On the Reality of Mining Permits

He is just yapping

Yaps more since divorcing his cat.


We are stating that it is true that paying for a permit is up front as the cost is known.

What many fellow miners don’t realise is that they won’t be hunted down if they don’t pay.

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Gonna throw a spanner in the works when I start multibox ganking with my new alts. Though I do have Safety and the Princess Aiko corp set to not shoot at…so I guess that would honour their permits.


The permits are there so they won’t shoot you. :wink:

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They will definitely shoot me if I go ganking the people their permits protect. As it is I already ‘accidentally’ shot Aiko’s cargo ship and am only just out on parole.


As Altara really isn’t anything like as active any more…welcome to my new up and coming main. Still quite low SP, but getting there.

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Honestly the whole james315/code/killing stuff that isnt dropping loot is a bit weird to me… having said that though its been a part of new eden now for a long time and is unlikely to go away… i mean if they actually introduced a good working wardeck system or sites with rights for pvp in hs maybe but i digress…

It is and has been a part of highsec for a long time, if the game world is supposed to be ran by players (its an npc world so that will never be true really) then yes mining permits should probably be a thing… but i feel CODE and all the spam that comes with it should be introduced into missions specifically mining ones and permits through a contract system (maybe a medal type thing) may prove amusing.

Id really like to see code in missions tbvh, it just sort of makes sense; you have actual pirates/menaces to society in eve why cant the npc world tie in with the player world?

But this is c&p so the question is rhetorical?

Aslo could i buy some crayons…?

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No more weird than the idea of only killing stuff for loot is to me. I already have lots of ISK, and really, the only purpose of more ISK is more ships and the only purpose of more ships is more killing. So I just skip the middle bit as to me the kill itself is the most important part.


ibis and shuttles?

The point in pvp for me is the challenge, the hunt, outsmarting your foe by means of seperation or some sort of trap… range… slingshot… oh and just generally annoying nullblocs because they constantly whine about EVERYTHING being too hard for them…

But loot is also nice…

killing ventures or some such day in day out doesnt really hold any form of… anything for me…

I am challenged therefore i like challenges…

Wtaf is going on here though??
thats not a suicide gank surely??

i mean… thats piracy right? just outright killing people for no reason other than you can would be psyco…racy…?

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It’s a start. In fact I learned more about ship fitting from those kills than I did from 3 years of being an F1 monkey. What killboard doesn’t show is all the ones I missed that made me change my fittings. This char doesn’t have all that much SP as its the second char on an account where the main got most of the SP. Collectively my chars have 1300 killboard kills and 2.7 trillion worth of destruction. But I increasingly want to go solo.

It was flashy yellow so I shot it. I did not realise it was a ganker cargo ship. My multibox char has done ganking, this one hasn’t…yet.

But killing people to get loot is really no different at all, as the loot just pays for more ships to kill more people.

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bigger more expensive whelps :wink:

Fortunately for you, aswell as a doctor, Zaera is also an optician

Glasses - 1 billion ISK


Thankfully these new chat updates allow us to block “mining permit” from chat.

You require a mining permit - 1 billiion ISK + 20 million (2% tax)

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I don’t know whether things have changed, but I almost always offered Mining Permits post-gank, via email (better for miners, who sometimes struggle to follow real-time conversations - even if they’re not AFK), or via private convo. Discretion Assured, and all that… (Before they shove it front-and-centre in their Bio…)

Now I recall, I did offer Permits for sale in Local. The results were usually disappointing. There’s really no need to advertise Permits in this way now; everyone knows the score!

EDIT: You’ll probably have to play hunt the synonym; there are quite a few ways of indicating ‘Mining Permit’.

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The 2% service charge due to local ordinances.

Aww…well I’d pay it, but the 1 billion went towards Amarr Battlecruiser V. Us alts are always poor.

By the way…I didn’t waste the Navy Augorors. I realised they were really the wrong ship for the job, too expensive, and converted them to ganking Moas instead…which should have enough EHP to survive the gate guns and deliver some nice DPS. And just 20m ISK rather than 80. In action soon !


I just actively play the game, so no permits needed while watching Netflix.


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