On the Reality of Mining Permits

I remember when I used to be one of the people who’d hurriedly scurry into Jita because there were ‘bad people’ outside. Now I have an alt that is one of the bad people…and daily improving in that area. It is 100% a matter of confidence…and I think people find that once they take that first step and lose the fear the rest just automatically follows on.

Interesting so what were saying and seeming to agree upon is that without Aiko & Company there is no content in high sec. Like anti-gankers whats the point of cosplaying batman if there is no joker or scarecrow tearing up gotham.

Im about a month in and nothing made me feel more inconsequential then mining in Amarr space, just all by my lonsome space lazerin rocks for isk. It was an empty experience i hope to never have to live again.


Personally, I thought that was the whole point of the game.

I can defeat npc’s no problem. I joined the game to defeat the hardest opponent there is, another human. Why are you here?

What a dumb question


What a dumb answer…

Hacking into @MB_ThePhotographer 's webcam

Lets have a look


Looking in a mirror? I expected better from you. :yawning_face:

I have a PhD in Gankotherapy , you are no match for Zaera, know your place.


:rofl: We all have our place! Fly safe! :grinning:

This is true.


I still don’t pay for mining permits. :smirk:


Your mileage may vary though. Not all human opponents are equal.

:smirk: :innocent: :blush:

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Boy, I will give you that one.

People smarter than I who I could at least manage to escape from or die with honor! Sometimes I even won! :upside_down_face:

CCP can’t brag about its demographics anymore…

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I have taken this idea and ran it through another venue.

I offer collections now to people I protect. The pilots Protected by P.R.I.C.E. are given an actual service. I inform the pirate with the following form letter.

Subject: https://zkillboard.com/kill/{#######}
Cause: Piracy Violation
Solution: Phase I - Fines and Remuneration

{Pirate name here},

We are writing to inform you due to your act(s) of piracy in the {system} system, you have now incurred a debt payable to P.R.I.C.E. in the amount of {#######} ISK.

The pilot {Victim name here} was {activity} in a {system} on {day.month} of this year. The pilot is under contract with P.R.I.C.E., the load owned by its {victim’s corporation}, and payment will be made of {#######} ISK as of {day.month} of this year. With fines and administrative fees applied you may either pay the amount listed above or make 4 easy payments of {#######} ISK before {day.month} of this year to avoid personal collections.

Please avoid Phase II - Personal Collections as the aquired cost increases considerably. Transportation fees can cost hundreds of millions of ISK due to travel expenses. Collection agent fees will be added to your debt as well. To minimize inconvenience, please ensure you pay in payments or in full during this 30 day period.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Princess Rose Ivory

While my protection contracts are no better than a handshake and and a smile, the difference here is, I actually DO something for the protection. I also get a percentage from the collections when they pay.

Have fun!

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Are you trying to imply that I don’t keep miners safe?


You can go collect this from Concord, who already took a bribe of 40m ISK plus some sort of crooked service fee of 6m ISK…just for me to gain 0.5 security status points. I am quite sure Concord would have no problem handing over the funds to you if you go and shoot at the Concord Bureau in Jan. Just say Altara sent you.


You rebel

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I dunno Aiko this whole P.R.I.C.E thing sounds an awful lot like extortion. Where is the legitimacy? they dont even have permits?

The killboard is fake?

This sounds and feels shady, like a scam. Almost like this corp is like one of those scamster call centers making people think they violated Concord or something.

How are permit issued miners not secure? I go floating from rock to rock with safety in the chat log, flash my permit, thank them for there service and keep mining listening to that sweet laserin. I mean if your lazering the rocks in the belt i paid into you should get shot down. Not sure what the issue is.

Everyone knows safety is there to help you get the full eve experience. Its literally in the name.


Correct, it is up front and if a fellow miner feels that they can’t afford to purchase a permit then don’t worry as it’s not like they would consider hunting you down when you don’t pay.

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Are you saying Aiko and gankers in general are toothless lions or something? :thinking:

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