On the Reality of Mining Permits

Pls inform your sister to calm down and perhaps close her wormholes.

Note that advice had come from a 2008 vet pilot and I even asked for advice.


Im pretty new about three weeks into the game, but im a numbers person and this is what i see. 100,000,000 for a discounted permit ok sweet deal but if your in a venture in high sec your hauling about 500,000 isk worth of veldspar per load, if your focused you can make about 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 isk in an hour. If you lose your venture you already recooped the loss, if your smart you keep your ventures in various locations so you can shuttle off. If you dont have a brain and keep several outfitted ventures the lost ship will cost you time, maybe an hour or so jumping from trade hubs for the fit. I cant say the same for other ships and fits because i havent piloted them yet so from a casual perspective its unappealing. I can purchase 100 outfited ventures for the cost of a permit

It doesnt help that whether by truth or slander some people claim to have purchased permits and still get ganked by the same people issuing the permit. I cant verify the claims but they are whispered about for sure, it adds an heir of illegitimacy to procuring that document.

I think in order for the permit to mean anything the purchaser of the permit can join a union mining fleet thats part of security.net that can sell the ore back to the corp with a deduction like a union due. In a sense purchasing muscle in low sec while having access to mine better minerals knowing elite security specialists are there to defend there claim on the region, i think ultimately the problem with the permit its a promise we wont bother you rather then an invitation to mine in a particular region.

Mining permits are only as real as the structure behind it and what your paying into, but its only speculation from a new player.

You have to be particularly un-attentive to be ganked in a Venture. And there are ways of mining that hugely reduce the risk. These are all things most miners can discover long before losing 100 Ventures.

It’s almost like ganking Ventures is doing them a favour.

I’ve learned a huge amount from my few suspect hunting attempts and kills…actually completely re-fitted my hunting ship as a result. And its the same with losses. Like the time I tried a solo gank at a gate…I won’t forget about gate guns again. Every loss is a lesson…but most miners are too busy wailing about some perceived ‘unfairness’ to actually learn the lessons.

Maybe Aiko could sell them participation trophies.

:upside_down_face: :smirk: :popcorn:


Oh, I actually do that.

I’m glad you are starting to figure out my business.

Can I sell you something as well?

Thanks but am good. Though maybe you can sell @Felix_Frostpacker access to the Why was I ganked? channel. He recently expressed his known issue of not being able to join that channel. As you blocked him not soon before that you might not be aware of the business opportunity present at this time. :wink:

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The unban fee for my channel is 5 billion isk.


Just like my rl sister, she will not listen to me! :crazy_face:

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YOUR channel? I thought “Why Was I Ganked” is a public channel where we share our victories, talk to each other and try to bring miners to be good people and purchase a permit? Care to elaborate?

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It’s a public channel where everyone is invited, yes of course.

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Well, why do you singlehandedly decide on unbans and charge that ridiculous sum for that? I am pretty pretty sure that mr. Frostpacker’s unban case was never brought to the oversight comittee, Aiko. Don’t you think you should not act like that?

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If you have a problem with the ban list, you can pay the unban fee yourself. The oversight committee has full control of the channel, and you can take it up with them. My fee is 5 billion, perhaps you can find someone who wants to unban him yourself. Or maybe you will wind up banned as well!!!

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You know what? I shall do exactly that. Your tyrannic rule over Safety is starting to annoy me. Sure, i’m still new to the game and our community, but when i joined i was told that “there is no single leader, there is a counsil” and “we are always true to our word”. I WILL go talk to people and i will do the right thing.


Threatening to ban me from our channel because i said something that you did not liked on forum… That is way over the line.

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:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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Will she get banned or won’t she… Exciting…

some rookies

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:wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn: