattractive to the average ganker. Not that they’ll take any notice, of course; much simpler to come onto the Forum, where there is sure to be much collusive whining and wringing of hands…

A little of both, actually. Suicide cults tend to avoid Skiffs. It adds a layer of deterrence. They have to find you, they have to chose your Skiff over the Hulk that’s next to you, and they have to have enough cats in order to overpower your tank.

If all that happens and I do lose my ship, then there is the lost play time because you have to wait until they move on before you can hop into another expensive skiff and head back out. That’s why I have other locations set up. I get very little lost play time after the excitement by moving to a new place. In a few minutes I can be mining again.

Not everyone can do what I do though. It requires a large investment and a completely apathetic view on your own ISK wallet. But, it works. So far I haven’t yet had to worry about it. I’ve met one person ordering us all to buy mining permits. I told her to get bent and she left without incident.

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