On the Reality of Mining Permits

Agree to disagree then as I still think I didn’t make an error

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You did.

I suggest that you appologise immediately to SAFETY. , the true high sec gankers, and send Aiko sufficient compensation for your error.

And while you are at it, stop picking on goonswarm :rofl:


SAFETY are a bunch of cowards as well. I see no need to apologize to them, as I do not fly untanked Retrievers and that appears to be the only thing they pose a threat to


So you are a coward?

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You don’t fly untanked Retrievers in high sec lol, that’s just asking for trouble. Do you mind if I ask, are you quite new to the game? I would be more than happy to put you in touch with some alliances who can help you understand basic mechanics.

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Yes, can you help me plz?


My alliance doesn’t recruit new players, I would recommend you look at EVE Uni for that. They will show you the basics and give you a solid foundation on which to base your career in EVE. Good luck and have fun!

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I heard EvE Uni is a scam, can u recommend any other alliance?


Whoever told you that is winding you up. EVE Uni is a legitimate organization that goes back years.


Ok, well, I would be more comfortable if you recommend someone else, my grandma always said a man who only recommends one option is either a fool or a liar. Maybe you are part of the EvE Uni scam, so your endorsement is insufficient.


Ok we’ll leave it there, as I think you are maybe just looking for a reaction. Welcome to EVE all the same though and best of luck whichever group you decide to join!

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You guys have Carlos Warren all wrong. He might be a belligerent ass who doesn’t communicate well with people, but I’m still in awe of this guy from last year when he got all of nullsec frothing at the mouth for weeks just by blowing up a few cyno vigil ships at funerals. It was hilarious. Keep up the good work, Carlos.

Also, he’s not wrong about EVE Uni. You could give it a try, Aiko. You might learn some stuff. Or corrupt the morals of the youth. Either way, could be fun.

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Actually am new aswell.

Do you have any tips on how to fly a Mobile Tractor Unit?

And could you send me , I dunno, 1 billion ISK to replace the last one? Some tool from The Sound of Thunder Alliance called Carlos Warren, blew up my last one.


Why should I? Does it affect you? In fact, I am simply being sincere. That I favour a formal style is largely the consequence of my striving for precision in pursuit of the avoidance of doubt.

You wrote ‘gankers’; you apparently intended ‘BLACKFLAG’. Had you been as diligent in the accurate relaying of facts as I have found it necessary to be in order to correct you, none of this need have been said.

You made an error; ‘BLACKFLAG’ is not a suicide-ganking organisation. Just admit it, and move on.


You need to tell princess that will cost a billion isk for the reference! As Joe Biden would say “Come on man”


He has no idea who the Princess is, her magnificence, or what a ganker is. The state of Gallente education is shocking.

1 billion fine for ignorance


The gankee actually has the full power and DPS of invincible Concord behind him…so all this ’ unarmed ships ’ stuff is nonsense. Concord acts as his DPS. Where else in the game do people take on an invincible force ? This means gankers have to score…and get it right first time. There is no room for error. Anyone who’s actually swooped in with a gank fleet ( I have ) knows it is a heart pounding moment.



I am not satisfied with the direction this thread is taking.

There actually was a real topic for it.
And now it is on the way to become just another ‘gankers are mean’-thread.

I wish that the lot of you (except Aiko of course) make up your minds and make this a great thread.
can’t be that hard to stay on topic, damnit!

Now carry this over to everyday life. Don’t you think it would be boring if in every conversation you had to stay on topic, no humor, no disagreement, no mischief, no GIFS, no fun?.

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